Costume Design
Londres, a finales del siglo XIX. Dentro de la estricta sociedad victoriana, Catherine (Emily Raymond) es una bella e inteligente joven que aspira a convertirse en periodista. Buscando trabajo, conoce a Josephine Butler (Faye Dunaway), que se convierte en su mentora profesional. Es justo el momento en el que Londres vive dominada por el terror debido a los crímenes de "Jack el Destripador". Catherine se lanza a investigar el caso, pero se acerca peligrosamente a la identidad del asesino.
Costume Design
The Manor, a dark funny version of Akira Kurosawa's " Rashomon". During a snowstorm, Patrick Roarke, a manservant, is found dead at the bottom of the main staircase in a gothic English mansion. Inspector Hatcher is sent to investigate the death. When he arrives, he finds a household consisting of five women. When questioned by the inspector, each of the women tells a different story, all of which are illustrated by flashback scenes showing the events as related by that particular person. Everybody seems to protect somebody and the inspector becomes increasingly intoxicated as he tries to untangle the web of lies in his endeavour to find out the truth.