Katharine Bennett-Fox


When the Screaming Starts
When Norman Graysmith is invited into the home of an aspiring serial killer, Aidan Mendle, he believes he has the subject for the documentary that will make his career.
Asparagus Tips
A dinner party kicks off with the last guest to arrive, the oddly named Asparagus Tips. Upon introducing herself, we soon gather that her name comes from her asparagus hands. After the starter doesn’t go according to plan, she steps up to the plate, literally, and offers her tips for the party. A delicious delight that everyone wants more of, mostly at the disadvantage of poor Asparagus Tips.
23 Red
In her world, Jendal is a small time revolutionary, locking her clients' electronic devices in a safe and helping them to reconnect with their humanity. Her latest client, Daniel, seems sweet and harmless. She is happy to assist him. 23 Blonde is a dark comedy about nice guys, regrets, and what we feel we deserve.
Nina Forever
Recuerda que puedes ver esta película en http://www.wopelis.com
El capital
El director de origen griego Costa-Gavras, continúa en la senda de su cine político y reivindicativo con la historia de un hombre que, desde la nada, comenzará un ascenso imparable por los entresijos del mundo de la banca hasta convertirse en una de las personas más poderosas e influyentes del país. El director se embarca en esta sátira crítica en torno al sistema capitalista a partir de un tiburón de las finanzas francesas, Marc Tourneuil (interpretado por Gad Elmaleh, 'La felicidad nunca viene sola') y de su descenso a los infiernos de la corrupción económica y moral. 'Le Capital' es un viaje por las finanzas en un mundo globalizado: por eso el film se mueve por diversas ciudades, por París, Miami, Londres o Tokio. Una película que reflexiona sobre el dinero, el poder, la ambición y la situación actual de crisis monetaria.
The Best Medicine
A young desperate girl goes in to an old apothecary in search of a solution to what she considers to be her stupid laugh. The cure is presented by the mysterious woman behind the counter in the form of five small bottles, each one containing a new laugh. "Try each one and keep whichever you prefer - forever." the girl is told. On a succession of dates the girl tries out each laugh but her potential suitors are unimpressed. After reaching a state of despair she finds herself on the fifth date in tracksuit bottoms and hooded top with no make-up on her tear streaked face, having rushed out of the house and forgotten to take the final laugh!