Seven bandits are threatening the inhabitants of a town, forcing them to sale their lands. When the identity of the leader of these thieves is discovered, there is no other choice than to kill the one who saw his face, provoking the rage of the powerful landowner Juan Arroyo, who has decided to fight the villains and protect the lands along his brother and a beautiful cowgirl.
Un ventrílocuo fracasado y al borde de la locura decide sustituir su muñeco con su propia hija para recuperar su fama. Adiestra a la niña y comienza a tener éxito, pero un periodista sospecha del truco y el ventrílocuo lo asesina. Para cubrir su secreto, mata a más personas.
Mexican feature film
Five brave & beautiful women comprise "Comando M-5", an elite squad that specialize in fighting organized crime.
Justicia privada es una película mexicana producida en 1997. Fue dirigida por Alejandro Todd y contó con la actuación de Jorge Reynoso, Juan Peláez, Zoila Flor, Bruno Rey, Juan Gallardo.
A Mexican immigrant fights for his life after being threatened by the mob.
Executive Producer
Mexican feature film
Tragedy strikes a group of immigrants crossing the border between Arizona and Mexico.
Tragedy strikes a group of immigrants crossing the border between Arizona and Mexico.