Tashiro coincidentally meets his best friend Sugimoto in a bar very close to the apartment in which Sugimoto’s wayward wife is found dead. Although Tashiro is not a suspect in the police investigation, he is racked with guilt and confesses to his wife, Masako. In an effort to further relieve his tortured sense of guilt, he then confesses to Sugimoto. Neither his wife nor his friend can believe that he could have been involved.
Worker B (uncredited)
"When human beings venture too far along a trail made by wild beasts, it is said, they quite often discover themselves on a road of no return." Based on the novel of the same name by Seichô Matsumoto.
Hayabysa Observer
Gorath es un meteoro errante (6000 veces más grande que nuestro planeta) que viaja inexorablemente en curso de colisión contra la Tierra, absorbiendo todo lo que se le envía. Los cientificos tendrán que evitarlo, pero la cosa es difícil ya que la solución propuesta para escapar niega todas las posibilidades de la física al apartar nuestro planeta del camino de Gorath. Tras una cumbre de científicos internacional se propone el lanzamiento de unos proyectiles desde el Polo Sur. Pero el calor provoca el derretimiento de un casquete y la liberación de Maguma, una monstruosa morsa gigante.
Japanese neo-noir crime drama movie directed by Jun Fukuda