Israel Hernández


Abuela Grillo
La abuela grillo produce agua con su canto. Unos villanos, al verla, deciden raptarla para lucrarse con ella, hecho que afectará a toda la nación.
Abuela Grillo
Character Designer
La abuela grillo produce agua con su canto. Unos villanos, al verla, deciden raptarla para lucrarse con ella, hecho que afectará a toda la nación.
Abuela Grillo
La abuela grillo produce agua con su canto. Unos villanos, al verla, deciden raptarla para lucrarse con ella, hecho que afectará a toda la nación.
Abuela Grillo
La abuela grillo produce agua con su canto. Unos villanos, al verla, deciden raptarla para lucrarse con ella, hecho que afectará a toda la nación.
Pig Me
Pig me is the story about a pig that escapes from a slaughter house. He finds his way to a pet shop and discovers the nice and warmth atmosphere between the costumers and the animals getting bought. He also wants to get bought, but he realizes that nobody wants to buy a pig. The only solution he can find to that problem is to dress up as the other animals in the pet shop.
Pig Me
Storyboard Designer
Pig me is the story about a pig that escapes from a slaughter house. He finds his way to a pet shop and discovers the nice and warmth atmosphere between the costumers and the animals getting bought. He also wants to get bought, but he realizes that nobody wants to buy a pig. The only solution he can find to that problem is to dress up as the other animals in the pet shop.
Pig Me
Pig me is the story about a pig that escapes from a slaughter house. He finds his way to a pet shop and discovers the nice and warmth atmosphere between the costumers and the animals getting bought. He also wants to get bought, but he realizes that nobody wants to buy a pig. The only solution he can find to that problem is to dress up as the other animals in the pet shop.
Basado en la versión taquigráfica de la conversación que tuvo lugar en Xochimilco el 4 de diciembre de 1914 entre Villa y Zapata, la primera vez que cruzaron palabras frente a frente.