Pato Escala


La noche mágica de Gaspar
A fireman receives the sad news that he will not be able to spend Christmas at home due to work. But his wife and two children do their best to lift his mood just before holiday season arrives.
La noche mágica de Gaspar
A fireman receives the sad news that he will not be able to spend Christmas at home due to work. But his wife and two children do their best to lift his mood just before holiday season arrives.
Historia de un oso
Un viejo oso cuenta, a través de un teatro de marionetas que él mismo fabricó, la historia de su vida. Inspirada por el exilio del abuelo de Osorio durante el gobierno militar de Chile, Bear Story es un corto acerca de un padre de familia que anhela volver al hogar donde pertenece. Primera producción chilena en ser premiada con el Óscar al Mejor Corto Animado (2016).