The film follows a young boy's search for the mythical island of fireflies described in his mother's bedtime stories. Using the "clues" he believes his mother left behind in an old notebook, the boy makes the long journey to the magical island to wish her back to life.
Especial para la televisión resumiendo los episodios 1 al 17 que conforman la fase 1 de la serie Voltes V legacy.(Voltus V: El Legado) Innovador telefilme lleno de acción que también es el recuento de 'Voltus V', el anime más amado de todas las generaciones, una conmovedora historia de amor por la familia en medio de la guerra entre los humanos y las fuerzas invasoras de Boazan. La última línea de defensa de la Tierra, el equipo Voltus y su súper robot, Voltus V, es lo único que se interpone entre la Tierra y su completa aniquilación.
A coming-of-age film that tells the story of Billy Bayagan, a closeted gay in a family of strict and conservative policemen. The film follows his journey of acceptance and love for his true self.
Venus and Mars are neighbors born during a rare planetary alignment, but while Venus grows up blessed by good fortune, Mars seems destined to bring nothing but bad luck to his friends and family. Just when everything looks hopeless for Mars, he discovers he has a rare gift and also that he's in love with the beautiful Venus. Is romance in the stars for Mars, or will his rotten fate break his heart again?