Howard Dunn


La gota de agua
Background Designer
Donald gets off the bus and heads home hoping to get a good night's sleep. At first, his plans for rest are disturbed by an open window shade which lets light from a flashing sign in. After that problem is dealt with, Donald is kept awake by a persistently dripping faucet. Donald tries to ignore it but after a while, it becomes aggravating to put it mildly. Donald makes several attempts to stop the dripping and finally at least is able to keep it under control via a Rube Goldberg contraption. At this point, Donald receives a call from his water company telling him he hasn't paid his water bill so they're cutting off his water!
They're Off
Background Designer
At the race track, various spectators (all Goofy lookalikes) are playing the ponies. A posh rich Goofy bets on the equally posh Snapshot III while another more common looking Goofy bets on the bedraggled Old Moe. When the race begins, Snapshot and the rider are so overconfident they wait a few minutes after the race has begun to start running. When they finally do get going, Snapshot is not above stooping to dirty tricks such as tripping and biting the other horses. Sadly, Snapshot's vanity is what costs him winning the race (he stops to pose for the photo finish) and Old Moe is declared the winner.
Espacios abiertos
Background Designer
‎Donald está viajando por el campo y decide descansar por la noche. Se niega a quedarse en el motel debido a su precio, por lo que establece un campamento en un área boscosa. Primero tiene problemas para inflar el colchón de aire, luego por una roca problemática, y finalmente después de que el colchón de aire explote, se desinfla enviando a Donald por el el aire.
Perro al rescate
Background Designer
The snow covered mountains; but not to worry, rescue dog Pluto is on duty. Actually, given that he barely keeps himself safe, maybe you should worry. A playful seal keeps stealing his cask of grog.
Lighthouse Keeping
Background Designer
‎Donald es un farero. Él ilumina a un pelícano dormido pero el pájaro se enoja y entra en el faro a tratar de apagar la luz.
Recién pintado
Background Designer
‎Donald vuelve a pintar su auto y un pájaro cae sobre él. En el caos que sigue, el automóvil termina cubierto con huellas de manos, manchado de una docena de colores diferentes, despojado de pintura y cubierto con el relleno de los asientos para que se parezca a un perro pastor.‎
El reloj
Background Designer
Donald takes a job as a gift wrapper in a department store.