Following a cataclysmic event which left the Earth without technology or power, Sam (Belle Adams)—a book-obsessed girl in her late teens—lives in seclusion with her two mother-figures (Carrie Walrond Hood & Sophie Edwards). But after an accident, she’s pushed out of her protective world and forced to put her makeshift parents’ opposing world-views to the test as she faces the physical and emotional challenges of a world reclaimed by nature. (Synopsis taken from the film's official site.)
An immigration lawyer is unwittingly entangled in a money-laundering scheme where his only chance to survive is to confront the same people who set him up.
An immigration lawyer is unwittingly entangled in a money-laundering scheme where his only chance to survive is to confront the same people who set him up.
La decisión de pánico de una mujer de encubrir un asesinato accidental gira fuera de control cuando su conciencia exige que devuelva el cuerpo del muerto a su familia.
En Nueva York, Moe Diamond (Liam Hemsworth) se dedica al blanqueo de dinero negro. Un día se verá buscando respuestas desesperadamente tras despertarse sin memoria, con un montón de dinero y drogas y un violento grupo de policías corruptos persiguiéndole.
In this southern fairy tale narrated by Jeff Foxworthy, loveable loser, Bill "Crackerjack" Bailey IV, inadvertently commits himself to a softball-obsessed men's ministry following the news that his girlfriend is pregnant and expects him to grow-up. Faced with losing his true love or confronting impending fatherhood, Crackerjack does what any man would do... Play ball!