Eric Mayne

Eric Mayne

Nacimiento : 1865-04-28, Dublin, Ireland, UK [now Republic of Ireland]

Muerte : 1947-02-09


Eric Mayne


Amor sublime
Doctor (uncredited)
Biografía sobre la enfermera Elisabeth Kenny, que consiguió notoriedad por sus revolucionarios tratamientos para la parálisis infantil tras su experiencia en los campos australianos con pacientes con polio.
Man in Library (uncredited)
Un marino mercante que lleva una vida bastante despreocupada se enamora de una dulce y sumisa bibliotecaria, pero muy pronto se da cuenta de que no puede seguir con ella porque su vida es el mar.
The Great American Mug
Banker (uncredited)
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short takes a look at the typical American barbershop throughout the years.
The Crime Doctor's Warning
Cafe Patron (uncredited)
A criminal psychologist treats an artist whose blackouts coincide with a series of murders.
El caso de los dedos cortados
Member of Mesmer Club (uncredited)
Sherlock Holmes y el Dr. Watson investigan el caso de un asesino en serie que mutila el dedo índice a todas sus víctimas.
Noche en el alma
Nightclub Guest (uncredited)
El doctor Hunt Bailey conoce a una extraña mujer durante un viaje en tren. Bailey, a pesar del halo de misterio que rodea a Alida Bederaux, queda prendado por su belleza y a través de un amigo logra entrar en su círculo privado. Alida es la esposa de Nick Bederaux, un conocido filántropo que al conocer la profesión de Bailey, le pedirá que demuestre que su mujer está loca. Pero cuando Bailey empieza a profundizar en el entramado pasado de los Bederaux, con varias muertes relacionadas con la familia, comienza a dudar sobre quien está realmente loco. (FILMAFFINITY)
El Climax
Audience Member (Uncredited)
El Dr. Hohner (Karloff), médico del teatro en el Teatro Real de Viena, asesina a su amante, la estrella soprano cuando sus celos lo llevan al punto de la loca obsesión. Diez años más tarde, otro joven cantante (Foster) le recuerda a Hohner a la difunta diva, y su vieja manía comienza. Hohner quiere evitar que cante para alguien que no sea él, incluso si eso significa silenciarla para siempre. La novia de la cantante (Bey) se apresura a salvarla en el clímax de la película.
La chica del gobierno
Party Guest (uncredited)
En plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, un fabricante de coches intenta construir aviones en Washington. Por suerte, o no, encuentra una secretaria que sabe desenvolverse en el laberinto político de la capital... y algunas cosas más.
La ninfa constante
General Saunders
Una inocente muchacha se enamora locamente de un músico que no está interesado por ella.
Heavenly Music
Bandleader/singer/songwriter Ted Barry arrives to heaven. The receptionist tells him that before he can take his place in the Hall of Music, a committee must review his work and decide whether he is worthy of admittance.
Hubo una luna de miel
Curious Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Katie O'Hara, una ex bailarina de cabaret norteamericana, después de casarse con el barón Von Luber, va a pasar su luna de miel en Europa. Con ellos viaja Pat O'Toole, un locutor de radio que colabora con los servicios secretos americanos, y que intenta convencer a Katie de que su marido es un nazi muy importante. De hecho, cada país que visitan los recién casados (Checoslovaquia, Polonia, Francia) es inmediatamente invadido por las tropas alemanas. Al final, Katie no sólo se convence, sino que se enamora de O'Toole y, además, en París, ejerce de espía y consigue obtener una valiosa información de Von Luber.
Gentleman Jim
Olympic Club Member (uncredited)
Biografía del campeón de boxeo James J. Corbett. Conocido como 'Gentleman Jim', Corbett se convirtió en el primer campeón del mundo de los pesos pesados en 1892, cuando derrotó a John L. Sullivan, tras la entrada en vigor de las llamadas reglas de Queensberry, que exigían la utilización de unos guantes hinchados para proteger los nudillos, un cuadrilátero con unas medidas determinadas y establecían la duración del combate... En Estados Unidos obtuvo excelentes críticas.
Su última danza
Nightclub Patron (Uncredited)
Pinks es un hombre humilde, todo corazón, que vive única y exclusivamente para complacer a la mujer de la que está locamente enamorado. Sin embargo, ella está tan acostumbrada al lujo que es incapaz de agradecer los desesperados esfuerzos que él hace por ella.
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Después de sufrir un periodo de amnesia, un diplomático (William Powell), es acosado por un extorsionador que lo amenaza con revelar su pasado como maleante.
En el viejo California
Tom Craig (John Wayne) llega a Sacramento (California) con el fin de establecer allí una farmacia. Pero la ciudad está dominada por Britt Dawson (Albert Dekker), y muy pronto estallará la guerra entre ambos.
El macho
Football Game Spectator (uncredited)
Los miembros del Consejo Rector de la Universidad Midwestern han expulsado a tres profesores por sospechar que puedan ser comunistas. El consejero Ed Keller (Eugene Pallette) también ha amenazado con la expulsión a Tommy Turner (Henry Fonda), el profesor de literatura, que tiene previsto leer en su clase un texto que puede resultar sospechoso. Pero no es eso lo que más molesta al profesor Turner, sino el hecho de que su propia esposa, Ellen (Olivia De Havilland) también opine que no debe de leer el controvertido texto. Mientras tanto, Joe Ferguson (Jack Carson), un antiguo novio de Ellen se ha presentado a hacerles una visita durante el fin de semana, lo que ha causado cierta preocupación a Tommy...
Murieron con las botas puestas
Congressman (uncredited)
George Custer (Errol Flynn) llega a la Academia de West Point lleno de arrogancia y vanidad. Su carácter indisciplinado le ocasionará numerosos problemas con sus superiores. A pesar de todo, y debido a la acuciante necesidad de oficiales para la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865), es enviado al frente. Terminada la guerra, se casa con Beth (Olivia de Havilland), pero pronto le asignan un nuevo destino: la guerra contra los indios. Al frente del Séptimo de Caballería, el Teniente Coronel Custer se enfrentará a los indios de Caballo Loco. La campaña termina con la famosa batalla de Little Big Horn (Montana, 1876).
Murder by Invitation
Alienist (Uncredited)
The relatives of a rich old woman unsuccessfully try to have her declared insane, so they can divide up her money. To show them that there are no hard feelings, she invites them to her estate for the weekend so she can decide to whom she actually will leave her money when she dies. Soon, however, family members begin turning up dead.
They Dare Not Love
Cafe Patron
Durante la huida que emprende un grupo de personas tras la invasión de las tropas alemanas, el príncipe austriaco Kurt von Rotenberg se enamora de Marta Keller. Al ser descubiertos por los nazis en Checoslovaquia, Von Rotenberg decide entregarse a cambio de que liberen a cuatro detenidos, entre ellos el novio de Marta. (FILMAFFINITY)
Camino de Santa Fe
Train Passenger (uncredited)
Como castigo por una pelea con sus compañeros días antes de graduarse en West Point, Jeb Stuart, George Armstrong Custer y cuatro amigos más, son destinados al Segundo de Caballería, estacionado en Fort Leavenworth. Durante su estancia allí, deberán participar en la captura y ejecución del abolicionista, John Brown, tras la Batalla de Harper Ferry.
El hijo de Montecristo
Wedding Guest (Uncredited)
La Gran Duquesa se dirige a París para conseguir ayuda de Napoleón. El General Gurko Lanen está intentando hacerse con el control de su país y envía a las tropas tras la Duquesa para evitar que llegue hasta él. Gurko fuerza a La Duquesa a un matrimonio de conveniencia. Ya en el altar, Edmund Dantes reaparece lanzándose sobre Gurko, al no estar de acuerdo con dicho matrimonio.
Historias de Filadelfia
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Historias de Filadelfia es una comedia protagonizada por Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn y James Stewart. Tracy Lord (Katherine Hepburn) es idolatrada por todo el mundo y debe mantener a su siniestro ex-marido, un periodista alcohólico, y su futuro marido contentos.
Cafe Patron (uncredited)
Para evitar un matrimonio arreglado con un hombre al que no quiere, Sara Millick huye a Viena con su profesor de música, Carl Linden, a quien ella ama. Carl escribe una opereta y trata de conseguir un productor pero en su camino aparece el Barón Von Tranisch.
Spring Parade
In this light and lovely romantic musical, a Hungarian woman attends a Viennese fair and buys a card from a gypsy fortune teller. It says that she will meet someone important and is destined for a happy marriage. Afterward she gets a job as a baker's assistant. She then meets a handsome army drummer who secretly dreams of becoming a famous composer and conductor. Unfortunately the military forbids the young corporal to create his own music. But then Ilonka secretly sends one of the drummer's waltzes to the Austrian Emperor with his weekly order of pastries. Her act paves the way toward the tuneful and joyous fulfillment of the gypsy's prediction.
Ciudad de conquista
Concert Spectator (uncredited)
Nueva York. Un camionero (James Cagney) decide hacerse boxeador para ayudar a su hermano que se dedica a la música (Arthur Kennedy), pero a un gángster sin escrúpulos no le gustará la idea.
Enviado especial
Luncheon Guest (uncredited)
Poco antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un corresponsal americano enviado a Europa se ve envuelto en la lucha contra el fascismo durante la investigación del secuestro de un diplomático holandés. Se trata de un alegato en favor de la intervención de los americanos en la guerra. Fue propuesta como candidata a seis Óscar -incluyendo mejor película-, pero no consiguó ninguno.
La venganza de Frank James
Saloon Patron (uncredited)
Cuando los periódicos publican la noticia del asesinato de Jesse James, su hermano Frank, que desde hace años vive con una identidad falsa (Ben Wooden), decide abandonar su pacífica vida de granjero para vengar su muerte.
El cielo y tú
Member of the Court (uncredited)
París, 1840. Una institutriz mantiene una escandalosa relación con un noble. Cuando la mujer de él aparece muerta, ambos se convierten en los principales sospechosos.
De nuevo el amor
Party Guest (uncredited)
Comedia donde una estudiante de violín con problemas económicos para seguir su aprendizaje recibe una sorpresa cuando un donante anónimo le consigue un contrato para grabar un disco.
Court Magistrate
A murdered man helps his widow bring his killer to justice.
Edison, el hombre
Party Guest
Mediante flashback, un Edison de 82 años narra su vida desde su llegada a Nueva York con 22 años, cuando ya empezó a hacer sus pinitos en el mundo de la invención.
Caballero sin espada
Man in Senate Building (uncredited)
Jefferson Smith, un joven ingenuo e idealista, que parece fácilmente manipulable, es nombrado senador. Ignora que en Washington tendrá que vérselas con políticos y empresarios sin escrúpulos que le harán perder la fe. Sin embargo, gracias a su secretaria, una joven que conoce muy bien los entresijos de la política, protagoniza en el Senado una espectacular y maratoniana intervención en la que, además de defender apasionadamente la democracia, pone en evidencia una importante trama de corrupción.
They Shall Have Music
Man in Concert Audience
The future is bleak for a troubled boy from a broken home in the slums. He runs away when his step father breaks his violin, ending up sleeping in the basement of a music school for poor children.
La dama de los trópicos
Restaurant Patron
Bill Carey es un joven buscavidas que llega a Saigón en un yate propiedad de un millonario norteamericano. Pronto conoce a la exótica mestiza Manon De Vargnes, de la que queda totalmente prendado. Ésta, inicialmente, ve a Bill como una oportunidad para salir de Saigón y cumplir su sueño de llegar a París, lo que provoca que rompa su noviazgo con un noble rico de Asia.
Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation
Museum Exhibit Attendee (uncredited)
Mr. Moto is in Egypt to thwart a criminal mastermind determined to steal the priceless crown of the Queen of Sheba. When the precious treasure is transported to America, Mr. Moto must race against time to unmask the cunning thief who will stop at nothing—not even murder—to get what he wants.
The Story of Alfred Nobel
Doctor (uncredited)
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short tells the story of Alfred Nobel, who invented dynamite, and later established the Nobel Prize.
A mí no me engaña nadie
Wedding Guest
El señor Whipsnade dirige un circo de mala muerte y vive abrumado por las deudas. Además, los artistas sólo le crean problemas, y sólo puede permitirse enviar a sus hijos a un colegio pésimo. Su hija Vicky rechaza a un pretendiente fastidioso pero muy rico. Sin embargo, cuando se entera de las graves dificultades económicas de su padre cambia de idea.
If I Were King
Court Member
King Louis XI masquerades as a commoner in Paris, seeking out the treachery he is sure lurks in his kingdom. At a local tavern, he overhears the brash poet François Villon extolling why he would be a better king. Annoyed yet intrigued, the King bestows on Villon the title of Grand Constable. Soon Villon begins work and falls for a lovely lady-in-waiting, but then must flee execution when the King turns on him.
Gold Diggers in Paris
When the representative of the Paris International Dance Exposition arrives in New York to invite the Academy Ballet of America to compete for monetary prizes, the taxi driver mistakenly brings him to the Club Ballé, a nightclub on the brink of declaring bankruptcy. The owners, Terry Moore and Duke Dennis, jump at the chance to go, despite being aware of the mistake. They hire ballet teacher, Luis Leoni, and his only pupil, Kay Morrow, to join the group, hoping to teach their two dozen show girls ballet en route to Paris by ship. Also going along and rooming with Kay is Mona, Terry's ex-wife, who wants to keep an eye on her alimony checks. Naturally, Kay and Terry fall in love.
Vivir para gozar
Adaptación de una obra de Broadway. Johnny Case (Cary Grant), un hombre poco convencional, se enamora de Julia Seton (Doris Nolan), una chica de buena familia; así que debe adaptarse a la alta sociedad neoyorquina. Además, su novia quiere que trabaje en el banco de su padre, actividad incompatible con su carácter. Sólo Linda (Katharine Hepburn), la vivaz hermana de Julia, es capaz de comprender que Case desee vivir una vida diferente.
Una nación en marcha
Minor Role
Historia sobre el desarrollo de las comunicaciones terrestres en los EE.UU. durante su rápida expansión en el siglo XIX. La película se centra en la vida de Ramsey McCay, empleado de la recién creada asociación entre Henry Wells y William Fargo, y de cómo gracias a su especial dedicación, la Wells-Fargo llega a convertirse en una gran empresa de correos y transporte de mercancías hacia el Oeste, presente en los mayores acontecimientos de la época.
The Bride Wore Red
Cosmos Club Patron (uncredited)
A poor singer in a bar masquerades as a rich society woman thanks to a rich benefactor.
Carnival in Paris
Egyptologist (uncredited)
In this short, the janitor of a Paris museum's Egyptology department agrees to help a girl hide from the police.
Train Passenger
Two reporters pose as man and wife in order to get the goods on a munitions supplier and the rumours of war in Europe.
The Last of Mrs. Cheyney
Man at Auction (uncredited)
A chic jewel thief in England falls in love with one of her marks.
Champagne Waltz
n Vienna, a new jazz club featuring American trumpeter Buzzy Bellew threatens the existence of its neighbor, the Waltz Palace, run by Franz Strauss and featuring his granddaughter, singer Elsa. Smitten by Elsa, Buzzy hides his identity and association with the club -- whose owner intends to buy out the Palace property. When Elsa accidentally learns who Buzzy really is, it appears he may have to return to America alone.
One Rainy Afternoon
Judge (Uncredited)
Suave French actor Philippe Martin provokes a scandal when, in a darkened theater, he mistakes young Monique for his mistress, Yvonne, and tries to kiss her. Charged with assault, the quick-thinking Philippe claims it's French tradition to do as he did, and is let go. To his surprise, Philippe learns that Monique has paid his fine. As the tabloids exploit the situation, Monique dates Philippe, until a photo appears of him kissing Yvonne.
Give Us This Night
After being introduced to the world of opera, a fisherman (Jan Kiepura) falls for a woman (Swarthout) whose guardian is a noted composer (Philip Merivale). They met when the fisherman evaded the police by seeking refuge in the village church. While there, they are each captivated by hearing the other singing Mass. The beautiful woman falls in love with the fisherman with the wonderful voice.
The Call of the Savage
Doctor at Conference
Two competing teams of scientists search the African jungles for a secret formula.
The Drunkard
Artie Rencelaw
An unscrupulous lawyer uses alcohol to swindle an innocent family.
The Florentine Dagger
Bidder at Auction (uncredited)
A playwright descended from the Borgias family becomes a murder suspect.
A Shot in the Dark
Professor at Service (Uncredited)
An amateur sleuth solves three murders at his son's New England college.
La viuda alegre
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Sonia es una viuda, inmensamente rica, de Marshovia, pequeño país centro europeo del que controla la mitad de la riqueza. El país depende de que ella gaste su dinero en él, así que, cuando se traslada a París porque no logra encontrar marido, el rey envía al Conde Danilo a cortejarla y traerla de vuelta. Si no lo consigue, se le formará consejo de guerra.
Una noche de amor
One of Lally's Escorts
Mary quiere convertirse en cantante de ópera y empieza a recibir clases del maestro Guilio Monteverdi. Poco a poco ambos se irán enamorando. (FILMAFFINITY)
Soup and Fish
Man receiving electric permanent / Fainting Dinner Guest (uncredited)
At a ritzy beauty salon, while a mud pack is on her face, a wealthy socialite invites Thelma and Patsy, two salon attendants, to a party, mistakenly thinking they are social acquaintances whom she wants to entertain a visiting count. Just before our working-class pair arrives at the party, the hostess is called away to see to an ill dog. Thelma tries to behave in a refined way, but Patsy, with a head full of practical jokes and a bra filled with trick gadgets, turns the party on its head. The butler calls the hostess back to her home. Is Thelma and Patsy's moment in high society coming to a crashing end?
Sopa de ganso
Third Judge (uncredited)
Un imaginario país en bancarrota requiere el apoyo económico de una acaudalada viuda (Margaret Dumont) para salir adelante. Como condición para extender el financiamiento, la acreedora exige que el excéntrico Rufus T. Firefly (Groucho Marx) tome las riendas de la nación. Deseando sacar partida de la crisis, el ambicioso embajador de una potencia vecina (Louis Calhern) hará cuanto sea posible para desprestigiar al nuevo líder y para ello echará mano de dos inusuales espías (Harpo y Chico Marx).
I Loved a Woman
Foreign Diplomat (uncredited)
The son of a ruthless meatpacking king goes through a number of changes in ideals and motivations as he reluctantly inherits the mantle and falls in love.
Duro de pelar
Bedford College Dignitary (uncredited)
James Cagney interpreta a un agente de prensa que se convierte en promotor de un maratón de baile.
Rasputín y la Zarina
Aristocrat at Ball (uncredited)
El joven hijo del Zar Nicolás II es querido por los suyos y por el pueblo. Ahora bien, está aquejado de hemofilia. El sacerdote Rasputin, quien le salva de una grave herida ante la sorpresa de los impotentes médicos, se ganará la confianza de la Zarina.
Scarlet Dawn
Doctor (Uncredited)
During the Russian Revolution, a young nobleman and his peasant maid flee from their homeland to Constantinople where they marry and begin a challenging new life.
Rackety Rax
Dr. Vanderveer
Gambler/racketeer "Knucks" McGloin takes note of just how much money and action (aside from the game itself) takes place around and about the annual Rose Bowl football game, and decides this is one sweet proposition and could be even sweeter if one had his own college and football game and had a large say beforehand as to the outcome of any game this team had. So he ups and creates his own college---Carnasie after his own neighborhood. His gangster rival. Gilatti, thinks this give McGloin a definite inside advantage and, if there is one thing a gambler can't abide, it is that someone has an inside advantage and they are not that someone. Gilatti gets himself a college football team. Education marches on.
Big City Blues
Musician in Speakeasy (uncredited)
Tragicomedia que parte del convencional argumento del paleto de Indiana que hereda una gran fortuna y parte hacia la ciudad de Nueva York. Allí, y con los malos consejos de su primo, descubrirá la buena vida, las mujeres, las juergas con alcohol y, cómo no, los problemas cuando tras una descontrolada borrachera una muchacha aparece asesinada. Versión cinematográfica sobre la obra teatral de Ward Morehouse.
Gran Hotel
Gambler (uncredited)
Las diferentes historias de los huéspedes de un elegante hotel es el argumento de este film de brillante reparto. Obtuvo tan sólo un Oscar, pero fue el de mejor película.
El hombre y el monstruo
Lanyon's Associate at Lecture (uncredited)
Ante un auditorio científico el doctor Henry Jekyll expone su teoría de que el ser humano está dividido en dos personalidades, una positiva y otra negativa, y que ambas se pueden separar, pero no logra convencer a sus oyentes. Después de visitar a su prometida Muriel, y paseando con su amigo el doctor Lanyonal que intenta convencer de que su idea es viable, conoce a una joven artista de music-hall, Champagne Ivy. En su laboratorio Jekyll experimenta con una droga y se transforma en el señor Hyde y, bajo esta personalidad y por medio de amenazas, se convierte en amante de Ivy...
El doctor Arrowsmith
Dignitary at Luncheon (uncredited)
Martin Arrowsmith es un joven e idealista doctor que, tras graduarse, se ve obligado a renunciar a un puesto como investigador con el prestigioso Dr. Max Gottlieb para casarse con la enfermera Leora Tozer. Regresa a su hogar natal en el campo, estableciendo una pequeña consulta, y en su tiempo libre desarrollará un suero para detener una mortal plaga del ganado.
Embajador sin cartera
Dignitary at Court
Un embajador de Estados Unidos llega a un pequeño país que está siendo sacudido por intrigas políticas y disturbios civiles. Tiene la misión de hacerse amigo del niño que va a ser el rey del país, para garantizar que viva lo suficiente como para recibir la corona y que esté preparado para asumir el papel.
The Guardsman
Theatregoer (uncredited)
An acclaimed actor and his equally acclaimed actress wife, who have been married for less than a year, are already showing signs of strain in their marriage. The actor believes his wife is capable of infidelity and sets out to prove this is so. Disguising himself as the kind of man he believes she fancies (a Russian military officer), the actor woos his wife while she believes her husband to be out of town.
La calle
El escenario es una manzana anónima durante un verano sofocante, donde los residentes - italianos, judíos, suecos, alemanes e irlandeses- representan el no muy idealizado crisol de razas estadounidenses. Hay cháchara ociosa... chismorreos... celos... racismo... adulterio... y, de repente pero no inesperadamente, un asesinato.
An Austrian soldier must choose between a wealthy fiancee and a new girl who takes his fancy.
East Lynne
The refined Lady Isabel Carlisle, after leaving her family and enduring nearly a decade of hardships, learns that her son has fallen ill. Despite being nearly blinded as the result of an explosion, she returns home to see her son again.
The Unkissed Man
Gesto de hidalgo
Don Emilio
El descubrimiento de oro en California en el año 1848 provoca un éxodo masivo a la zona, convirtiéndose en caldo de cultivo para bandidos.
Legado trágico
Colonel of Legionnaires
Victor McLaglen, patriota irlandés exiliado, arriesga su vida en su regreso a Irlanda al ayudar a una joven pareja. Esta película supuso la primera aparición de John Wayne, quien interpreta a un entusiasmado espectador que derriba una cerca durante una carrera de caballos.
The Canyon of Adventure
Don Miguel Castanares
Steven Bancroft, a young officer in the U. S. Calvary, is given the assignment of ensuring that dirty-work by agents of Spain, Mexico or Russian aren't going to keep statehood-for-California from becoming a reality. Bancroft uses his guns to settle any debates regarding international laws.
What Women Did for Me
The Dean
A girl-shy professor runs into trouble at -- a ladies' seminary.
Married Alive
Dr. McMaster
James Duxbury (Lou Tellegen) is an exponent of polygamy, which may not be legal but certainly provides him with several evenings of entertainment. Professor Charles Orme (Matt Moore) falls in love with Duxbury's fourth wife Amy (Margaret Livingston). Things get dicey indeed as Orme tries to figure out whether Amy is still married to Duxbury or not -- in fact, Duxbury isn't sure either.
Driven from Home
A father throws his daughter out of the house when she marries a man he doesn't approve of. In addition, she also finds herself being lusted after by the sinister owner of an opium den.
Hearts and Spangles
Dr. Carris
Steve Carris, a medical student, is expelled from college, disowned by his father and joins a circus.
La hoja de trébol
Encontrándose en grandes dificultadas económicas, un viejo noble irlandés se ve obligado a vender parte de su cuadra a un americano que se lleva también a su mejor jinete. Durante una carrera el jinete sufre un accidente, y allí se reune con él su antiguo patrón, llevando asimismo a su hija y una yegua. Para resolver los problemas de la cuadra, inscriben a la yegua en una carrera importante (la montará la muchacha) y ganan el primer premio. Así pueden retornar los cuatro a Irlanda.
Transcontinental Limited
Dr. Voija Pourtalis
War veteran returns home to find his sweetheart totally upset. Her father will lose his sight unless she can get funds for an expensive procedure. He and some army mates hatch a plot. For the railway safe to be utilized. A rival though robs the safe and the money is taken by the pals. A train journey later involving high speed the money is needed before the rival can send the hero to prison.
Cyrus Braidwood
Cyrus Braidwood has a secret. His daughter Helen isn't actually his daughter--her father is a murderer, and Braidwood has been raising her as his own because he has her father's written confession hidden. One day her father manages to get ahold of the confession. Helen shows up at his apartment looking for it, which culminates in her and a young man she meets there being taken prisoner by a criminal gang.
El águila negra
Official Asking for Signature (uncredited)
Cuando Vladimir Dubrovsky rehúsa convertirse en amante de la zarina Catalina II, ésta, herida en su orgullo, lo acusa de ser un criminal y ordena que lo capturen vivo o muerto. Las propiedades de la familia Dubrovsky son inmediatamente confiscadas y entregadas a Kyrilla Troekouroff, un hombre cruel que provoca la muerte del padre de Vladimir. Cuando éste se entera, jura vengarse y, para ello, se oculta tras un antifaz negro y actúa con el apodo de Águila Negra. Para ejecutar su venganza, se disfraza de preceptor y entra en la casa de Troekouroff como profesor de francés de Mascha, la hija de su enemigo. Pero sus planes se tambalean cuando empieza a enamorarse de la joven.
Cyclone Cavalier
President Gonzales
Handsome action star Reed Howes, the former "Arrow Collar Man," starred in this low-budget silent melodrama as an adventuresome Yankee who saves the duly elected president of a South American republic from being overthrown by his unscrupulous secretary. Having fallen in love with Rosita Gonzales (Carmelita Geraghty), the daughter of the president of Costa Blanca, Ted Clayton accidentally overhears El Diablo (Jack Mower) discussing a scheme to illegally take control of the government.
Her Night of Romance
Dr. Scott
An impoverished British lord (Paul Menford) impersonates a doctor in order to woo an ailing American heiress (Dorothy Adams). The lord is in it for love, but his business associate (Joe Diamond) smells money.
His Forgotten Wife
French Major
During the World War, Donald Allen is reported killed in action but is really a victim of amnesia. His French nurse, Suzanne, gives him a new identity, and they marry.
The Goldfish
The Prince
A newly married husband and wife make an agreement that should either of them want to terminate their relationship then a bowl with goldfish would be presented to the other signalling the end of their marriage.
The Yankee Consul
Admiral Rutledge
A whale of a comedy thriller. It's a Niagra of roaring laughter Faster Than the Wind!
White Tiger
Party Host
Three crooks pull off a magnificent crime. As they're forced to hide out together they slowly begin to distrust each other.
The Drums of Jeopardy
Banker Burrows
The story centers around two small statuettes containing valuable emeralds, which are said to project a sinister influence on the possessor. The czar of Russia gives the statuettes to a grand duke, who, in turn, gives them to his secretary, John Hawksley. Hawksley sends them to America in a friend's possession and follows after.
The Extra Girl
Lion Film Director
Sue Graham is a small town girl who wants to be a motion picture star. She wins a contract when a picture of a very pretty girl is sent to a studio instead of her picture. When she arrives in Hollywood, the mistake is discovered and she starts working in the props department of the studio instead. Her parents then come out to California and invest some money with a very shifty individual.
Cameo Kirby
Colonel Randall
Acusado injustamente del asesinato del coronel John Randall, Cameo Kirby (Gilbert) debe encontrar al verdadedo criminal y limpiar su nombre antes de poder declararse a su amada Adele (Olmstead).
Human Wreckage
Dr. Blake
An attorney's wife is determined to fight the evils of addictive substances.
Prodigal Daughters
Dr. Marco Strong
Elinor "Swifty" Forbes and her younger sister Marjory are the carefree daughters of wealthy J. D. Forbes. Their mother shows no restraint over her daughters, so they live among the flapper set. Lester Hodges, a songwriter, is enamored of Marjory, while Garside, who runs a card room, is interested in Swifty. While gambling at Garside's place, Swifty meets Roger Corbin, who works as an engineer at her father's business. Corbin falls in love with Swifty. When Mr. Forbes protests against both his daughters' behavior, they move out. Marjory marries Hodges, but eventually leaves him and returns to her parents. Swifty, who has gambled herself into debt, agrees to marry Garside. But when the couple are together in a café, prohibition agents raid the place.
Don Diego Rodriguez
Hoping to consolidate their adjoining ranches, Don Fernando and Don Diego betroth their children, Ramón and Dolores, although Ramón is in love with Suzanna, the daughter of a peon on his father's ranch, and Dolores is interested in Pancho, a toreador. When Suzanna learns that she was kidnapped in infancy and is really Don Diego's daughter, she keeps silent; but Ramón finally rebels and steals Suzanna from the altar as she is about to marry Pancho. There are explanations, Ramón marries Suzanna, and Dolores marries Pancho. Suzanna (1923) has been mastered from a good quality but incomplete 35mm print.
The Last Hour
Gov. Logan
Steve Cline returns to the U.S. after earning his fortune in South America. He reads in the paper that his brother Tom was arrested for safecracking. Tom escapes and runs to the home of Sadie McCall, whose father Reever heads a forgery ring. Steve rushes to meet his brother, but Tom is killed in a police raid. Reever gets away and Steve falls for Sadie, but Steve takes the blame for the murder and faces death by hanging. Reported by some to be Gary Cooper's first film as an extra. However this is not confirmed in any way.
My American Wife
Carlos DeGrossa
A 1922 film.
El doctor Jack
Dr. Ludwig von Saulsbourg
Country doctor Jack Jackson is called in to treat the Sick-Little-Well-Girl, who has been making Dr. Saulsbourg and his sanitarium very rich after years of unsuccessful treatment.
El prisionero de Zenda
Rudolf's Brother Lord Burlesdon (uncredited)
La acción transcurre en el imaginario estado centroeuropeo de Ruritania. Un turista inglés, Rodolfo Rassendyll, acude para pescar en la vigília de la coronación real. Pero el aspirante a rey ha sido secuestrado por su medio hermano, Guillermo, que quiere acceder al trono. Como Rodolfo es físicamente un sosias del rey, es coronado en su lugar. Además se enamora de la princesa Flavia, que es la prometida del rey.
Turn to the Right
Mr. Morgan
Joe is the son of a poor widow and in love with the daughter of the town’s richest and meanest man. The couple is determined to marry and plan their “dream house.”
The Conquering Power
Victor Grandet
Young playboy Charles Grandet is sent to live with his miserly uncle after his father loses his fortune. He and his cousin Eugenie fall in love, but his uncle sends him away and tries to arrange a marriage more to his liking (and profit!). Will true love triumph?
The Silver Car
Count Michael Temesvar
After serving in the Great War, international crook Anthony Trent resolves to go straight. He wants to track down the English private who saved his life, and discovers his true identity is Arthur Grenvil, the son of the Earl of Rosecarrel. Trent falls in love with Grenvil's sister, Daphne, and sets out to win the Earl's approval. He discovers that the Earl is being blackmailed by Count Michael Temesvar, the prime minister of Croatia, over some documents.
The Oakdale Affair
John Prim
Refusing to marry her stepmother's choice, Gail Prim leaves her life of luxury, after cutting her hair, dressing in her butler's clothes and stealing money and jewels from her father's safe. Spending the night in a barn, she introduces herself to the thieves already there as the Oskaloosa Kid, a wanted criminal, and barely escapes their struggle to get her loot. Meanwhile, the real Oskaloosa Kid kills Reginald Paynter and throws Nettie Penning, whom Reginald was trying to seduce, onto the highway.
Help! Help! Police!
Edward P. Welston
While vacationing with his father Edward at a Palm Beach hotel, George Welston becomes smitten with Eve Pendleton, the daughter of Edward's business rival Judson. After George prevents Pendleton from getting an option on a deal by racing in his car with his father's $100,000 deposit, Pendleton favors Eve's other suitor, Arthur Trask, whose gentlemanly manner conceals his intent to rob Eve and her wealthy friends.
Wife Number Two
Dr. Charles Bovar
Bored by her country life and misunderstood by her parents, Emma Rolfe marries Dr. Charles Bovar, an older man whose dedication to his medical practice results in wifely neglect. To alleviate her growing loneliness, Emma enjoys the company of many of the young men from the village and eventually begins an affair with Rudolph Bulwer.
The Slave
Dr. Atwell
Caroline works at a hair dressing parlor. A wealthy man falls in love with her, takes her home and proposes to her. Caroline has a dream where she marries the man, who turns vicious and keeps her locked up in his mansion. He finally dies, and Caroline starts out having a good time with his money, but she sees the folly of her ways. She wakes up from the dream.
The New York Peacock
Mr. Martin
Billy Martin is sent to New York to put through a war contract for his father, a new England manufacturer, and takes $100,000 as a security. The munition broker's secretary, a crook, tells Graham, a gambling house keeper, of Billy's coming. Miller is detailed to lure him to the gambling house.
The Yellow Menace
Errol Manning
A silent movie serial