Josef Krajbich


Citizen Miko
Miko is a truck driver, his father is Romani, and above all he is a man who wanted to help those in need. When the Czech government was looking for reasons not to take in a few dozen children from Greek refugee camps after the chemical attacks on Syrian civilians in 2018, Miko took justice into his own hands and, together with the Czechs Helping initiative, prepared facilities for child refugees. However, government officials gave priority to political interests. Will parliamentary elections and a change of ministries save the situation? An unflattering but accurately portrayal of the Czech Republic as a country that will only offer a helping hand when it is worthwhile.
Two Ships
Psychologist Eliska contacts musician Martin with a request for him to perform at an event on mental disorders. Their intense relationship ends with Eliska's suicide, which will resolve long-lasting pain without cause. She flew through Martin's life like a spaceship. She left clothes, things, a farewell letter. But also memories, dreams and eternal encouragement to play. She's still with Martin. Like a memoir, as a gratitude for the experience, like a muse.
Every Single Minute
The Hanuliaks, a couple from Slovakia, have decided to bring up their son according to Kamevéda, a complex approach to developing the child’s motor abilities and intellect. Unique in its depth of focus, this reflection on child-rearing documents a year in the life of four-year-old Miško, where not a minute is wasted since there is no room for boredom and moments of rest are merely preparation for the next achievement.
Over the Hills
Father and son Vít and Grisha travel to Russia to visit the boy’s mother and sister. Why did their previously harmonious family split in two? A documentary road movie about the distance between two Slavic countries, the difficulties of fatherhood and puberty, and the alienation between people who should, in theory, be the closest of all.
Jan Palach
The last six months of the life of Jan Palach, who self-immolated to protest against the invasion of Czechoslovakia to crush of Prague Spring.
Všechno bude fajn!
Assistant Editor
Zákon Helena
Czech documentary movie.
The Wolf from Royal Vineyard Street
The film tells the life story of its director, Jan Nemec, one of the most known and important filmmakers of Czech New Wave.
he story of an unusual journey or a staged piece of contemplation? However we perceive this tale of a couple wandering through the Czech countryside, we can best experience it by yielding to the calm tempo of their journey through the shady woods.
Into the Clouds We Gaze
Assistant Director
Cuerpos flexibles ondulantes al ritmo de la música electrónica, mirando las luces de neón en el tren de aterrizaje, y el rugido de los motores que no te deja dormir.
Into the Clouds We Gaze
Cuerpos flexibles ondulantes al ritmo de la música electrónica, mirando las luces de neón en el tren de aterrizaje, y el rugido de los motores que no te deja dormir.
Into the Clouds We Gaze
Cuerpos flexibles ondulantes al ritmo de la música electrónica, mirando las luces de neón en el tren de aterrizaje, y el rugido de los motores que no te deja dormir.
In Sight
In the second half of the 18th century, Jeremy Bentham designed the model of a panopticon, a type of building that made supervision most effective. Panopticons were firstly used for prisons, places where supervision and punishment are the main functions. Secret services but also different surveillance technologies are the new panopticons. They can monitor, save and store data about people to identify them, to distinguish the location and time of people’s behaviour and actions. Architecture theorist, software expert, people who are or were monitored, or the former secret service agents explain their panoptical experience. Reading again Michel Foucault´s Discipline and Punish, through experience with different kinds of supervision, in the film we are looking for the perfect application of the panoptical principle.
Catenaccio a la Drnovice or Journey to the Beginning of the Time of Economic Transformation