Sadie y McKayla están tan obsesionadas con las redes sociales que han decidido urdir un macabro plan: secuestrar a Lowell, un asesino en serie, para que las adiestre en el arte del horror y poder, así, petarlo en internet. Al principio, todo va según previsto, pero cuando las cosas se tuerzan y Lowell quede libre, a las autodenominadas “chicas trágicas” no les quedará más remedio que reconsiderar su plan.
Claire Kingsley's nightmares and visions lead her back to her hometown in Green Oaks, only to find that the town's infamous resident serial killers, believed to be dead and gone, have re-emerged and are now preying on her and her friends.
Claire Kingsley's nightmares and visions lead her back to her hometown in Green Oaks, only to find that the town's infamous resident serial killers, believed to be dead and gone, have re-emerged and are now preying on her and her friends.