Camera Operator
En sus vacaciones, el agente Bond se encuentra con la bella y letal Xenia Onatopp, que intenta hacerse con los planos de un nuevo helicóptero invulnerable a las interferencias. Mientras tanto la programadora del ejército ruso Natalya Siminova es la única superviviente de su equipo a un macabro plan del general Ourumov para hacerse con Goldeneye, un arma espacial ultrasecreta que emite pulsos nucleares que inutilizan cualquier equipo electrónico. Bond formará equipo con Natalya para descubrir a los malhechores tras el robo.
Director of Photography
Un grupo de adolescentes pasan furtivamente la noche dentro de un lúgubre museo de historia natural. Una de las chicas es la hija del director Al Wallace. Esa misma mañana han recibido en el museo una lámpara procedente de Irak a la que le suponen 3000 años de antigüedad y que será la culpable de que la juvenil escapada acabe en un sangriento y trágico suceso.
Director of Photography
An advertising man's dream of turning a huge hillbilly into an Olympic weightlifting champion is set back when the hillbilly falls for a Russian gymnast.
Director of Photography
Ruud Gullit, Marco van Basten, The brothers Koeman… These were some of the superstars from Holland whose blazing talents made the European Championship of 1988 so memorable and one to log indelibly in the whole recent legend of outstanding international football.
Eight teams qualified for the tournament finals, including England who scored more goals than any other side, 18, to reach the final stages – and the Cinderella side from the Republic of Ireland, managed by Jack Charlton.
But most of all Euro ’88 had a winning side who swept all before them in a colourful and passionate series of displays that will be viewed again and again by anyone fascinated and intrigued by the way the world’s most popular game is so sumptuously developing as it enters its second organised century. It is a must for fans and serious students alike.