Daniel Nagrin

Nacimiento : 1917-05-22,

Muerte : 2008-12-29


Home Movies #20: Dance Tests
Fragmentos filmados por Shirley Clarke como preparación para una de sus primeras películas.
Dancetime New Dance Group Gala
In this remarkable video, "The New Dance Group Gala Concert: Retrospective 1930s-1970s" viewers will enjoy viewing dances of some of the most influential Modern Dance pioneers including: Mary Anthony, Ronne Aul, Talley Beatty, Valerie Bettis, Irving Burton, Jane Dudley, Jean Erdman, Eve Gentry, Joseph Gifford, Hadassah, Sophie Maslow, Donald McKayle, Daniel Nagrin, Pearl Primus, Anna Sokolow, Joyce Trisler, Charles Weidman.
Art of Memory
Manipulating a variety of sources, Vasulka uses creative imaging tools to situate historical images against Southwestern landscapes of incredible beauty. Contorting the images into a variety of isomorphic forms, Vasulka creates a literal shape for these memories, developing these shapes as metaphors for the processes of fragmentation, condensation, and inversion, that inevitably contort fact into memory. While much of the raw material for the tape is drawn from World War II and its rehearsals, the Spanish Civil War and the Russian Revolution, The Art of Memory is really an extended meditation seeking to reconcile the blurry, banal photographs of historic figures with the mass destruction they helped engineer.
Dance in the Sun
Choreographer Daniel Nagrin performs in a studio and in the sun.
Dance in the Sun
Choreographer Daniel Nagrin performs in a studio and in the sun.