Frans Vandenburg


John Farrow: Hollywood’s Man in the Shadows
John Farrow: Hollywood’s Man in the Shadows is the first documentary ever made about one of Hollywood’s most prolific yet forgotten filmmakers, John Villiers Farrow (1904 -1963). Part mystery, part biography, part film noir – the documentary follows the stranger than fiction story of this Australian born, Oscar-winning filmmaker. As one of Hollywood’s most enigmatic f igures, Farrow was the director of some 50 films; a sailor, a poet, a war hero, best-selling author, a religious scholar, a family man and a philanderer – a man who lived many lives – yet who left behind no memoirs, no interviews and no archival footage – and who today is only a shadow in the pages of film history.
John Farrow: Hollywood’s Man in the Shadows
John Farrow: Hollywood’s Man in the Shadows is the first documentary ever made about one of Hollywood’s most prolific yet forgotten filmmakers, John Villiers Farrow (1904 -1963). Part mystery, part biography, part film noir – the documentary follows the stranger than fiction story of this Australian born, Oscar-winning filmmaker. As one of Hollywood’s most enigmatic f igures, Farrow was the director of some 50 films; a sailor, a poet, a war hero, best-selling author, a religious scholar, a family man and a philanderer – a man who lived many lives – yet who left behind no memoirs, no interviews and no archival footage – and who today is only a shadow in the pages of film history.
Sample People
Varios jóvenes de los suburbios de Sydney coinciden en una discoteca gestionada por criminales una noche debido al interés de todos ellos en frecuentar raves.
In New South Wales, Jared surfs with his mates and has a first girl. He hosts a beach party for his older pal, Ricko, and witnesses four of his mates gang-rape a 15 year old. He does nothing, and the next day, she's found murdered. At school, the boys and the girls react: the girls with anger at the perpetrators, the boys with jeering at the dead girl's morality. The students' parents have their own responses. Jared retreats into angry silence, disgusted that he did nothing to help the dead girl. Meanwhile, his mother wants to talk to him about her impending cancer surgery, the police want to know what he saw, and his friend Ricko wants an alibi. Jared's cracking under the pressure.
Rosie (Cate Blanchett ) regresa a su ciudad natal por la muerte de su padre, un ex policía. En sus diarios descubre una posible corrupción, y la joven recibe además amenazas veladas que apoyan sus sospechas. Comenzará entonces Rosie a encajar el rompecabezas acerca de quién era él, y sobre su vida anterior.
Nosotros dos
En Sydney, Harry Mitchell trabaja como conductor de un transbordador, es viudo y un empedernido bebedor de cerveza. Su única preocupación es encontrar una mujer para acabar definitivamente con su soledad. Su hijo Jeff es fontanero, jugador de rugby, también bebedor de cerveza y gay. Los dos buscan el amor por caminos diferentes.
Los impostores
El investigador de seguros Roland Copping (Phil Collins) manipula y estafa sin pudor incluso a sus familiares y amigos. Pero un día sufre la venganza de una pareja que presenta una inusual reclamación.
El mapa del sentimiento humano
Durante un viaje a Montreal, Avik, un joven esquimal enfermo de tuberculosis, conoce a una hermosa muchacha mestiza llamada Albertine y se enamora de ella; pero la joven, a pesar de que la atracción es mutua, tiene la obsesión de casarse con un hombre blanco.
Narra la historia del arzobispo salvadoreño Oscar Romero, que desde su importante cargo eclesiástico se dedicó sin temor a criticar la desigualdad social y la represión del gobierno de El Salvador, y que murió asesinado en el año 1980, en los comienzos de lo que sería la Guerra Civil Salvadoreña.
The Riddle of the Stinson
In 1937, a routine passenger and mail flight crashes during bad weather on a flight between Brisbane and Sydney. A local bushman begins a search, and finds the wreckage and two survivors ten days after the crash.
Shadows of the Peacock
The love story between an Australian woman and a Balinese dancer.
Room to Move
Superstar Nicole Kidman (Days of Thunder) stars in Room to Move, one of the star's earliest roles. Kidman is Carol Trig, a high school track star whose life changes dramatically when she meets and befriends Angie, a troubled dancer whose life directly affects Carol's. Pretty soon, Carol realizes her life has become more than she can handle, and she must learn to balance her time between running, the family she neglects, and her social life: particularly Angie. Originally intended to be one part of a larger miniseries, Room to Move features one of the world's biggest stars in one of her earliest roles. With its straightforward plot, this is a film everyone can enjoy!