Nino Rocher

Nino Rocher


Nino Rocher


Jungle Is My Garden
Atsadé, a migrant, who lives off theft and petty trafficking in Paris, dreams of England. Henri, a former high-ranking soldier, has just delivered his wife from an incurable disease and now faces a life without purpose. Between these two marginals that nothing predestined to meet, an unfailing relationship will be forged.
A Paris Education
Etienne llega a París para estudiar cine en la Sorbona. Conoce a Mathias y Jean-Noël, quienes comparten su pasión por el cine. Pero a medida que pasan el año estudiando, deben enfrentar desafíos de amistad y amor, además de elegir sus batallas artísticas.
The Fear
Gabriel, a young soldier, is sent to the Western Front in 1914. He experiences the hell of the trenches and the devastating effects that fear has on all the troops. He comes out alive after this horrendous experience, full of rage and fire, and discovers his own humanity.