Uno Larsson


El séptimo sello
Flagellant (uncredited)
Suecia, mediados del siglo XIV. La Peste Negra asola Europa. Tras diez años de inútiles combates en las Cruzadas, el caballero sueco Antonius Blovk y su leal escudero regresan de Tierra Santa. Blovk es un hombre atormentado y lleno de dudas. En el camino se encuentra con la Muerte que lo reclama. Entonces él le propone jugar una partida de ajedrez, con la esperanza de obtener de Ella respuestas a las grandes cuestiones de la vida: la muerte y la existencia de Dios.
Krut och kärlek
Set in Sweden the 1700s. Local rebels are raging in the south. Two riders are commissioned to capture the Dane rebel who is their leader.
The Staffan Stolle Story
Staffan Stolle becomes the sole heir to a rich and noble family when he is just a little boy. Early on he is engaged to be married to a girl he finds he does not love. Instead he flees the country only to return under a false name, looking for true love.
Hot dog vendor
Pawnshop assistant Patrick and maid Viveka meet by chance and become fond of each other, but none of them want to reveal his real profession for the other.
Un verano con Mónica
Man in a beret
Monika trabaja en un mercado de verduras. Harry, un joven de 19 años, vive al lado. Un día van al cine y pasan la noche juntos en la barca del padre de Harry. Al día siguiente Harry es despedido. Los dos deciden dejar Estocolmo. Al principio las cosas son idílicas: toman el sol desnudos, beben, van a bailar pero Monika se queda embarazada. Se quedan sin comida y empiezan a robar en cabañas cercanas. Monika es arrestada pero logra escapar. Y ambos deciden volver a la ciudad.
The People from Simlangs Valley
Barco a la India
Un sugestivo triángulo amoroso entre una corista, un marinero y el padre de éste, un alcohólico capitán de barco. Después de haber amargado la vida a su mujer y a su hijo, el capitán, que se está quedando ciego, se da cuenta de que su juventud pertenece ya al pasado. Pero, al iniciar una relación con una corista, ve que la última oportunidad de sentirse joven puede desvanecerse porque también su hijo se ha enamorado de ella
Eviga länkar
Hilda Granström has a ladies tailoring shop. Her husband Richard is a cellist in the Opera Orchestra. Their three daughters are helping out in Hilda's shop. Richard's 80-year-old mother, who once was a dancer, also lives with the family.
Gomorron Bill!
en av Bills anställda
Land owner Bill Bärnfelt sees a beautiful woman when he is out riding and immediately falls in love. But then his former fiancee turns up and makes a fuss.
Räkna de lyckliga stunderna blott
The old Victor Branzell has a grandson, Alf, who is in love with a clerk in a glove shop, Lilian Lind. But Lilian with her simple background doesn't get accepted in the circles where Alf belongs, and they have now reached the conclusion that they can't have a future together. Marriage is impossible. Victor summons Lilian and Alf and starts telling them his life story.
Swedish film of the Kaj Munk play that was made into a far more famous film by Carl Dreyer in Denmark twelve years later.
The Brothers' Woman
Man at the Quarry
City girl Emma marries the farmer Nicklas but gets involved in a love triangle with his brother Ragnar.
The Sin of Anna Lans
Visitor at the hospital
At a meeting at the Salvation Army a female soldier tells the story of her life.
I brist på bevis
Håkan Dahlin has just been discharged from a clinic where he has been treated for his alcoholism. When he immediately goes out with his friend to get drunk and then goes home and abuses his wife he gets forcibly interned again.
Ungdom i bojor
A waitress finds out that her fourteen year old brother is a member of a youth gang doing burglaries in kiosks. Valdemar Jansson escapes prison and seeks out his fiancee Karin, but she does not want to know about him. She studies at the Social Institute and provides herself as a waitress in a cafe. She lives with her grandmother and her younger brother Benke. One day she discovers that Benke belongs to a boy, who makes minor burglaries in newspaper kiosks.
Springpojkar är vi allihopa
Man vid målgången (uncredited)
Gugge and Nuffe work at the competing meat wholesalers AB Delikatesser and AB Skånedelikatesser. The two companies compete for a large order and the two will stop at hardly nothing to get the order
Karusellen går
Violin player
Swedish comedy from 1940. Carnival director Knut Lindberg has ended up in the hands of the usurer Director Aronsson and his shady practices trying to take over Lindberg's funfair. But the two new colleagues, Kalle and Nisse, does everything to stop him.
Adolf i eld och lågor
Swedish comedy from 1939. Adolf Berglund is a reporter at the newspaper Morgonbladet and is sent on one action-packed mission after the other. But it's not always that he uses honest working methods to produce his scoops.
Bombi Bitt and Me
Åhörare i rätten
A Swedish feature film based on a novel by Fritiof Nilsson Piraten.