Roberto Furlanetto


L'insegnante di violoncello
Leo is a street vendor who, always accompanied by his dog Cagliostro, he entertains shoppers on the beach telling stories more or less agreeable to a group of guys who are really too busy to look for adventures chasing the tourists. Meanwhile Mario, a boy on vacation with his father, falls in love with his beautiful cello teacher but this, of course, prefers the father.
The slave Flavia works in a brothel of ancient Rome . It attracts the attention of the consul Valerius , a regular customer, who falls in love with her, inadvertently giving the start to a series of hidden envy and bloody clashes.
Las esclavas de Calígula
El emperador romano Calígula deja los últimos días de gloria en medio de orgías de comida y el sexo. Durante un espectáculo de dos esclavas desnudas, el emperador está especialmente atraído por una de ellas, Lysia, haciendo caso omiso de que había sido plantada cerca de él con la orden de asesinarlo.