Script Supervisor
A desperate doctor locks down South Union Cardiac Hospital to keep the greatest discovery in human history to himself, while a young intern races to save a dying young dancer, his ex-girlfriend, and his best friend, and stop his mentor.
Script Supervisor
Jay, de 18 años, tiene su primer encuentro sexual con su novio en la parte trasera del coche. Tras el hecho, aparentemente inocente, la situación se pone algo tensa cuando su novio hace que ella se desmaye aplicándole cloroformo. Al despertar, el novio le explica que lo hizo para ahuyentar a una serie de espíritus que lo acosan. A partir de ese momento, es Jay quien sufrirá las consecuencias de ese acoso, encontrándose sumergida en visiones y pesadillas; teniendo la sensación de que alguien o algo la observa.
Costume Supervisor
Durante la Guerra de Secesión, Sarabeth espera junto a su hija a que su marido regrese del frente. Un día encuentran a un yanki malherido y mientras lo curan van descubriendo que bajo el uniforme enemigo hay un buen hombre.
Script Supervisor
Twelve individuals who think they are competing for a million dollars on a New Reality TV Show are drugged, beaten, trapped and chained in a chamber room far below the earth buried under the ashes of a slaughterhouse that burned to the ground in the 1930s. When the chamber doors open, the twelve contestants are soon faced with their worst fears when they realize that they have not just been kidnapped but that they are being used in the Devils Ritual held by his Fallen Angels, the Guardians Waylon Reavis and Jeff Hatrix who brutally torture and dismember their victims one by one, using their bodies to create an altar for the Devil to open the gates and unleash hell on earth by the date 12-21-2012.