Iñaki Alforja


Story of a Steering Wheel
A forced disappearance doesn't only end with the life of the person who has disappeared, but generates, like the ripples of a stone thrown into water, an enormous emotional scar in their families and in society. In the early 80s, José Miguel Etxeberria Álvarez, alias 'Naparra', a member of the Autonomous Anti-capitalist Commandos, was disappeared. Between crossed statements, numerous vindications and judicial indifference, his family will try to find an answer for his disappearance. More than forty years later, Eneko has taken up the baton of the search for his brother to close the wound that has remained open for so many years.
Story of a Steering Wheel
A forced disappearance doesn't only end with the life of the person who has disappeared, but generates, like the ripples of a stone thrown into water, an enormous emotional scar in their families and in society. In the early 80s, José Miguel Etxeberria Álvarez, alias 'Naparra', a member of the Autonomous Anti-capitalist Commandos, was disappeared. Between crossed statements, numerous vindications and judicial indifference, his family will try to find an answer for his disappearance. More than forty years later, Eneko has taken up the baton of the search for his brother to close the wound that has remained open for so many years.
Story of a Steering Wheel
A forced disappearance doesn't only end with the life of the person who has disappeared, but generates, like the ripples of a stone thrown into water, an enormous emotional scar in their families and in society. In the early 80s, José Miguel Etxeberria Álvarez, alias 'Naparra', a member of the Autonomous Anti-capitalist Commandos, was disappeared. Between crossed statements, numerous vindications and judicial indifference, his family will try to find an answer for his disappearance. More than forty years later, Eneko has taken up the baton of the search for his brother to close the wound that has remained open for so many years.
Story of a Steering Wheel
A forced disappearance doesn't only end with the life of the person who has disappeared, but generates, like the ripples of a stone thrown into water, an enormous emotional scar in their families and in society. In the early 80s, José Miguel Etxeberria Álvarez, alias 'Naparra', a member of the Autonomous Anti-capitalist Commandos, was disappeared. Between crossed statements, numerous vindications and judicial indifference, his family will try to find an answer for his disappearance. More than forty years later, Eneko has taken up the baton of the search for his brother to close the wound that has remained open for so many years.
Director of Photography
Victoria va a dar a luz a tres mil metros de altura. Se agarra a unas cuerdas. En Churcampa, Perú, se ha reducido la mortalidad gracias a la atención sanitaria y a la recuperación del parto vertical.
Ezkaba. La gran fuga de las cárceles franquistas
Catorce fueron condenados a muerte y fusilados en la vuelta del castillo el 8 de septiembre. Concebido para dignificar su recuerdo y el de su memoria, el documental es una denuncia de la manipulación informativa a que se somete a la historia reciente de este país y una reflexión sobre la memoria histórica y la amnesia social. (FILMAFFINITY)
Ezkaba. La gran fuga de las cárceles franquistas
Catorce fueron condenados a muerte y fusilados en la vuelta del castillo el 8 de septiembre. Concebido para dignificar su recuerdo y el de su memoria, el documental es una denuncia de la manipulación informativa a que se somete a la historia reciente de este país y una reflexión sobre la memoria histórica y la amnesia social. (FILMAFFINITY)