Edwin Aardal

Nacimiento : 1910-02-06, Washington, D.C

Muerte : 1988-01-26


Dingo aux jeux olympiques
Visual Effects
El gato caliente (Fritz the cat)
Película de animación que mezcla, en el ambiente en los barrios populares de Nueva York, el sexo, las drogas y la violencia. La historia se desarrolla en la década de los 60, gira alrededor de un gato pervertido en su búsqueda del amor en los lugares menos indicados.
Jack y las habichuelas mágicas
Jack cambia una vaca, que es la única fortuna de su casa, por unas habichuelas “mágicas” que le ofrece el buhonero Jeremy. Las siembra y la planta crece hasta llegar a las nubes. En compañía de Jeremy sube por el tronco y llegan al reino de un ogro que tiene secuestrada a la princesa Serena convertida en arpa, además de poseer una oca que pone huevos de oro. Se suceden múltiples aventuras en las que consiguen arrebatar al gigante sus tesoros y regresar a casa, llevando Jeremy en su corazón el amor de la princesa.
Chips Ahoy
Chip and Dale are starving in their tree home when they notice a plentiful supply of acorns on an island in a lake. To get to the island, they borrow a miniature model ship of Donald's to sail on. The irate Donald, however, doesn't appreciate them stealing his ship and makes several attempts to get it back and thwart their scheme to get to their acorn paradise. Chip and Dale are, of course, always one step ahead of Donald.
Donald's Diary
Donald is writing in his diary and narrating (in a rather sophisticated voice) about his romance with Daisy. She was able to snare him into a relationship in which they got to know each other better and Donald got to meet Daisy's family. Finally, Donald decides to marry Daisy but when waiting for her to arrive so he can pop the question, he falls asleep and has a nightmarish vision of what married life would be like (among other things that he'll be forced to do all the housework and be served a burnt T bone for dinner). Needless to say, the marriage is called off when he awakens.
Canvas Back Duck
Donald and his nephews are visiting the carnival. After Donald makes a relatively high score on a weight testing machine, he is thought to be a veritable strong man and takes on an offer from a little boy to fight his uncle in a boxing match. Unfortunately for Donald, that "little boy" is actually a con man in cahoots with boxer Peewee Pete who is anything but what his name implies. His nephews notice and try to warn Donald but he finds himself in the ring with Pete anyway.
Pato Donald: El nuevo vecino
Con su nueva casa viene una nueva oportunidad para que Donald ame a su vecino. Es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo cuando el vecino es Pete con su imprudente perro, Muncey. Pronto su creciente pelea en el patio trasero es noticia de primera plana, y todo el pueblo se presenta para verlos pelearse.
Teachers are People
As the narrator explains, educating children is one of the most important things today and the heroic man who takes on this role is "the school teacher" (Goofy, naturally). After taking role call, Goofy tries to teach the class but keeps having to deal with a mischievous trouble-maker named George who enjoys sneaking out of class to go fishing, eating the teacher's apple, squeaking chalk, making faces while teacher gives a geography lesson, and terrorizing the other students with his water pistol. In the end, George's mischief goes too far when he destroys the school with an exploding bomb and is forced to write "I will not bomb the school again" 100 times!
Fathers Are People
George Geef rushes to the office to inform his fellow employees, "Hey, fellas! I'm a father!". Unfortunately, Geef later learns that, with fatherhood, comes responsibility and lots of it. He must discipline his son when he starts fighting with neighboring kids, filling his pipe with bubble water, and pestering him while he tries to read the newspaper. But most difficult of all is getting him to pick up his toys which is no easy task. Finally, he gets ready to apply hair brush to child's behind but is talked out of it when he sees his son sleeping peacefully. "Kids, they're wonderful," he concludes.
Tomorrow We Diet
Indeed, man craves to eat and George Geef (Goofy) is no exception. He eats like it's going out of style. Finally, his reflection in the mirror tells him he's getting too fat. Goofy starts showing all the signs of being overweight. When he gets into a taxi, the back tires deflate. When he gets into an elevator, the elevator remains grounded. Goofy's reflection "helps" him lose weight by refusing to let him eat. Geef thinks he can resist but is soon upset by all manner of temptations. He goes to bed but sleepwalks to the refrigerator only to discover it is empty. It turns out his reflection ate all the food telling him, "Eat, drink, and be merry, and tomorrow we diet!"
Home Made Home
Goofy's building a house, and struggling with the blueprints, the window glass, the paint, and finally the house-warming guests.
Motor Mania
Mild-mannered average guy Mr. Walker (Goofy) turns into violent Mr. Wheeler when he starts driving. Back on his feet, Mr. Walker finds it nearly impossible to cross the street.
La gimnasia de Goofy
Inspired by a magazine ad, Goofy sends for a mail order body building course. First is weight lifting; after Goofy finally gets the weights up, a fly lands and sends him crashing through several floors in the apartment building. Chinups: the bar itself goes up and down. Then a rubber-band stretch device, which Goofy quickly tangles up in, sending him crashing through the building and several other pieces of equipment.
Goofy: Cómo jugar al tenis
Dos Goofys juegan un partido de tenis al estilo propio del personaje, con un narrador con ciertos problemas para seguir el partido, y un jardinero haciendo acto de presencia para mantener la pista de hierba en condiciones mientras se está disputando el partido.
The Trial of Donald Duck
Donald is caught in the rain while eating his lunch. He ducks into a restaurant for a cup of coffee, but Chez Pierre is a very ritzy place, and by the time all is said and done, he's facing a bill for $35.99, and he only got a drop of coffee, and he only has a nickel. Pierre takes him to court, where this story is told, and is ordered to pay $10 or wash dishes for ten days.
La voz de ensueño de Donald
Donald is trying to sell brushes door-to-door, but since nobody can understand him, nobody will buy anything. He happens across a street vendor selling voice pills. They work great, but he's only got a limited number so of course, the last pill ends up in various inconvenient places.
La gota de agua
Donald gets off the bus and heads home hoping to get a good night's sleep. At first, his plans for rest are disturbed by an open window shade which lets light from a flashing sign in. After that problem is dealt with, Donald is kept awake by a persistently dripping faucet. Donald tries to ignore it but after a while, it becomes aggravating to put it mildly. Donald makes several attempts to stop the dripping and finally at least is able to keep it under control via a Rube Goldberg contraption. At this point, Donald receives a call from his water company telling him he hasn't paid his water bill so they're cutting off his water!
Crazy with the Heat
‎Donald y Goofy van conduciendo a través del desierto del Sahara. El coche se queda sin gasolina y comienzan a caminar. En poco tiempo, se quedan sin agua y empiezan a ver espejismos de fuentes de soda e icebergs.
El dilema de Donald
‎Donald y Daisy están caminando cuando Donald es golpeado por una maceta. Por este golpe, se cree convencido de que es un cantante famoso, y canta divinamente, pero no reconoce a Daisy.
La campaña tonta de Yukón
‎Una escena nevada; A Daisy le gustaría un abrigo de piel, por lo que Donald le arranca un oso bebé a su madre dormida. Pero la madre despierta y rastrea a Donald (y a su bebé). Donald usa su propio abrigo de piel para disfrazarse de cachorro de oso. El cachorro real regresa, y Donald parece que podría estar en problemas, pero un frasco de miel lo convierte en el mejor amigo del oso.‎
The Legend of Coyote Rock
Pluto is guarding a flock of sheep in the West; a coyote is sneaking up on that flock. The coyote fakes a bad leg; Pluto chases it away, only to have it run back ahead of him and go after the sheep. Pluto gets back and finds the coyote chasing the lone black sheep of the flock, after trapping the rest. The chase ends with the coyote buried under a toppling spire of rock, which forms a coyote of rock on the top.
How to Be a Sailor
Goofy provides a history of ships and sailing.
Victory Vehicles
Goofy demonstrates a number of crazy vehicles.
Goofy: Cómo pescar
Visual Effects
Goofy se prepara para un día de pesca llevando todos los utensilios necesarios para ello. Con lo que no cuenta es con su desconocimiento y su poca habilidad para pescar.
Fuerzas aéreas
Donald is stuck on KP at an air training base. Sergeant Pete gives him a huge pile of potatoes to peel first, then gives him some tests: close your eyes and touch fingers, pin the tail on the airplane. He finally gets sent aloft, only to discover it's a parachute jump. Eventually, both Donald and Pete end up falling with no chutes and a bomb.
Goofy: El campeón olímpico
Goofy hace un recorrido por la historia de los Juegos Olímpicos y sus deportes más destacados de la manera que sólo él sabría hacer.
El nuevo espíritu
Animated documentary promoting timely filing and payment of Federal income taxes, demonstrated by Donald Duck's difficulties with his tax return.
How to Ride a Horse
Aided by his horse, Percy, Goofy takes horsemanship to a new level.
El dragón chiflado
Un entrañable dragón se distingue del resto de su especie porque no se siente violento ni malvado. Antes que atacar a los seres humanos, prefiere entretenerse en cantar canciones o recitar poesía. Un día aparece un famoso caballero andante, que le enseñará a combatir.
Un caddy canino
Mickey's going golfing, and Pluto is his caddy. Besides the usual caddy duties, Pluto runs to the ball and points to it. But when the ball lands in a gopher hole, Pluto's got another task: chase the gopher. They eventually chase each other through a number of holes in a knoll where Mickey is trying to putt out, causing the knoll to collapse.
A Gentleman's Gentleman
Mickey Mouse lies in bed like a lord, getting served breakfast by man's (and mouse's?) best friend Pluto as gentleman's gentleman. Next duty is to fetch the paper, but also pay for it with a coin for the vending machine, and those round things have a nasty habit of escaping a dog's teeth and bouncing over the pavement till they end up in the gutter. After enough attempts to fish and spend the penny, Pluto has a newspaper to carry the same way. The wind has a nasty way to get a better grip on page after page then the dog, so by the time he delivers the daily dose of printed news it's an embarrassingly muddy mess.
Huevos de oro
El pato Donald lee en la prensa que el precio de los huevos está subiendo a límites astronómicos. Consciente de que si tuviese muchos huevos se volvería rico, se a un gallinero cercano a recoger tantos huevos como puede. Pero el gallo del gallinero no está muy de acuerdo con la idea de Donald.
El pequeño remolino
Mickey wants some of the cake Minnie has just baked, so he offers to clean up her yard. As he's working, a tiny tornado (smaller than him) with a mind of its own comes along and causes trouble. After Mickey finally chases the little twister off, it gets its big brother, which makes a grand mess of the yard. Most of the cartoon, except for the opening and closing, has no dialogue.
El remolcador de Mickey
Mickey está realizando el mantenimiento rutinario de su remolcador (con la intervención de un pelícano) cuando recibe una llamada por radio de que hay un barco que se está hundiendo y necesita ayuda. Lamentablemente, la tripulación de Mickey está formada por Donald y Goofy, así que ponerse en marcha para ayudar no es fácil. Goofy tiene que luchar contra la puerta de una caldera para conseguir llenarla de carbón (y cuando lo consigue, la llena en exceso) y Donald se enreda en la maquinaria. Por no hablar de que nadie echa las campanas al vuelo, por lo que arrastran a medio muelle con ellos. La caldera sobrecargada no tarda en explotar.
El Pato Donald: Campeón de hockey
Donald enseña a sus sobrinos los golpes que le hicieron ganar un trofeo jugando al hockey, pero los sobrinos tienen sus propios golpes...
Este es un cortometraje de animación de la serie Donald Duck, producido en Technicolor por Walt Disney Productions y estrenado en cines el 11 de febrero de 1938 por RKO Radio Pictures. La película sigue a Donald tratando de aprender a controlar su temperamento siguiendo los consejos de un programa de radio.
La tierra de la música
La princesa violoncelo de la Isla de la Sinfonía se ha enamorado del príncipe saxofón de la Isla del Jazz. Pronto, la reina los descubre y encierra al saxofón en la prisión-metrónomo. La guerra estalla, y el príncipe y la princesa están a punto de ahogarse en el Mar de la Discordia. ¿Les salvará el amor y la música?. 55º de los 75 cortos que forman las Silly Symphonies de Disney.