George Shevtsov

George Shevtsov


George Shevtsov


Tres mil años esperándote
The Old Storyteller
La Dra. en literatura Alithea Binnie (Tilda Swinton) parece estar feliz con su vida aunque se enfrenta al mundo con cierto escepticismo. De repente, se encuentra con un genio (Idris Elba) que ofrece concederle tres deseos a cambio de su libertad. En un principio, Alithea se niega a aceptar la oferta ya que sabe que todos los cuentos sobre conceder deseos acaban mal. El genio defiende su posición contándole diversas historias fantásticas de su pasado. Finalmente, ella se deja persuadir y pedirá un deseo que sorprenderá a ambos.
William Bower
Después de perder a su hija de 12 años en un trágico accidente, el psicólogo Peter Bower y su esposa de mudan a Melbourne, Australia, lugar donde se conocieron. Al llegar, son ayudados por el Dr. Duncan Steward, que envía algunos pacientes de una clínica psiquiátrica a Peter, con el fin de ayudarle a recuperar la rutina de trabajo. Al descubrir el terrible secreto que sus pacientes comparten, el psicólogo decide regresar a su ciudad natal, donde tendrá que enfrentarse a un problema que sólo él puede resolver.
The Stranger
A seedy bar owner hires a mysterious Croatian to commit murder, but a planned double-crossing backfires when a young waitress is taken hostage. A suspenseful, yet darkly humorous chain of events builds to a bloodcurdling climax.
No Through Road
The serenity of another quiet evening is shattered for an amateur photographer when a desperate woman takes refuge in his humble suburban home. Reluctantly, he is pulled into a cat and mouse game with her pursuers. Only dawn will reveal the blood-soaked fallout of being alone in the middle of suburbia.
When a young country footballer, Mat, comes to the big smoke to stay with his cousin, all he wants is a quiet night. After a twelve hour odyssey of cops, crazies, harlots and heavies, all he wants is a new cousin.
Una historia japonesa
Sandy Edwards, una ambiciosa geóloga, recibe el encargo indeseado de enseñar a Hiromitsu, un taciturno hombre de negocios japonés, las minas y desiertos de Pilbara, con vistas a vender a su compañía el software de geología único que ella ha estado desarrollando. Hiromitsu la toma por su chófer y le pide caminar por el remoto desierto de Pilbara, tranquilamente, sin ser consciente de los peligros. En el entorno de esta zona despoblada de Australia, estos dos extraños, que son diametralmente opuestos, se encontrarán juntos en una situación potencial de vida o muerte. Conforme se adentran en el árido paisaje del oeste de Australia, ambos dejan progresivamente atrás cuanto sabían uno del otro y de ellos mismos.
An alcoholic homeless man is framed for a murder of an Internal Affairs detective committed by fellow detectives who she was investigating. With the help of the mother of a teenage runaway he helped, the homeless man tries to prove his innocence.
Mr Reliable
Mr Jakovitch
All Wally Mellish, an ex-convict in 1960s Australia, wants to do is live a quiet life with his girlfriend Beryl. Unfortunately when two police officers come around to disturb this, a misunderstanding quickly becomes out of control, resulting Wally, Beryl and her child being trapped in their house, surrounded by armed police under the impression that Wally is holding everyone hostage. Events quickly spiral into a media circus as, through the siege, Wally - inadvertently - manages to become a symbol for the anti-war movement.
Love Serenade
Ken Sherry
In Sunray, a backwater town on Australia's Murray River, there's little to do but fish or listen to the local radio station. D.J. Ken Sherry arrives from the hustle of Brisbane to run the station; he's mid-40s, detached, thrice divorced, hatchet faced. But both sisters next door find him attractive: awkward Dimity, only 20, who works in a Chinese restaurant with few patrons, and perky Vicki-Ann, a hairdresser with a hope chest who invents a happy future with Sherry based on little but his arrival. First Dimity then Vicki-Ann spend the night with Ken, one concluding he's her boy friend, the other her fiance. Then Dimity begins to smell something fishy.
In the tradition of Arsenic and Old Lace, comes this morbidly funny Australian tale of murder and mayhem at the hands of two charming old ladies.
Calma total
John y Rae deciden hacer un viaje en su pequeño yate de vela para intentar olvidar la muerte de su hijo en un accidente. Pero la travesía se ve interrumpida cuando divisan un bote neumático que escapa de una goleta. El único ocupante del bote, un asustado joven, les explica que es el único superviviente de una intoxicación alimentaria que ha acabado con toda la tripulación.
Pastor Spong
Cherith is the daughter of a evangelist and is seen as an outcast because of her inability to speak in tongues, which the rest of her father's sect can do quite easily. She also has problems with relationships.
Touch the Sun: Peter & Pompey
The fate of a young Australian boy is somehow linked with that of a young Roman boy who had traveled to Australia by ship during the time of the Roman Emperor, Nero.
Third Person Plural
Four young people get to know each other by spending weekends on a yacht stationed in Sydney's Pittwater area.
Renegades: Fragments from a Diary of Three Years' Experience 1970-1973
A fragmented film, largely following street performer George Shevtsov at the 1970 Vietnam Moratorium, the Odyssey Pop Festival at Wallacia in 1971, and street theatre sneezing for lunchtime crowds. The film then takes a darker turn, contrasting audio from a court case with footage of police.