Darlino Marquez


Gagay: Prinsesa ng Brownout
Generator Operator
Gagay (Gelli de Belen) and her family are gathering woods which they make into coal. Though they were poor, they already saw some improvement in their lives. This is the Cinderella story for the brown-out plagued generation of this country.
Boyong Mañalac: Hoodlum Terminator
He used to be an outlaw. Now, he is feared by the criminals. Follow this action-filled chapter in the life of Boyong Manalac and witness how he terminates the notorious hoodlums one by one in cold blood. Starring Eddie Garcia, as the hoodlum turned cop. Also stars Edu Manzano, John Regala, Marta Sonano and Pinky De Leon. Eddie Rodriguez directs.