Bill Thomas


Fortunes of War
Visual Effects
When a covert raid in Normandy goes wrong, a small team of British commandos are cut off from their comrades. Holed up in a barn and surrounded by Wehrmacht forces, their chances of survival appear bleak, until an unexpected discovery provides an opportunity to escape.
Fortunes of War
When a covert raid in Normandy goes wrong, a small team of British commandos are cut off from their comrades. Holed up in a barn and surrounded by Wehrmacht forces, their chances of survival appear bleak, until an unexpected discovery provides an opportunity to escape.
Fortunes of War
When a covert raid in Normandy goes wrong, a small team of British commandos are cut off from their comrades. Holed up in a barn and surrounded by Wehrmacht forces, their chances of survival appear bleak, until an unexpected discovery provides an opportunity to escape.
The Three Musketeers
France is in turmoil and a new, naive King finds himself manipulated by the evil Cardinal Richelieu. With a corrupt commander of the royal guard by his side the Cardinal employs the expertise of the devious and wicked Milady de Winter in a plot to bring down the monarchy and drag the country into war. As France burns the Cardinal will take control. All that stands between them and victory are the remnants of an elite group who wore loyalty to crown and country. Above all else The Musketeers will stand against the odds to foil this deadly plot.
The Three Musketeers
France is in turmoil and a new, naive King finds himself manipulated by the evil Cardinal Richelieu. With a corrupt commander of the royal guard by his side the Cardinal employs the expertise of the devious and wicked Milady de Winter in a plot to bring down the monarchy and drag the country into war. As France burns the Cardinal will take control. All that stands between them and victory are the remnants of an elite group who wore loyalty to crown and country. Above all else The Musketeers will stand against the odds to foil this deadly plot.
The Adventures of Maid Marian
Después de tres años de esconderse en un remoto priorato, Marian recibe la noticia de que el rey Ricardo Corazón de León ha muerto. Su amado Robin Hood regresa de la guerra. Al salir de su santuario, se apresura a encontrarse con él, pero descubren que no todo es lo que parece.
The Adventures of Maid Marian
Después de tres años de esconderse en un remoto priorato, Marian recibe la noticia de que el rey Ricardo Corazón de León ha muerto. Su amado Robin Hood regresa de la guerra. Al salir de su santuario, se apresura a encontrarse con él, pero descubren que no todo es lo que parece.
Gilbert, an alcoholic old man, has been living on a cliff saving people from committing suicide for the past 10 years. When Alan, a troubled young man tries to kill himself, Gilbert is faced with the reality of the human condition: some people just want, and maybe have the right, to die. And it's not his fault.
Fallen Soldiers
Europe 1815. War rages across the continent. Fallen Soldiers tells the story of a British soldier trapped behind enemy lines. A young noblewoman’s coach is hijacked and her husband murdered by a desperate British soldier. At gunpoint, the soldier spins her an outlandish tale of plagues, conspiracies, and dead men returning from the grave.
Churchill's Toyshop
In Britain's darkest hour Winston Churchhill assembles a team of eccentric geniuses to fight the Nazi menace by building biizzarre brilliant weapons.
Furia de titanes
Adaptación libre del mito de Perseo, hijo de Zeus, el padre de los dioses griegos. Perseo y su madre Dánae, son encerrados en un baúl por Acrisio, su abuelo, y arrojados al mar. Arrastrados por la corriente, llegan a la isla de Sérifos, donde Perseo alcanza la madurez. Cuando sepa cuál es la misión que le ha sido encomendada por el Destino, emprenderá un durísimo viaje, en el que tendrá que ir superando diversas pruebas.