Maria Uitdehaag


Anna II
Not a single word is spoken in the mini-drama Anna II. The sounds and glances produced by the leading character, the cow Anna II, are telling enough. Her mooing and smacking minutely convey her displeasure with her farmer's budding conjugal bliss. When, on the morning after the wedding night, he enters the cowshed but does not pay enough attention to his prize cow yet, Anna II has had it. The cow's sultry gaze registers how the bride brings the farmer a cup of coffee.
Mrs. Dalloway
Adaptación de la novela homónima de la escritora inglesa Virginia Woolf. La acción transcurre en Londres. A lo largo de todo un día del año 1923, Clarissa Dalloway recuerda su pasado mientras prepara una gran fiesta. Poco antes de que empiecen a llegar los invitados, vuelve a aparecer en su vida un pretendiente al que rechazó treinta años antes.