Axel Pedraza


Director of Photography
En la República Dominicana, el endurecido policía Manolo intenta acabar con un infame cartel de la droga; mientras tanto, su hija se ha enamorado de Lorenzo, un trabajador de la construcción que, sin saberlo, se ha visto envuelto en los tratos del cartel de la droga.
Las tres muertes de Marisela Escobedo
Director of Photography
Después de que el feminicidio de su hija quedara impune, una madre inicia una cruzada incansable para encarcelar al asesino y exponer al sistema de justicia mexicano.
Azul Claro
Director of Photography
Una carretera se extiende solitaria a lo largo del desierto de Chihuahua, la recorren Lucía y su hijo Ismael dando por hecho que el camino juntos aún no termina. Una parada turística, una peculiar e inocente incertidumbre sobre lo que pudo haber sucedido y el silencio del atardecer cambian indudablemente la certeza del tiempo que compartirán una vez más.
El guardián de la memoria
Director of Photography
According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Mexico became one of the deadliest conflict zones in the world in 2017, second only to Syria. In 2008, the Mexican government sent the army to Chihuahua on the Mexico-Texas border to fight drug traffickers. What seemed like an attempt to control the cartels turned into state-sponsored disappearances and the murder of journalists, human rights activists and civilians. The survivors and those threatened by the conflict pushed at the unwelcoming border of the United States, hoping for asylum. With stunning visual poetry, director Marcela Arteaga weaves together a record of their memories told over the backdrop of the once-vibrant landscape of the Juarez Valley. She also highlights the extraordinary work of Carlos Spector, an immigration lawyer born in El Paso, Texas, who fights to obtain political asylum for those Mexicans fleeing violence.
Los Años de Fierro
Director of Photography
This documentary tells the story of César, the oldest Mexican prisoner on death row in the United States. César has waited for his execution date for more than 30 years, always insisting that he is innocent. Los años de Fierro is a reflection on justice, imprisonment, punishment, guilt and brotherly love, through the eyes of César and his bother, Sergio.