Ronald Spencer

Nacimiento : 1924-07-24, Billericay, Essex, England, UK


Seal Island
Pebble Island, a breeding ground for seals is to be sold to a Conservation Group. Mike, Kate and Ben are horrified to find that until the sale is completed, permits have been granted for two professional killers to shoot seals for their skins.
The Copter Kids
Helicopter pilots help children to track down cattle rustlers.
Smokey Joe's Revenge
Three children rejuvenate an old traction engine and enter it for the County Championship.
The Behaviour Game
A BAFTA award nominated documentary investigating how bad behaviour affects colleagues and the public and the correct way to act towards others.
African Landfall
Members of a school expedition in Tunisia become accidentally involved in industrial espionage.
Members of a school expedition in Tunisia become accidentally involved in industrial espionage.
Project Z
Adventure about industrial espionage.
The Runaway Truck
Members of a school expedition in Tunisia become accidentally involved in industrial espionage.
The Sandstorm
Members of a school expedition in Tunisia become accidentally involved in industrial espionage.
Sharp-shooters of the Desert
Members of a school expedition in Tunisia become accidentally involved in industrial espionage.
Double, Double-cross
Members of a school expedition in Tunisia become accidentally involved in industrial espionage.
Trapped in the Tombs
Members of a school expedition in Tunisia become accidentally involved in industrial espionage.
The Deserted Village
Members of a school expedition in Tunisia become accidentally involved in industrial espionage.
A Child's Guide to Blowing Up a Motor Car
"A comic promotional mock documentary about a boy and his uncle who visit the Silverstone Racetrack during filming of the James Bond movie Thunderball (1965)."
A Child's Guide to Blowing Up a Motor Car
"A comic promotional mock documentary about a boy and his uncle who visit the Silverstone Racetrack during filming of the James Bond movie Thunderball (1965)."
Danger Within
Assistant Director
En un campo de prisioneros de guerra italiano, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un grupo de soldados ingleses ve frustrados sus planes de escapar por culpa de un misterioso traidor que hay en sus filas.
Un lugar en la cumbre
Assistant Director
Joe Lampton (Laurence Harvey) acepta un trabajo de contable en un pequeña ciudad del norte de Inglaterra. Movido por la ambición, intenta conquistar a Susan (Heather Sears), la hija del hombre más rico y poderoso del lugar, pero éste se interpone en su camino y envía a su hija de vacaciones. Entonces, Joe se lía con Alice (Simone Signoret), una mujer madura cuya experiencia y sofisticación lo fascinan hasta tal punto que llega a pedirle que deje a su marido. Sin embargo, ciertas circunstancias hacen que los planes de Joe den un giro radical.
The Man Upstairs
Assistant Director
The mental breakdown of a guilt-ridden man provides the drama in this fascinating psychological profile starring Richard Attenborough as a scientist who can't live with himself after he accidently kills the brother of his fiancee.
Toda la verdad
Assistant Director
Una mujer trata de demostrar que su infiel marido no ha asesinado a su amante.
Next to No Time
Assistant Director
Unassuming planning engineer David Webb finds himself on the Queen Elizabeth to New York with instructions to negotiate a high-powered loan. His lack of confidence means he is completely out of his depth, at least until he finds his personality changes every day during the hour the ship's clocks stop to make allowance for their westward passage.
Infierno en Corea
Infierno en Corea fue la primera gran producción sobre la acción de tropas británicas en la Guerra de Corea. La película relata los infortunios de una pequeña patrulla de combate que, tras reconocer un tranquilo poblado, se encuentra atrapada entre una gran cantidad de tropas chinas. La patrulla intentará romper el cerco, pero no hay brecha posible y las tropas enemigas parecen estar por todos los lugares. Acorralados, los supervivientes encontrarán refugio en un antiguo templo donde lucharán hasta su última bala. Basada en hechos reales, supuso el debut cinematográfico de Michael Caine.
The End of the Road
Assistant Director
Having been given enforced retirement due to his age, Mick-Mack creates strain upon his extended family.