Han pasado 30 años desde los acontecimientos ocurridos en Blade Runner (1982). El oficial K, un blade runner caza-replicantes del Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles, descubre un secreto que ha estado enterrado durante mucho tiempo y que tiene el potencial de llevar a la sociedad al caos. Su investigación le conducirá a la búsqueda del legendario Rick Deckard, un antiguo blade runner en paradero desconocido, que lleva desaparecido 30 años.
After a serious accident, a man is introduced to a designer street drug promising to restore his ravaged body. Desperate to mend himself, he becomes consumed by the drug only to discover it is threatening his humanity.
After a serious accident, a man is introduced to a designer street drug promising to restore his ravaged body. Desperate to mend himself, he becomes consumed by the drug only to discover it is threatening his humanity.
After a serious accident, a man is introduced to a designer street drug promising to restore his ravaged body. Desperate to mend himself, he becomes consumed by the drug only to discover it is threatening his humanity.
After a serious accident, a man is introduced to a designer street drug promising to restore his ravaged body. Desperate to mend himself, he becomes consumed by the drug only to discover it is threatening his humanity.
Visual Effects
After a serious accident, a man is introduced to a designer street drug promising to restore his ravaged body. Desperate to mend himself, he becomes consumed by the drug only to discover it is threatening his humanity.
After a serious accident, a man is introduced to a designer street drug promising to restore his ravaged body. Desperate to mend himself, he becomes consumed by the drug only to discover it is threatening his humanity.
After a serious accident, a man is introduced to a designer street drug promising to restore his ravaged body. Desperate to mend himself, he becomes consumed by the drug only to discover it is threatening his humanity.
Enjoy this fantastic Sci-Fi short film by the talented Patrick Kalyn! In the wake of an alien infestation, an ex-special forces soldier's daughter is killed in an alien attack. Seeking revenge, she leads a team deep into alien territory to a quarantined lab. Soon, she discovers the aliens aren't alien at all, but a failed government experiment to create a bio-hybrid soldier. She must then expose the governments cover-up and save the last standing city in the quarantined zone from falling.
Enjoy this fantastic Sci-Fi short film by the talented Patrick Kalyn! In the wake of an alien infestation, an ex-special forces soldier's daughter is killed in an alien attack. Seeking revenge, she leads a team deep into alien territory to a quarantined lab. Soon, she discovers the aliens aren't alien at all, but a failed government experiment to create a bio-hybrid soldier. She must then expose the governments cover-up and save the last standing city in the quarantined zone from falling.
Enjoy this fantastic Sci-Fi short film by the talented Patrick Kalyn! In the wake of an alien infestation, an ex-special forces soldier's daughter is killed in an alien attack. Seeking revenge, she leads a team deep into alien territory to a quarantined lab. Soon, she discovers the aliens aren't alien at all, but a failed government experiment to create a bio-hybrid soldier. She must then expose the governments cover-up and save the last standing city in the quarantined zone from falling.
Enjoy this fantastic Sci-Fi short film by the talented Patrick Kalyn! In the wake of an alien infestation, an ex-special forces soldier's daughter is killed in an alien attack. Seeking revenge, she leads a team deep into alien territory to a quarantined lab. Soon, she discovers the aliens aren't alien at all, but a failed government experiment to create a bio-hybrid soldier. She must then expose the governments cover-up and save the last standing city in the quarantined zone from falling.
Enjoy this fantastic Sci-Fi short film by the talented Patrick Kalyn! In the wake of an alien infestation, an ex-special forces soldier's daughter is killed in an alien attack. Seeking revenge, she leads a team deep into alien territory to a quarantined lab. Soon, she discovers the aliens aren't alien at all, but a failed government experiment to create a bio-hybrid soldier. She must then expose the governments cover-up and save the last standing city in the quarantined zone from falling.
Enjoy this fantastic Sci-Fi short film by the talented Patrick Kalyn! In the wake of an alien infestation, an ex-special forces soldier's daughter is killed in an alien attack. Seeking revenge, she leads a team deep into alien territory to a quarantined lab. Soon, she discovers the aliens aren't alien at all, but a failed government experiment to create a bio-hybrid soldier. She must then expose the governments cover-up and save the last standing city in the quarantined zone from falling.
By 2031, the Earth has exhausted its supply of fossil fuels. With the world on the verge of collapse, nations from around the globe form a coalition called AREN; the 'Manhattan Project' of clean self-replenishing energy. When an experiment goes wrong that threatens the world's existence, David Canterra and a team of elite soldiers are sent on a mission to stop the anomaly. What they find is a mind-bending alternate dimension, and their only way home is through the fabric of time.
By 2031, the Earth has exhausted its supply of fossil fuels. With the world on the verge of collapse, nations from around the globe form a coalition called AREN; the 'Manhattan Project' of clean self-replenishing energy. When an experiment goes wrong that threatens the world's existence, David Canterra and a team of elite soldiers are sent on a mission to stop the anomaly. What they find is a mind-bending alternate dimension, and their only way home is through the fabric of time.
Año 2154. Jake Sully , un exmarine en silla de ruedas, es enviado al planeta Pandora, donde se ha creado el programa Avatar, gracias al cual los seres humanos pueden controlar de forma remota un cuerpo biológico con apariencia y genética de la especie nativa. Pronto se encontrará con la encrucijada entre seguir las órdenes de sus superiores o defender al mundo que le ha acogido y siente como suyo.
Tras la llegada de una enorme nave espacial extraterrestre a Johannesburgo (Sudáfrica), a los alienígenas recién llegados a la Tierra se les obligó a vivir en condiciones penosas como "refugiados", en una especie de campo de concentración construido en las afueras la ciudad. Todo empezó unos veinte años atrás, cuando los extraterrestres tomaron el primer contacto con nuestro planeta. Los humanos esperaban un ataque hostil, o un gran avance tecnológico de la raza alienígena. Pero nada de ello sucedió. Los propios extraterrestres eran refugiados de su propio mundo. Sin saber bien que hacer, se confinó a los alienígenas en un campo de refugiados, el "Distrito 9", hasta que las naciones del mundo decidieran qué hacer ante la nueva y extraña situación. Pero el tiempo pasó...
Two young soldiers prepare for battle during World War I.
David Rice ha crecido con el misterioso poder que casi todos sueñan poseer: teletransportarse a cualquier lugar del mundo que imagine. Hasta ahora ha utilizado sus poderes para escapar de su pasado, alimentar su inmensa fortuna y permanecer completamente independiente. Nunca ha conocido límites, fronteras ni consecuencias. Pero cuando David descubre a otro joven igual que él, un exaltado trotamundos rebelde llamado Griffin, la verdad de su existencia se revela. Ya no es un curioso fenómeno singular de la naturaleza, sino parte de una larga línea de anomalías genéticas conocidas como "saltadores", que además nunca están a salvo.
En X-Men: La decisión final, el último capítulo de la trilogía cinematográfica de los "X-Men", hay una "cura" para los mutantes que amenaza con alterar el curso de la historia. Por primera vez, los mutantes pueden elegir: seguir con su singularidad, aunque eso les aísle y les separe, o renunciar a sus poderes y convertirse en seres humanos normales. Los opuestos puntos de vista de los líderes mutantes, Charles Xavier, que aboga por la tolerancia, y Magneto, que cree en la supervivencia de los más aptos, se ven sometidos a la prueba definitiva: desencadenar la guerra que pondrá fin a todas las guerras...
La suerte de Ann Darrow cambia cuando conoce a Carl Denham, un empresario que lucha para abrirse camino en el mundo del espectáculo. A ellos se une Jack Driscoll, un autor de teatro neoyorquino. Los tres emprenden un viaje que los llevará hasta una remota isla, donde Denham tiene previsto dirigir una película. Allí descubren un ser increíble, un gorila gigante, King Kong, que habita en una frondosa selva, donde criaturas prehistóricas han vivido ocultas durante millones de años. Denham, con un apetito insaciable de grandeza, enseguida ve la fama que puede reportarle la captura del gorila y su exhibición en Nueva York.
Pre-Visualization Supervisor
Durante años, Blade ha luchado contra los vampiros sin que el mundo supiera lo que sucedía en los bajos fondos. Pero ahora, tras caer en las redes del FBI, se ve forzado a salir a la luz del día para unir sus fuerzas con un clan de humanos cazadores de vampiros que nunca supo que existían, los Nightstalkers. Junto a Abigail y Hannibal, Blade sigue la pista de una Antigua criatura que lo está acechando el vampiro original: Drácula.