Cameron Porteous


Las brujas de Salem
Art Direction
En 1692 el terror se apoderó de Salem (Massachussets), que vivió uno de los capítulos más negros de la historia. Cuando varias jóvenes de la comunidad puritana empiezan a sufrir convulsiones, los vecinos de la ciudad, bajo la influencia del reverendo Samuel Parrish, padre de una de las afectadas, llegan a la conclusión de que se trata de un caso de brujería. En diez meses, 19 personas inocentes fueron acusadas de brujería, juzgadas y condenadas a muerte.
Rembrandt: Fathers & Sons
Production Design
At the height of his success in 1630 Amsterdam, Rembrandt takes on a Jewish studio apprentice, Samuel.
Hey, I'm Alive
Art Direction
After their plane crashes, an older man and a young woman survive 49 days lost in the Yukon.
Journey into Fear
Production Design
U.S geologist discovers something about Oil that proves VERY threatening to the Turkish and Arab business people.
A Name for Evil
Art Direction
Dissatisfied with the family architectural business, a man and his wife pack up and move out to his great-grandfather's old house in the country. While trying to patch it up, the house starts to make it clear to him that it doesn't want him there, but the local church (with some off-kilter practices of their own) seems to take a shine to him.