Don Towsley

Nacimiento : 1912-05-11, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Muerte : 1986-11-25


Towsley was mostly a Donald Duck animator, but he also worked on some of the early Disney features such as Pinocchio, Fantasia and Dumbo. He created the most dynamic model sheets like the one above for Disney stars like Donald, Mickey and Goofy. His short film credits start with the 1934 Two-Gun Mickey and end with 1948 Drip Dippy Donald. Towsley went on to work for other studios in Hollywood as an animator and director. -


Tom and Jerry's Winter Wackiness
Tom and Jerry's Winter Wackiness movie was released Oct 01, 2013 by the Turner Home Entertainment (T.H.E.) studio. Come in from the cold with Tom and Jerry! The holidays are here! Celebrate the season with Tom and Jerry in these seven cartoon adventures that will battle away your winter blues. Tom and Jerry's Winter Wackiness movie One good chase deserves another, and lots of friends join the fun, whether it's Spike on a sled, a giant abominable snow mouse or a St. Tom and Jerry's Winter Wackiness video Bernard to the rescue with some hearty spirits. Tom and Jerry's Winter Wackiness film No matter how many new friends they make, Tom and Jerry will always be best buddies... but even better enemies. Tom and Jerry's Winter Wackiness review Snuggle up for a snowstorm of fun for the entire family!
The Night Before Christmas
Fictionalized account of how Clement C. Moore came to write "A Visit from St. Nicholas." His young daughter, stricken with pneumonia, asks for a Santa Claus story for Christmas. No such story had been written, so Moore writes his famous poem, set to Ken Darby's music and sung by The Norman Luboff Choir.
The Bear That Wasn't
A bear settles down for his long winter nap, and while he sleeps the progress of man continues. He wakes up to find himself in the middle of an industrial complex where nobody believes he's a bear.
Cat and Dupli-cat
Tom is on the canals of Venice, singing opera. He ends up on a cruise ship, where another cat tricks him out of Jerry (who Tom has just caught), then mirrors his every move. Eventually the cats start chasing each other.
Love Me, Love My Mouse
Tom is wooing Toots; he presents her with a present - Jerry. But Toots would rather play mother to Jerry than eat him, much to Tom's annoyance.
Duel Personality
Each having submitted his challenge card to the other, Tom and Jerry meet in a field to duel, using as weapons swords, pistols, bows and arrows, cannons and slingshots.
Of Feline Bondage
Tom chases Jerry around a pool hall. Jerry's fairy godmouse arrives, and Jerry tells the story; she gives him an invisibility potion. Jerry uses this to do some creative barbering on Tom, but when the potion wears off, Tom gets his revenge, and they both have a good laugh.
Of Feline Bondage
Tom chases Jerry around a pool hall. Jerry's fairy godmouse arrives, and Jerry tells the story; she gives him an invisibility potion. Jerry uses this to do some creative barbering on Tom, but when the potion wears off, Tom gets his revenge, and they both have a good laugh.
Tom-ic Energy
Essentially one long chase scene, in an urban setting; at the end, a dog joins in, to Jerry's annoyance.
Ah, Sweet Mouse-Story Of Life
Tom chases Jerry around a high-rise apartment, and then around the ledge surrounding the building. They torment each other with a compressed air horn. Jerry goes down a drainpipe and Tom follows, stretching himself the length of the pipe (and getting unstuck with help from the air horn).
The Unshrinkable Jerry Mouse
Tom enjoys the role of top cat until an adorable red-and-white-haired kitten is brought into the house of a young blonde woman.
Much Ado About Mousing
When a bulldog tells Jerry to "just whistle" any time that he needs him, Tom's in for big trouble until he puts earmuffs on the mutt.
Is There a Doctor in the Mouse?
Jerry mixes and drinks a high-acceleration potion which renders him so fast that he eats all of Tom's food before the bewildered cat can even see him.
Talking of Tomorrow
Short animated film produced by Bell Labs.
La gota de agua
Donald gets off the bus and heads home hoping to get a good night's sleep. At first, his plans for rest are disturbed by an open window shade which lets light from a flashing sign in. After that problem is dealt with, Donald is kept awake by a persistently dripping faucet. Donald tries to ignore it but after a while, it becomes aggravating to put it mildly. Donald makes several attempts to stop the dripping and finally at least is able to keep it under control via a Rube Goldberg contraption. At this point, Donald receives a call from his water company telling him he hasn't paid his water bill so they're cutting off his water!
Espacios abiertos
‎Donald está viajando por el campo y decide descansar por la noche. Se niega a quedarse en el motel debido a su precio, por lo que establece un campamento en un área boscosa. Primero tiene problemas para inflar el colchón de aire, luego por una roca problemática, y finalmente después de que el colchón de aire explote, se desinfla enviando a Donald por el el aire.
Crazy with the Heat
‎Donald y Goofy van conduciendo a través del desierto del Sahara. El coche se queda sin gasolina y comienzan a caminar. En poco tiempo, se quedan sin agua y empiezan a ver espejismos de fuentes de soda e icebergs.
El dilema de Donald
‎Donald y Daisy están caminando cuando Donald es golpeado por una maceta. Por este golpe, se cree convencido de que es un cantante famoso, y canta divinamente, pero no reconoce a Daisy.
Donald se va a dormir
‎El Pato Donald sufre de sonambulismo. En este estado inocente hace una llamada nocturna a Daisy's, como si fuera el momento de su cita romántica; sabiendo que uno no debe despertar o contradecir a un sonámbulo, ella sigue el juego, pero le resulta cada vez más difícil seguir a Donald y evitar que se haga daño.
La campaña tonta de Yukón
‎Una escena nevada; A Daisy le gustaría un abrigo de piel, por lo que Donald le arranca un oso bebé a su madre dormida. Pero la madre despierta y rastrea a Donald (y a su bebé). Donald usa su propio abrigo de piel para disfrazarse de cachorro de oso. El cachorro real regresa, y Donald parece que podría estar en problemas, pero un frasco de miel lo convierte en el mejor amigo del oso.‎
Recién pintado
‎Donald vuelve a pintar su auto y un pájaro cae sobre él. En el caos que sigue, el automóvil termina cubierto con huellas de manos, manchado de una docena de colores diferentes, despojado de pintura y cubierto con el relleno de los asientos para que se parezca a un perro pastor.‎
El problema doble de Donald
Daisy tells Donald he has to improve his English and manners before she'll see him again. Fortunately, an exact double with an English accent, clear speech, and impeccable manners happens by. Donald talks him into posing as Donald, but grows increasingly jealous as Daisy hugs and kisses the stranger.
Old Sequoia
‎Donald es un guarda forestal asignado a proteger el árbol gigante "Old Sequoia" de un par de castores que tienen un parecido sorprendente en sus tácticas y discurso a Chip & Chop.‎
Cured Duck
‎Donald visita a Daisy. Cuando no puede abrir una ventana, se pone furioso y prácticamente destruye su casa. Ella no lo volverá a verle hasta que modere ese temperamento.
El crimen de Donald
On the night he promised to take his girl-friend Daisy out, Donald Duck discovers he's skinned. Desperate for spending money, he gets it in the last place he knows: his three nephews' piggy bank. After the wild clubbing night, she thanks the 'rich' big spender, which only makes Donald remember how penniless and guilty he is. Images of merciless pursuit by the police and rotting jail finish him off, so he takes a dish washing job, all night, but will that make everything all-right?
El reloj
Donald takes a job as a gift wrapper in a department store.
El inventor del plástico
Donald is listening to a radio program that tells how to build an airplane from plastic, in a process much like baking a cake, cookies, and making toast. He takes it out for a test flight, still guided by the radio, and it works wonderfully. Until the radio interviewer asks if there's any problems: yes, it melts when it gets wet. Of course, Donald instantly flies into a rain cloud, and has to battle his plane as it disintegrates.
El Pato Donald: Parches para ruedas
Donald conduce demasiado deprisa y pincha una rueda. Por supuesto, tratándose de él, cambiarla no será una operación sencilla. Primero debe pelearse con el gato, luego con un neumático demasiado parcheado, luego con el adhesivo del parche, luego el tapacubos, luego volver a colocarlo todo junto... y cuando acaba, los problemas no han hecho más que empezar.
Fuerzas aéreas
Donald is stuck on KP at an air training base. Sergeant Pete gives him a huge pile of potatoes to peel first, then gives him some tests: close your eyes and touch fingers, pin the tail on the airplane. He finally gets sent aloft, only to discover it's a parachute jump. Eventually, both Donald and Pete end up falling with no chutes and a bomb.
Pato Donald: El amor es cosa de dos
La frustración de Donald es llevada al límite cuando intenta cortejar a Daisy sin que sus sobrinos lo interrumpan.
Un anciano llamado Geppetto fabrica una marioneta de madera a la que llama Pinocho, con la esperanza de que se convierta en un niño de verdad. El Hada Azul hace realidad su deseo y da vida a Pinocho, pero conserva su cuerpo de madera. Pepito Grillo, la conciencia de Pinocho, tendrá que aconsejarlo para que se aleje de las situaciones difíciles o peligrosas hasta conseguir que el muñeco se convierta en un niño de carne y hueso.
El Pato Donald: Gus, el primo de Donald
El primo Gus aparece sin previo aviso en casa de Donald.
El Pato Donald: Campeón de hockey
Donald enseña a sus sobrinos los golpes que le hicieron ganar un trofeo jugando al hockey, pero los sobrinos tienen sus propios golpes...
El Pato Donald: El día de suerte de Donald
El Pato Donald, repartidor, es contratado para entregar un paquete misterioso en viernes 13. Le molesta un gato negro latoso, y el hecho de que el paquete parece contener una bomba... tic tac tic tac.
El Pato Donald: El partido de Golf de Donald
Donald se va a jugar al golf con sus sobrinos a un campo cerca de la playa. Para lograr concentrarse, insiste en tener silencio absoluto, incluso le molestan los cantos de los pájaros.
El Pato Donald: Los sobrinos de Donald
Della Pato, la hermana de Donald, manda a sus tres hijos Juanito, Jaimito y Jorgito a visitar a su tío..
El Pato Donald: Lo mejor de Donald
Donald está dividido entre hacerle caso a sus lados de ángel o demonio, aunque en el caso de Donald, el lado del diablo no es difícil de resistir.
Día de mudanza
Donald y Mickey están atrasados en su alquiler, por lo que el sheriff se está preparando para desalojarlos y vender sus pertenencias. Goofy el hombre de hielo viene y los ayuda a salir antes de la venta, pero su piano no quiere quedarse en su camión. Mientras tanto, Donald tiene una pelea con un émbolo y una pecera después de retirar un calentador de la línea de gas.
Sobre hielo
Mickey intenta sorprender a Minnie con sus dotes de patinador, mientras Goofy trata de pescar en el hielo y Donald pone patines a Pluto.
El carnaval de las galletas
Cookies, pastries, and other desserts have a parade.
Mickey Mouse: El taller de Mickey
Mickey, Goofy y Donald tienen 10 minutos para arreglar el coche de Pete si no quieren buscarse un buen problema.
Mickey Mouse: Mickey con dos pistolas
Minnie es molestada por Pete. Por suerte para ella, Mickey, un vaquero solitario, está por el lugar para ayudarla a salir del apuro.