Pedro Micelli


El maestro Humberto Maturana
Director of Photography
This documentary explores the impact and life of one of the most internationally recognized Chilean scientists, an inspiring human being who at his 90 years is more lively than ever.
Cheques Matta
"Cheques Matta" are works of small format, similar to an American check that the painter Roberto Matta sent by mail to his friends with financial problems during the first years of the Military Dictatorship in Chile. Establishing new paradigms, making us question the true function of art as an instrument of social transformation.
Una vez la noche
Director of Photography
A través de ilustraciones y sonidos "Una vez la noche" experimenta con el relato obsesivo de cuatro personajes que se extravían en los paisajes de su memoria para narrarnos los eventos fundamentales que marcaron sus vidas para siempre.
El sueño de todos
"El Sueño de Todos” is about the chilean national football team and what they lived during their qualification process for the 2014 Brazil World Cup.
El Eco de las Canciones
Director of Photography
In 1973, following the coup d'état in Chile, the director's parents took exile in Rome where she was born. What is a handed-down memory?
En algún lugar del cielo
Director of Photography
En algún lugar del cielo is an autobiographical documentary about the director's personal experiences after the coup d'état on September 11, 1973 in Chile. She and her mother went into exile in the former GDR. While her father, the journalist Augusto Carmona, a militant of the MIR, remained in Chile in hiding until 1977 when he was murdered by the CNI. Based on these two events, the documentary reconstructs the story of those who stayed in Chile fighting to overthrow the dictatorship and of those who went into exile and suffered uprooting.
Cautiverio feliz
Director of Photography
Cautiverio Feliz representa un proceso de mutilación étnica al revés. El secreto devenir indígena del joven hispanocriollo Francisco Núñez de Pineda y Bascuñán que desgarrado entre dos sentires reivindica, desde la madurez, el tiempo de juventud más intenso y revelador, los seis meses de cautiverio entre los mapuches donde aprendió a conocer que los supuestos bárbaros eran más humanos que los civilizados. Francisco Núñez de Pineda es el primer escritor chileno que a mediados del siglo XVII no sólo comprende que la patria tiene dos rostros, el hispano y el indígena, sino que además el proyecto político de la administración colonial, promueve una guerra injusta, inútil e imposible de ganar.