Jan Willem van der Schoot
Construction Foreman
Based on the novella by Henry James Beast in the Jungle depicts the enigmatic love story of John Marcher and May Bartram. Their duet around an omnious secret is captured in a style both physical and poetic. Set in a remote countryside mansion the story stretches over a century, spiraling from the Jamesian late 19th century to the global present.
Dressing Prop
Based on the novella by Henry James Beast in the Jungle depicts the enigmatic love story of John Marcher and May Bartram. Their duet around an omnious secret is captured in a style both physical and poetic. Set in a remote countryside mansion the story stretches over a century, spiraling from the Jamesian late 19th century to the global present.
Art Direction
Coco has no idea what to do with her life until she discovers her mother is terminally ill. She wholeheartedly embraces this new purpose in life and moves in with her mother to take care of her, ignoring their distant relationship, as well as her mother's desire to die alone.
Construction Coordinator
Michiel de Ruyter (1607-1676) fue uno de los innovadores más grandes y apasionados en ingeniería de combate y por lo tanto se convirtió en un héroe naval en Holanda. A medida que la profundamente desgarrada Holanda es atacada desde todos los lados y se encuentra al borde de la guerra civil, él luchará por los intereses del país. Pero a los ojos de aquellos que ostentan el poder, sus éxitos le hacen demasiado popular y Michiel será enviado a una misión mortal.