SCHISM tells the tale of a young man named Christopher who faces off against his former Pastor who leads him on a journey into the darkest recesses of his mind and onto the shores of Hell itself. Schism is a supernatural and psychological horror that deals with the occult, demons, and the tragic quality of human isolation in a world that never sleeps.
Executive Producer
Two young college kids try shrooms for the first time out in the woods only to encounter the one and only BigFoot.
A documentary filmmaker and his crew break into a crime scene only to come face to face with a mysterious old man.
Executive Producer
A documentary filmmaker and his crew break into a crime scene only to come face to face with a mysterious old man.
A documentary filmmaker and his crew break into a crime scene only to come face to face with a mysterious old man.
A documentary filmmaker and his crew break into a crime scene only to come face to face with a mysterious old man.
A documentary filmmaker and his crew break into a crime scene only to come face to face with a mysterious old man.
1966, Estados Unidos de América: Kennedy no puede evitar la crisis de los misiles cubanos en 1962, creando un invierno nuclear en todo el país que parece no tener fin.
1966, Estados Unidos de América: Kennedy no puede evitar la crisis de los misiles cubanos en 1962, creando un invierno nuclear en todo el país que parece no tener fin.
A woman records a terrifying encounter with her friends and a dead man found laying in the road.
A woman records a terrifying encounter with her friends and a dead man found laying in the road.
A woman records a terrifying encounter with her friends and a dead man found laying in the road.
Two young teenagers believe their worst issues are within their everyday lives and homes, until strange occurrences and mysterious deaths begin to terrorize the small neighborhood.
Two young teenagers believe their worst issues are within their everyday lives and homes, until strange occurrences and mysterious deaths begin to terrorize the small neighborhood.
For all intents and purposes, the Apocalypse has happened. "Aftermath" is the story of those who have survived...