Thomas Bryant
The story begins as two missionaries are arrested for unlawful proselytizing. The law regarding such behavior has been set up by the Christian Town Council to oversee the religious and more importantly "non-Christian" influences within the town. The movie follows Thomas Bryant's inner struggle as he is ordered to defend the missionaries. As Thomas begins to empathize with the plight of the missionaries, he is confronted by his wife and forced into a confrontation with his friend-turned adversary, James Radner. Thomas becomes the center of animosity in the small town. His internal struggle becomes the catalyst of life and death-events portrayed in the story, bringing into question the topics of religion and acceptance. The intriguing court battle, together with a significant and surprising twist of fate for Thomas, lead to a strong critical ending that will leave the audience pondering what makes life memorable and truly important.
Video Clerk
Cuando Jonathan Jordan se divorcia decide dejar de ir a la iglesia y es perseguido por los miembros del barrio de solteros locales que quieren reactivarlo. Nada funciona hasta que Jonathan se enamora de Cammie Giles, la directora de actividades del barrio. De pronto, ir a la iglesia se convierte en mucho más atractivo. ¿Pero va por las razones correctas?.
Waiter (uncredited)
Jedediah Tucker Ward (Gene Hackman) es un legendario abogado de las libertades civiles que ha dedicado su vida a defender a los desprotegidos contra el Estado y las grandes multinacionales. Su hija Margaret (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio) es una brillante abogada que será el próximo socio del bufete más prestigioso de San Francisco. Ambos se enfrentarán en un proceso donde deben anteponer su profesionalidad a sus sentimientos de amor y odio en un estremecedor caso que les unirá o separará para siempre.