Yamal Stitou


La columnista
Una columnista empieza a recibir el ataque constante de 'trolls' de internet, tras publicar un artículo con tintes polémicos. Agotada por un bloqueo de escritura y la próxima publicación de un libro, decide contestar a los ataques 'online' de una manera un tanto expeditiva...
First Kiss
A starry-eyed employee of a hot cosmetics company hires a dreamy photographer who is secretly indebted to a major rival -- her sketchy aunt.
Hang On
Window cleaner Dennis falls from the 40th floor of a high rise. He is in luck: He gets stuck outside the 33th floor, hanging helplessly outside the window of Debbie, who is getting ready for a date. Because of the soundproof glass the conversation is awkward and difficult. The clumsy situations build and build in this bizarre comedy, filled with miscommunication.