Carmen Aristegui


Silencio radio
Mexico, March 2015. Carmen Aristegui, incorruptible journalist, has been fired from the radio station where she has worked for years. Supported by more than 18 million listeners, Carmen continues her fight. Her goal: raising awareness and fighting against misinformation. The film tells the story of this quest: difficult and dangerous, but essential to the health of democracy. A story in which resistance becomes a form of survival.
No se mata la verdad
Tras sufrir un secuestro en Siria y la ejecución de un compañero, el corresponsal de guerra Témoris Grecko regresa a un México sumido en la violencia y hace la crónica de los tres años más sangrientos para los periodistas en el país, de 2015 a 2017.
Bajo el mismo sol
When victims who have suffered those crimes, turn to justice in order to reconstruct their lives and their dignity, they are invariably confronted with a complex framework of political and economic interests operating against them, generating oftentimes insurmountable obstacles. In their efforts, they discover that principles such as Universal Justice may be their only path to overcome these obstacles or to accelerate judicial processes. The story repeats itself at different moments, in different places around the globe, under the same sun.