Loubna Abidar

Loubna Abidar

Nacimiento : 1985-09-20, Marrakech, Marocco


Loubna Abidar


Repostero y Chef
Desde niño, Yazid tiene una gran pasión, la repostería. Criado entre casas de acogida y hogares de acogida, el joven intentará hacer realidad su sueño: trabajar con los mejores pasteleros y convertirse en el mejor.
Una chica fácil
Naïma acaba de cumplir 16. Este verano, tendrá que decidir qué quiere de la vida si no quiere perdérselo. Luego llega su prima Sofía, con un cuerpo increíble y un estilo de vida peligrosamente seductor. Naïma solo desea seguir su propio camino, siempre que conduzca hacia arriba ... A pesar de las advertencias de su mejor amiga Dodo, ella y Sofía vivirán encuentros inolvidables durante un largo verano que los marcará para siempre.
La première serveuse
Amin has come from Senegal to work in France, leaving behind his wife Aïcha, and their three children. He leads a solitary life in France, where the only space he occupies is his home and the building sites on which he works. Most of his earnings are sent to Senegal. One day, he meets a woman, Gabrielle, and a relationship is born.
La Mère
In the absence of her sister Rim, what was Yasmina doing in a car park with their boyfriends Salim and Majid? Rim knows nothing about it, but that's because Yasmina is doing her utmost to prevent her from finding out. What was it, then? The unmentionable... the worst thing ever... supersize shame - and it was all captured by Salim in a potentially highly volatile video...
Happy End
La película gira en torno a una familia burguesa y el drama de los refugiados. La familia posee un empresa en Calais, al lado de los campamentos donde viven miles de refugiados.
Much Loved
Cuatro amigas que ejercen la prostitución en Marruecos hacen frente a los peligros y estigmas que acompañan a su profesión.
Zman Kenza
Kenza has lived alone since the death of her husband, a 60-year-old woman. All of her children are married and have concerns that have made their visits to her home decrease over time. To keep the children in constant touch with their mother, they agreed to give her a cell phone. Kenza, who wanted to see her three children every day, was not convinced of this solution, because she believes that her children's spouses are the owners of the idea and the decision. The three sons were unable to balance the needs of their small family with their mother who needed their help and care, so they decided to find a suitable husband for her.