Experimental y surrealista ópera prima de Jean Cocteau, poeta, novelista y autor teatral que se sintió atraído por el cine de vanguardia. Aclamada por parte de la crítica, pero también tachada de pretenciosa y egocéntrica, retrata una personal incursión en los miedos y obsesiones de un poeta, su relación con el mundo que le rodea y la eterna preocupación por el problema de la muerte. Parte inicial de su trilogía órfica: La sangre de un poeta (1932), Orfeo (1950) y El testamento de Orfeo (1960).
The virtuous Nicole is the wife of wealthy composer Lucien. Through an error made by a dressmaker, Nicole discovers that Lucien is leading a double life, keeping the sexy Chichette as his mistress. In retaliation, Nicole kicks up her heels and begins fooling around with a reckless gigolo. When our heroine's hedonistic new lifestyle threatens the well-being of her son, a contrite Lucien returns home and promises never to stray again.
Wine Cellars itself is a Spanish-French co-production. He shot the film in the Paris studios and also in Spain, Andalusia and Seville. According to the critics, his story of love, honour, revenge, bulls and vineyards masterfully captures the spirit of this region, the sun beating down on the parched earth, life on the farms and vineyards and the celebrations coloured by the famous flamenco dance. Wine Cellars was originally a silent film and its soundtrack was only added later.
El joven Pierre Hoffer (E. Rivero) llega a Argelia proveniente de Francia para pedirle dinero a su tío Christian, un próspero granjero. Durante el viaje conoce a una joven parisina, Claudie Duvernet (J. Monnier), que viaja para cobrar una herencia.
Siglo XVI, Guerras de religión. El rey Carlos IX y Catalina de Médicis visitan el Sur de Francia para apaciguar los enfrentamientos religiosos. En honor de la reina se organiza un torneo a pesar del edicto real que prohíbe tales festejos.
A handsome barber in Sweden doesn't know he's actually the Crown Prince of a Balkan kingdom in this charming Swedish-German comedy that effortlessly weaves together multiple Ruritanian tropes.