Jack Rube Clifford

Jack Rube Clifford

Nacimiento : 1888-12-25, Elmira, New York, USA

Muerte : 1974-10-14


Jack Rube Clifford


The Legend Of The Lone Ranger
Jerry (as Jack Clifford)
A group of Texas Rangers chasing the Butch Cavendish gang is massacred in an ambush. One of the Rangers survives and becomes a vigilante, a masked Lone Ranger who, aided by his native friend Tonto, promises to bring all outlaws to justice.
Enter the Lone Ranger
Jerry, Henchman
The sole surviving Texas Ranger of a murderous ambush - John Reid, becomes the great masked hero. He fights for justice with his companion, Tonto.
I, Jane Doe
Police Captain
While stationed in France during World War II, an American fighter pilot marries a French girl but leaves her behind when he returns to the U.S. The French woman follows him to America only to discover he’s already married to a successful lawyer.
Otoño en primavera
Passerby (uncredited)
Versión cinematográfica de la obra de Eugene O'Neill 'Tierras vírgenes' (Ah, Wilderness!) en la que Mickey Rooney interpreta a Richard Miller, un joven de un barrio de clase media de Danville, Connecticut, que vive con su familia y se enamora de la chica de al lado, Muriel. El padre de ella se opondrá a la relación pues el joven no dejará de compartir con su amada sus ideas revolucionarias.
Dangers of the Canadian Mounted
U. S. Marshal [Ch. 4,12]
Crooks discover a Genghis Khan treasure ship on the Canada-Alaska border but the treasure is hidden somewhere on land. In their efforts to find the hidden treasure they resort to murder and sabotage to stop the construction of the Alcan highway which will bring homesteaders to the area. Sergeant Royal of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police battles through 12 episodes to find the crooks and to learn the identity of their mysterious leader known only as 'The Boss'.
Morena y peligrosa
Prison Guard Captain (uncredited)
El fotógrafo infantil Ronnie Jackson, cuenta la historia que le llevó al corredor de la muerte en San Quintin. Cuando se queda a cargo de la oficina de un detective privado vecino suyo, Ronie recibe a la Baronesa Montay; a fin de localizar al Barón que, al parecer, ha desaparecido. La trama irá complicándose y Ronnie tendrá que descubrir la verdad para salvar su vida mientras es perseguido por un crimen.
Territorio de bandidos
Team Owner (uncredited)
Durante la creación de los Estados Unidos de América, una franja de tierra olvidada entre los Territorios Indios y los Estados de Colorado, Kansas, Nuevo México y Texas se convierte en el refugio y hogar de gran parte de los forajidos más famosos y despiadados del Salvaje Oeste. Allí deberá ir el Sheriff Mark Rowley (Randolph Scott) en busca de su hermano y ayudante John (James Warren), quien tras ser traicionado por el despiadado Marshal Bill Hampton (Morgan Conway), tuvo que huir con la banda del forajido Jesse James (Lawrence Tierney) a la ciudad de Quinto, en el corazón del Territorio de Forajidos. Tras llegar a Quinto, Mark Rowley conocerá a Henryetta Alcott (Ann Richards), la comprometida editora del periódico local que lucha por traer la legislación del estado en creación de Oklahoma a su tierra sin ley...
La dalia azul
Plainclothes Cop (uncredited)
Cuando Johnny, terminada la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), vuelve a su casa, descubre que Helen, su mujer, ha encontrado un nuevo amor, Eddie, el dueño de un night club llamado 'La dalia azul'. Al principio se siente tan anonadado que piensa en vengarse, pero inmediatamente abandona la idea y se va. Cuando, al día siguiente, su mujer aparece muerta, él se convierte en el principal sospechoso. No tendrá entonces más remedio que buscar al asesino, y Joyce, la esposa de Eddie, le ayudará a encontrarlo
Días sin huella
Guard (uncredited)
Don Birnam es un escritor fracasado a causa de su adicción al alcohol, adicción que lo ha destruido física y moralmente y lo ha convertido en un hombre desprovisto de voluntad. Con tal de seguir bebiendo es capaz de todo, incluso de robar. Tanto su novia como su hermano intentan por todos los medios regenerarlo, pero sus esfuerzos parecen estériles.
Senorita from the West
Motorcycle Cop
Determined to become a radio singer, a young girl runs away from her family. She hooks up with a man who is actually the real voice of a famous radio crooner, who actually can't sing at all.
The Old Texas Trail
Sheriff Thomas (as Jack Clifford)
In this western, set in Texas, the brave heroes Rod, Fuzzy, and their good-guy gang attempt to keep a band of ruthless outlaws who are trying to take over the reins of a stage coach line.
The Great Alaskan Mystery
Agent Dunn
The obsessive scientist Dr. Miller is working on a matter-transmitter invention called the Paratron; a conspiratorial team of spies and no-goods pursue him to Alaska, trying to steal the device.
Overland Mail
Sheriff Tyler
Two investigators for a stagecoach company are assigned to find out why the company's stages keep being ambushed. They discover that the culprits are white men disguised as Indians, and they set out to discover who is behind the plot.
Arizona Cyclone
Crenshaw and Randolph are competing freight haulers and Randolph's lead man Tom Baxter has given him an advantage....
Sea Raiders
Pug Anderson
A bunch of waterfront youths pursue the Sea Raiders, a gang of saboteurs.
The Bandit Trail
Kurt Halliday
A cowboy turns bad for revenge, but can't stomach his new evil ways.
Los jinetes de la muerte
Lafe Hogan
The Saturday matinee crowd got two cowboy stars for the price of one in this lavishly budgeted western serial starring former singing cowboy Dick Foran and Buck Jones. The latter contributed deadpan humor to the proceedings, making Jones perhaps the highest paid B-western comedy relief in history. The two heroes defend the Death Valley borax miners from an outlaw gang headed by Wolf Reade. An extraordinarily strong cast -- for a serial, at least -- supported the stars, headed by Charles Bickford as Reade, Leo Carillo, Lon Chaney, Jr., and silent screen star Monte Blue. Leading lady Jeanne Kelly later changed her name to Jean Brooks and starred in the atmospheric RKO thriller The Seventh Victim (1943). Universal claimed to have spent $1 million on this serial and made sure to get their money's worth by endlessly recycling the action footage in serials and B-westerns for years to come.
The Green Hornet Strikes Again!
McCoig - Homeowner Thug
Second serial featuring The Green Hornet and Kato.
Detective a la fuerza
Cop (uncredited)
Divertida comedia, de la que W. C. Fields tuvo el control casi absoluto. Aparte de ser el protagonista, el actor firmó el guión con el curioso seudónimo de Mahatma Kane Jeeves. En realidad la trama es completamente disparatada, casi mera excusa para acumular gags sobre el personaje de Egbert Sousé, una especie de 'alter ego' de Fields, o al menos de la imagen que tenía de él el gran público. El actor da vida a un borrachín, que por casualidad detiene a un atracador de bancos. A partir de ahí nace una fulgurante carrera de detective, prácticamente a su pesar, pues él incluso intenta participar en una estafa. (FILMAFFINITY)
Beyond the Sacramento
Bill learns that two con artists whom he has dealt with before are at it again. Crowley runs the saloon and Adams the newspaper and both are highly respected by the citizens. Bill has foiled their schemes before and this time he breaks into Adams' office and resets the front page saying Adams confesses to be a fugitive criminal. When the citizens gather the next day the end is near for Adams and Crowley.
Policía montada del Canadá
Half-breed Archer (uncredited)
En 1885, tres aventureros de la frontera (el maestro Riel, el traficante de whisky Corbeau y el trampero Duroc) fomentan en Canadá una rebelión contra la Corona. Sólo la Policía Montada permanece leal. El policía Ronnie Logan está enamorado de la hija de Corbeau, pero tiene que rivalizar con un ránger de Texas que busca a Corbeau por asesinato
Sendas siniestras
Deputy on Train
Tod Jackson es un joven abogado que llega a Kansas para visitar a sus amigos los Dalton. Una vez allí, averigua que la familia tiene graves problemas, pues una poderosa compañía está utilizando todo tipo de tretas para arrebatarles sus tierras. La situación llega a tal punto que consiguen convertir en proscritos a todos los miembros de la familia.
Sky Bandits
Whispering Smith
Sgt. Renfrew and Constable Kelly go aloft to search for a plane missing with a shipment of gold from the Yukon Mine Company. Inventor Speavy has devised a power ray which disrupts electrical impulses, and Morgan and his gang of crooks has brought in Prof. Lewis to increase the ray's range, telling him he's helping the government develop this new weapon. Speavy spills the beans to Prof. Lewis and his daughter Madeleine,and Morgan threatens to implicate them in his crimes unless they cooperate. Morgan kills Speavy when he tries to warn Renfrew, but when Madeleine stows away on board the doomed plane Renfrew is piloting, will the crooks be able to make Prof. Lewis use the power ray to bring the plane down?
Murder on the Yukon
Whispering Smith
Unknown to Joan Manning, her trading post partner Weathers is operating a counterfeiting ring. When miner Jim Smithers brings his gold dust in, Weathers pays him off in counterfeit money. Jim's drunken brother, Bill, comes to the post and Weathers hears him say that Jim is leaving the area for good. Weathers sends Hawks to kill Jim and retrieve the bogus money. RCMP Sergeant Renfrew and Constable Kelly find Jim's body, and Renfrew hurries for Jim's cabin to search it. He is attacked by Weathers' men who have found the money. Renfrew is suspicious when Bill Smithers body is found, supposedly a suicide, with a note he had burned the money. This leads the Mounties to suspect counterfeiting. Kelly follows Manti, an Indian who works for Weathers, to the gang's hideout and is captured. But Renfrew is trailing Kelly.
Yukon Flight
Whispering Smith
When the plane owned by the "Yukon and Columbia Mail Service" crashes, RCMP Sergeant Renfrew (James Newill) and Constable Kelly (Dave O'Brien) suspect murder. Their suspicions are confirmed when Renfrew finds the control stick has been jammed, forcing the plane to fly in one direction until the gas ran out. Mine owner Louise Howard (Louise Stanley) reports that her superintendent is missing. The Mounties find him murdered and that too has been made to look like an accident. A new mail service pilot, Bill Shipley (Warren Hull), arrives. He had gone to training school with Renfrew but had been cashiered for misconduct. The Mounties discover that Raymond (Karl Hackett), who had been working for Louise, really owns the flying line managed by Yuke Cardoe (William Pawley.) They find proof that all the gold from the mine isn't being turned over to Louise, and suspect that Raymond and Yuke are stealing the gold and shipping it to Seattle by plane.
Otra reunión de acusados
Policeman (uncredited)
A Nick y a Nora Charles, un matrimonio muy excéntrico, les apasiona ejercer de detectives aficionados. Un día, la familia Charles, después de pasar un fin de semana fuera, regresa a su casa en compañía de un industrial de Long Island que sospecha que alguien quiere matarle, e inmediatamente su temor se hace realidad. Lo peor es que Nick está entre los sospechosos, pero Nora tiene sus propias ideas sobre el caso y se escabulle dentro de un club para buscar pistas.
Thunder Afloat
Captain (uncredited)
A tugboat captain serves under his rival as a U-boat chaser in World War I.
Angels Wash Their Faces
Policeman at Fire (uncredited)
A young man just released from a reformatory moves to a new neighborhood with his sister, intending to start a new life. However, he gets mixed up with the local mob boss and corrupt politicians and soon finds himself being framed for an arson and murder he didn't commit.
Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation
Sergeant on Motorcycle (uncredited)
Mr. Moto is in Egypt to thwart a criminal mastermind determined to steal the priceless crown of the Queen of Sheba. When the precious treasure is transported to America, Mr. Moto must race against time to unmask the cunning thief who will stop at nothing—not even murder—to get what he wants.
Unión Pacífico
Bartender (uncredited)
En 1862, durante la Guerra de Secesión, dos empresas rivales comienzan a construir la primera línea de ferrocarril transcontinental que enlace el Atlántico con el Pacífico. Al tiempo narra los amores entre la hija de uno de los ingenieros, Mollie Monahan (Barbara Stanwyck), el agente del gobierno encargado de la seguridad Jeff Butler (Joel McCrea) y el principal saboteador Dick Allen (Robert Preston).
Let Us Live
Police Sergeant (uncredited)
Dos hombres inocentes son acusados injustamente de asesinato y condenados a muerte. La novia de uno de ellos convence a un detective de policía de su inocencia, y juntos tratan de encontrar al verdadero asesino antes de la fecha de ejecución de los hombres.
A mí no me engaña nadie
Riding Master
El señor Whipsnade dirige un circo de mala muerte y vive abrumado por las deudas. Además, los artistas sólo le crean problemas, y sólo puede permitirse enviar a sus hijos a un colegio pésimo. Su hija Vicky rechaza a un pretendiente fastidioso pero muy rico. Sin embargo, cuando se entera de las graves dificultades económicas de su padre cambia de idea.
Colorado Trail
Judge Bennett (as Jack Clifford)
In this western a traveling gun ends up in a small town and rescues an important rancher. Out of gratitude the rancher hires him to protect his land and cattle from his violent rival. It is revealed that the gunman is the son of the ruthless rival; he therefore, loses his job and finds himself entangled in the midst of a range war. He must eventually face his father when the bad guy takes over the only trail to the market.
The Road to Reno
Trucker (as Jack Clifford)
An opera singer travels to Reno to divorce her rancher husband.
Think It Over
A gang of 'professional torches' burn down stores for the insurance money.
Start Cheering
Car Owner
After retiring from movies to get an education, a man discovers his ex-staff is trying to have him expelled.
Behind the Mike
Station Master
Complications ensue after a radio producer insults a sponsor.
Wild West Days
Corey, member of the Secret 7
Retired lawman Kentucky Wade and his three buddies, Mike Morales, "Dude" Hanford and "Trigger" Benton come to Brimstone and help their friends Larry Munro and his sister, Lucy , in their fight to retain control of Larry's rich ore mine. "Doc" Hardy , as an old friend of Wade's, joins them in their efforts to keep Matt Keeler , the scheming owner of "The Brimstone News", from his efforts to wrest control of Munro's property and mine. Keller employs a legion of henchmen, and sidelines at running runs guns to Red Hatchet and his tribe so they can also get in on the fray against the Munro's and Kentucky and friends.
Midnight Madonna
A habitual gambler comes to the aid of a desperate woman after her daughter inherits a fortune and is underhandedly taken by her estranged father.
Racketeers in Exile
Thyrus Jamison
In this gangster movie, a criminal king-pin and his gang hide out in his hometown where they witness a religious revival that inspires the man to begin billing himself as a "born-again" evangelist so he can cash in on the guilty consciences of local businessmen.
La prueba suprema
Master of Ceremonies
Terry es el piloto de pruebas de Emery Motors, y Frank, el ingeniero. Por su parte, Jane se ocupa de la publicidad. Terry ha diseñado un nuevo carburador con el que espera conseguir fama y dinero, pero no consigue que funcione bien, aunque lo ha estado probando durante más de un año. A pesar de todo, decide presentarse a la carrera de Indianapolis 500.
El secreto de vivir
Court Policeman (uncredited)
Un ingenuo joven de provincias (Gary Cooper) va a Nueva York para hacerse cargo de una herencia de veinte millones de dólares. Allí se enamora de una chica encantadora (Jean Arthur), sin saber que es la periodista que lo ridiculiza en sus artículos.
Rey de los Pecos
John Clayborn es un abogado que se quedó huérfano siendo niño, cuando el ganadero Stiles mató a sus padres. Convertido en un hombre, lo único que quiere es acabar con él y con su monopolio del agua, utilizando para ello la ley.
One Way Ticket
Charlie (as Jack Clifford)
A convict marries the warder's daughter after his escape and she eventually persuades him to finish his sentence.
The Man from Guntown
Sheriff Nolan
When Tim Hanlon arrives to tell Ruth McArthur her long lost brother has been killed, she mistakes him for her brother. He stays on to help her retain control of the dam her farther started. But DeLong is after the dam and having had McArthur killed, he now sends his man after Tim.
The Revenge Rider
Matt Ludlow (as Jack Clifford)
Cowboy Tim McCoy becomes an instrument of revenge when he discovers his parents have been killed.
The Poor Rich
Station Agent
Albert Stuyvesant Spottiswood and his cousin Harriet Winthrop Spottiswood arrive separately at their long abandoned and very much run down family manor, each unaware that the other is going to be there, and since both have become penniless, they are forced to move into the dilapidated house. When Albert receives a letter from old acquaintances Lord and Lady Fetherstone advising the Spottiswoods of their impending visit to the manor, the cousins are at wit's end as to how to exercise non-existent skills required to make the old house acceptable for guest reception.
Fargo Express
When Mort loses his and Ken's money at poker, Goss gets him to rob the stage. He is captured, identified by his palomino horse. Ken tries to clear him by robbing a stage while riding a palomino, but he also gets caught.
La mujer preferida
Mr. Johnson - Watchman (uncredited)
Hugo y Biff son amigos y ambos se sienten atraídos por la misma chica, la guapa Virginia. Cuando ella se casa con Hugo, Biff hará lo propio con Amy, pero no puede dejar de pensar que Virginia será siempre la mujer de su vida.
One Track Minds
Deaf Beekeeper Passenger
Thelma wins a screen test with a Hollywood studio, but trouble ensues on the train trip out there.
Tombstone Canyon
A range lawman (Ken Maynard) unmasks a black-cloaked phantom killer (Sheldon Lewis).
The Lost Special
A lady reporter and two college students search for the "Gold Special," a train that disappeared without a trace.
Truck Driver
Socialite Carol Morgan romps through the Depression and her wealth while breaking up with Bill Wade and getting back together with him.
Elmer Sigmuller
A cowboy turned gold miner fights a gang that buys miner's claims and then murders them.
Law of the Sea
First Mate
A sadistic, evil ship captain lusts after a beautiful young girl he spots in town. It turns out that she's the girlfriend of a young man whose father the captain had blinded and cast adrift on the ocean many years before.
The Local Bad Man
Andrew McKee - Railroad Station Agent (as Jack Clifford)
The Murdock's bank is in trouble. So they ship money on the train and rob it to get back the money plus the insurance, Bonner and his two pals recover the money only to be thrown in jail.
Calamity Jane is a tough and rowdy woman in the old West who owns a saloon and gambling joint (and runs a cattle rustling operation as a sideline). One day she hires a pretty but naive young woman to work as a saloon girl, and finds that the girl is bringing out the maternal instincts she never knew she had. Those instincts are put to the test when a US army cavalry troop arrives to clean up the town and the girl and the young lieutenant in charge of the troop fall in love, and Calamity Jane may know something about the lieutenant that the girl doesn't.
Dog-Catcher Nubbins
Skippy (Jackie Cooper) es un niño de nueve años que no para de hacer travesuras. Su amigo Sooky, un niño pobre, le acompaña en sus aventuras. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Sunrise Trail
Kansas (as Jack Clifford)
Working under cover, Tex goes south of the border and joins Rand's gang where he befriends gang member Kansas. He plans to lead the gang into the Sheriff's trap, but hopes to spare his new friend.
45 Minutes from Hollywood
Orville's Grandpa (as Rube Clifford)
A young man visiting Hollywood on family business gets into trouble when he sees a bank robbery in progress, and thinks it is a movie scene.
Long Pants
Glenn's Grandfather
Glenn's first attempt at wearing long trousers and being a man about town goes swimmingly as he quickly falls for a vivacious young widow who accidentally runs him down. But his father feels she is beyond his abilities and competes for her attention.
Sweet Adeline
Bill Wilson
A shy and sensitive young man is disregarded by his parents and his older brother. Bill becomes jealous and schemes to send his brother away when Ben wins the affections of pretty neighbor Adeline. Ben wins out when the trip on which Bill has sent him becomes a great success.