(archive footage)
Robert Preston hosts this documentary that shows what people of the 1930s were watching as they were battling the Depression as well as eventually getting ready for another World War.
The Frog (voice)
Un juguete de cuerda, un ratón de hojalata con su hijo, inician una nueva existencia cuando, rotos y abandonados en la basura, son recogidos y recompuestos por un vagabundo. El ratón y su hijo, perseguidos por la malvada Rata Manny, encuentran ayuda y amistad entre los habitantes de su nuevo territorio, viven el reencuentro con viejos conocidos y, finalmente, lograrán cumplir su sueño de formar junto a ellos un verdadero hogar. Sus peripecias construyen una historia divertida, brillante e imaginativa, que es todo un clásico moderno de la literatura infantil. Basada en una popular novela de Russell Hoban.
Captain Andy
Young Joey wants to be an animal trainer so badly that he sneaks into off-limits areas of Marineland.
Priest in Dog Pound
Hollywood, año 1924. La dulce Estie llega a la ciudad soñando con convertirse en una estrella de cine. Pero no será sencillo de conseguir triunfar en la meca del cine, aunque ella y el perro Won Ton Ton harán todo lo posible por conseguirlo.
Friends and co-workers recall the life of Hollywood screen star Clark Gable.
Friar Tuck (voice)
La popular leyenda de Robin Hood es revivida mágicamente por Disney. La diversión y el romance aparecen por doquier cuando Robin Hood, el héroe espadachín del Bosque de Sherwood, se desliza de aventura en aventura con su valiente ayudante, Little John, y su desternillante banda. Su objetivo es vencer al malvado príncipe y su ayuda de cámara, Hiss, que tienen atemorizado al pueblo a base de injustos impuestos.
Los western del director John Ford son cariñosamente recordados por las estrellas James Stewart, Henry Fonda y John Wayne, con quien filmó una escena en Monument Valley.
Amos Polk
La banda de la colina se reune otra vez para rehabilitar a uno de sus viejos amigos y luchar contra unos criminales que asolan la zona.
Coyote Bill
Myron Breckinridge vuela a Copenhague para someterse a una operación de cambio de sexo, convirtiéndose en la bella Myra. De vuelta a América, Myra acude a la escuela de interpretación de su tío Buck Loner, donde se hace pasar por su propia viuda y afirma que fue voluntad de Myron que ella recibiera la mitad de la escuela, es decir, 500.000 dólares; cuando Loner se niega, ella pide que le den un trabajo de profesora allí para mantenerse. Buck accede a regañadientes, al tiempo que inicia una investigación sobre la veracidad de las afirmaciones de Myra.
Andy Devine
Una banda de rock es enviada a Albania con el fin de localizar a unos estadounidenses secuestrados en un alejado castillo.
Mr. Stone
A boy finds an injured German Shepherd Dog whom he names Smoke.
Judge Amos Polk
Un ranger de Texas retirado y sus tres viejos camaradas, serán los encargados de imponer el orden en una ciudad sin ley gobernada por un alcalde corrupto que sólo pretende su reelección a cualquier precio. (FILMAFFINITY)
Judge Tatum
Josie Minick es una mujer viuda con un niño de corta edad que tiene que valerse por sí misma, para lo cual decide buscarse un empleo. Pero se meterá en problemas con los ganaderos de la ciudad cuando decide convertir el pastoreo de ovejas en su modo de vida.
Self (archive footage)
Clips from assorted television programs, B-movies, commercials, music performances, newsreels, bloopers, satirical short films and promotional and government films of the 1950s and 1960s are intercut together to tell a single story of various creatures and societal ills attacking American cities.
Sheriff Estep
A family of bootleggers fight against the sheriff and local gangsters.
Branch Hawksbill
A young boy lets the animals out of their cages at the Zoo, to set them free, but the animals start taking over the town.
Sheriff of Crockett County
Un grupo de automovilistas viaja por un agreste paisaje del sur de California. De pronto, un coche les adelanta a gran velocidad pero, al tomar una curva, se precipita por un barranco. Los automovilistas se detienen e intentan ayudar a los ocupantes del vehículo siniestrado, pero llegan tarde, y el conductor moribundo confiesa que tiene escondido un botín de trescientos mil dólares en el parque de Santa Rosita.
La expansión hacia el Oeste protagonizada por los colonos, la anexión de Texas y la incorporación de Arizona, Nuevo México y California tras una guerra que se salda con la victoria de los Estados Unidos suponen un avance espectacular de la frontera norteamericana hacia el Pacífico. La película consta de cuatro episodios sobre la colonización del Oeste que tienen lugar entre 1830 y 1890. Los dos primeros y el último, fueron dirigidos por Hathaway, y el tercero, por Marshall, pero incluye también un interludio, dirigido por John Ford, ambientado en la guerra de Secesión, con un diálogo entre los generales nordistas Sherman y Grant.
Marshal Link Appleyard
Un anciano senador del Congreso de los Estados Unidos, Ransom Stoddard (James Stewart), relata a un periodista la verdadera historia de por qué ha viajado junto a su mujer Hallie (Vera Miles) para acudir al funeral de un viejo amigo, Tom Doniphon (John Wayne). Todo comenzó muchos años atrás, cuando Ransom era un joven abogado del este que llegó en diligencia a Shinbone, un pequeño pueblo del Oeste, para ejercer la abogacía e imponer la ley. Poco antes de llegar a su destino, es atracado y golpeado brutalmente por el temido pistolero Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin).
'A Star Is Born' (archive footage) (uncredited)
Henry Fonda hosts this retrospective on the career and films of iconic filmmaker David O. Selznick, who epitomized the era of the auteur producer in the 30s and 40s.
Sgt. Darius P. Posey
Los familiares de los prisioneros blancos secuestrados por los comanches presionan al ejército federal para que los rescate. Al cínico comisario de Tascosa, Guthrie McCabe, lo convence el comandante Frazer para que se encargue de negociar con los indios la entrega de los cautivos. Le acompañará en su misión el teniente Gary.
Mr. Carmody
Huckleberry Finn, un joven aventurero que vive en un pequeño pueblo, decide huir por el río, para dejar atrás a su padre alcohólico y a la viuda Douglas que pretende cuidarlo. En su viaje por el Mississippi lo acompaña Jim, un afable hombre negro.
SS Henrietta First Mate
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Julio Verne. Un ladrón ha robado 55.000 libras del banco de Inglaterra. Todos creen que ha sido Philleas Fogg, un auténtico caballero inglés, que ha hecho una apuesta con sus compañeros de club, asegurando que es capaz de dar la vuelta al mundo en 80 días.
George Tenell
Pete Kelly es un trompetista que toca con su banda de jazz, conocida como "Pete Kelly y sus Big Seven", en un local de Kansas City. Un día aparece por allí Frank McCarg, un mafioso que le exige ser su manager a cambio del 25% de las ganancias y de que su novia Rose cante en el grupo. Tras negarse, Frank asesina a uno de los amigos de Pete, por lo que esté decidirá aceptar sus condiciones, esperando tener en el futuro la oportunidad de vengarse de él...
Jingles P. Jones
Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
Jingles P. Jones
Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
A short feature western comprised of two episodes of the TV series 'Wild Bill Hickok': "A Close Shave for the Marshal" (6/16/1952) and "Ghost Rider" (4/7/1952).
A short feature western comprising two episodes of the "Wild Bill Hickok" TV series, the episodes being "Lumber Camp Story" (4/21/1952) and "Boy And The Bandit" (5/5/1952).
Jingles P. Jones
Another of the series of "movies" created by stitching two episodes of the "Wild Bill Hickok" TV series together, U. S. Marshal Wild Bill Hickok and his deputy Jingles P. Jones are working to solve the mystery of a number of gold robberies from a stage line and expose the plot of a bank manager to buy the bank with funds stolen from it. Wrapping that one up tightly in less than thirty minutes, they move on up the road to round up another gang that has been holding up Wells Fargo offices, with Jingles posing as a medicine show magician.
Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
"Trouble on the Trail" is two episodes of the "Wild Bill Hickok" television series edited together and released as a feature film by Allied Artists.
A cavalry unit escorts a group of civilians through dangerous territory inhabited by Indians on the warpath.
Jingles P. Jones
Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature film.
Two episodes of "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
Aloysius P. 'Jingles' Jones
Two episodes from the "Wild Bill Hickok" TV series edited together and released as a feature.
Deputy Aloysius 'Jingles' P. Jones
A compilation of two episodes from the "Wild Bill Hickok" TV series, Border City Election and Pony Express vs. Telegraph, edited together and released as a feature film.
Willie Moon
Un avión de mercancías se estrella en las tierras heladas de la península del Labrador. Mientras la tripulación espera ser rescatada, el piloto tendrá que ingeniárselas para mantener a sus hombres con vida en tan duras condiciones. (FILMAFFINITY)
Pete Bivins
Belle Star es una joven de dudosa reputación que se relaciona con un pequeño grupo de forajidos, los hermanos Dalton. Precisamente la banda está pasando por un momento de dificultades económicas, por lo que planean atracar un banco.
Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
Jingles P. Jones
Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok", The Yellow Haired Kid and Johnny Deuce, edited together and released as a feature.
Deputy Jingle P. Jones
Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
The Waterheater (voice)
Westinghouse claims its electric appliances "freed women from the drudgery of housework." The first half involves a dream salesman at work; the second half is focused on the "Spring Sales Event," called "Freedomland."
Sgt. Macintosh
Tres forajidos roban una dilegencia y huyen. Cuando los caballos se agotan, asesinan a unos indios para conseguir caballos frescos. Esto pone a los indios en pie de guerra y tienen que refugiarse en un fuerte del Ejército para evitarlos. Los indios ofrecen paz a cambio de los tres hombres. El oficial al mando del fuerte quiere la paz pero las reglas dicen que los hombres deben ser juzgados ante un tribunal. Los indios no tendrán más remedio que atacar.
The Cheery Soldier
Un joven que participa en la Guerra Civil Norteamericana (1861-1865) acaba descubriendo que la vida de soldado encierra más horror que diversión. A pesar de todo, gracias a la guerra, dejará de ser un chico asustadizo y se convertirá en un hombre valeroso y entregado en el campo de batalla.
Sgt. Garrity
Captain Hunt of the cavalry is trying to promote good relations with the Indian chief Acoma. But Hunt's superiors in the military insist on pursuing policies that will provoke a conflict, and Chief Acoma is not willing to let himself be insulted.
Kay, una cantante famosa, cambia radicalmente de vida al casarse con Chris, un ranchero que tiene dos hijas. Kay pone todo su empeño en conseguir adaptarse a la dura vida del campo. Pero cuando cree que lo ha conseguido, una desavenencia con su marido hace que sus esperanzas se vean truncadas.
The daughter of a soap manufacturer heads to the wild and woolly west to sell her daddy's product.
Chester Lauck and Norris Goff tried to bring their highly successful radio show to TV but it didn’t happen. In this failed pilot Abner is on the phone with Mose and says he’ll meet him and Opie Cates to go fishing. Lum comes into the store with a letter from the IRS. He goes to burn it in the stove and sees Abner’s fishing tackle.
Casey Brown
About to marry Jim Plummer, Kate Foley runs off to Nevada when Ed Bagley convinces her a quick fortune can be made robbing gold shipments that are being transported by the railroad. In Bannock City she meets reformed-bandit Frank Plummer, posing as Frank Norris, brother of Jim Plummer, who has being going straight and working as an express shipment guard. Jim also shows up and plans a robbery by stealing a train and hiding it in an abandoned tunnel. The two brothers are on opposite sides of the law with the now-reformed Kate caught in the middle.
Judge Cookie Bullfincher
Willis Newcomb and Bart Carroll head a gang engaged in smuggling wanted-American criminals back into the United States from Mexico. Operating from Sharperville, an oil town on the American side of the border, they transport their human cargo in oil drums loaded on trucks. Border Patrolman Tom Sharper intercepts one of the trucks but is overpowered and left for dead. Carroll, having already been paid for the job and not wanting any evidence to walk around, get caught and lead back to him, backs the human-cargo trucks to the edge of a cliff and sends the drums crashing to the boulder far below. Judge Cookie Bullfincher and Border Patrolman Roy Rogers conduct a search for the missing Tom, but the crooks have gone back for him and find him in a state of amnesia. They rob the bank and pin it on Tom. It is now up to Roy to clear his friend and also put an end to Carroll's human-smuggling racket.
Cookie Bullfincher
Sintown is just a deserted ghost town until Vanerpool starts looking for silver. Cookie and Roy's partners put $20,000 into the business only to find that the mine is worthless and Vanerpool is bankrupt. Carol comes out to look for silver to save the company, but does not know that their engineer, named Regan, is crooked and wants all the silver for himself. But only Old Ed knows where the mother lode is located.
Cookie Bullfincher
Twenty years earlier Farrell killed his mining partner Andrews. Now Andrews daughter arrives to get her father's trust fund. Farrell having rustled Roy's cattle now takes her money from her Lawyer and lets her overhear false information of their next rustling job. With the posse at the wrong location, his men attack the cattle train and Roy on board find himself greatly outnumbered.
Dr. Cookie Bullfincher
A ranch owner turns his place into a home for boys who have lost their fathers in World War II. His evil female lawyer covets the ranch and uses a gang of local toughs, a pack of killer dogs, and a phoney rancher's beneficiary to get it. U.S. Marshal Rogers opens an investigation when the rancher is killed.
Windy Hornblower
When power-hungry Faulkner and Leroux want to divide Texas into smaller sections, instead of allowing it to enter the Union as a single state, Gary Conway and the Texas Rangers must step in to thwart their chicanery.
Cookie Bullfincher / Cousins Alf, Luke, & Grover Bullfincher
Roy, un vaquero, descubre que su caballo, Trigger, ha sido robado por una banda de forajidos. Inmediatamente se pone en marcha para recuperarlo.
Sam Bowie
Also known as California Outpost, Old Los Angeles stars Bill Elliot in one of his expanded-budget Republic "specials." The film is set during the early statehood days of California, with Elliot keeping the peace and warding off plunderers and marauders. As always, Elliot is a "peaceable man"--until he beats the tar out of those who rile him. The problem with Elliot's more expensive Republic vehicles is that action invariably took a back seat to plot, romance, costumes and decor. Within a year of Old Los Angeles, Elliot started a more austere, less prettified and far superior western series.
Cookie Bullfincher
Manzanita Springs ia a combination small airline and spa and Vance Brados wants it. He pays their mechanic to have the planes run out of fuel so his men can rob the gold shipments and kill the pilots. After Sheriff Roy Rogers catches the mechanic, Roy plans one more gold shipment to get proof and this time his men will be ready. But it looks like Roy's plan will fail when Brados suspects a trap and call off the raid.
Elihu Mills
A couple of Confederate soldiers, returning home from the Civil War, find Texas transformed into an armed camp with a quasi-dictator gathering up land and power as fast as he can. The two former Rebels take on this despot each in his own way.
Constable Cookie Bullfincher
A cowboy turns bounty hunter to pay off his debts.
A former U.S. marshal rescues an instant heiress from an outlaw's gang.
Yvonne De Carlo es una esclava de Trípoli. Descubre la oportunidad de ser libre cuando unos norteamericanos llegan a casa de su dueño para negociar con él las condiciones del rescate de unos marineros. La esclava se ofrece a ayudarlos en la empresa a cambio de que le den la libertad. (FILMAFFINITY)
Cookie Bullfincher
Jean Loring has her men illegally killing and selling game. Roy suspects her and gets himself invited to stay at her ranch. Investigating he finds the freezer where the slaughtered game are kept. But he is caught, tied up, and left to freeze.
Marshal Johnnie Taggart (Jon Hall) , posing as an outlaw named "Ace" Braddock, comes to Bannack, Montana to restore law and order. But he is recognized by Kitty, co-owner with Clay Curtwright of the infamous Bull Whip saloon. But "bad-girl" Kitty keeps her mouth shut. When Johnnie's pal Andy reports a stage holdup, Curtwright's henchman, Ben Borden, talks the sheriff and Judge Holden into suspecting Johnnie. Johnnie reveals himself to Judge Holden as a government marshal, and the judge voices his opinion that Curtwright is the leader of the road agents, but voices it in the presence of his granddaughter, Louise Holden. The Judge doesn't know that Louise is in love with Curtwright, and she tips him off as to Johnnie's real identity. Curtwright frames Johnnie for a murder and arranges for the crooked sheriff to promote a lynching and Andy and Kitty help Johnnie escape jail. Johnnie rounds up vigilantes and heads for a showdown at the Bull Whip saloon
Cookie Bullfincher
Un bandido está sacando dinero de una mina mexicana e introduciéndolo en los Estadios Unidos. Pronnto será descubierto por un guardia de la frontera, Rogers, desencadenándose un torrente de sucesos...
Ben Dance
Logan Stewart, el propietario del principal almacén de mercancías de Jacksonville es un próspero hombre de negocios que desea vivir tranquilo. Sin embargo, no puede evitar verse envuelto en problemas: por un lado, un matón lo busca para matarlo; por otro, intenta proteger a un amigo que es banquero y jugador y al que los vecinos quieren linchar. Finalmente, un terrible ataque de los indios lo deja completamente arruinado. (FILMAFFINITY)
Big Ben
Tras matar al asesino de su compañero, Johnny Hart se convierte en un fugitivo de la ley. En su huida, se detiene en un pueblo y entra en el saloon regentado por una cantante llamada Lorena Dumont. La atracción que hay entre ambos les llevará a un boda con muchas consecuencias.
Martin Wilde Sr.
A vaudeville performer returns from the dead to help his wife and daughter, who are being dominated by a greedy banker.
Nuevo espectáculo oriental de aventuras al servicio de la espectacular Maria Montez que esta vez encarna a una reina del desierto victima de un complot del hombre de confianza de su padre el rey que pretende hacerse con el poder. Con la ayuda de un forajido que le salva la vida, y del que se enamorará, Naila llegará a sospechar que él es el autor de todo incluso de la muerte de su padre.
Sal comes to the Barbary Coast from New England to find out who murdered her brother. She gets a job signing in Dude's saloon, falls in love with Dude, then wonders if he might be involved in the murder.
Father Kelley
Dos actores de vodevil encuentran el éxito produciendo espectáculos en Broadway, pero cuando uno de ellos se pone a trabajar para una hermosa mujer, se enemistan ferozmente.
Joe Costello
The president of a settlement-house group puts on a benefit variety show.
Two zanies get mixed up with a Southern colonel, his beautiful daughters, a nightclub and a haunted mansion.
Andy Devine (uncredited)
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, todos los estudios ponen "all-star" que incluía prácticamente todas las estrellas en los números musicales y sketches cómicos, y se entiende como la moral y refuerzos tanto las tropas en el extranjero y los civiles en el país. Este esfuerzo fue de Pictures Universal. Cuenta con todo el mundo,a Donald O'Connor a las Hermanas Andrews a Orson Welles a WC Fields a George Raft o Marlene Dietrich, y decenas de otros actores Universal.
Alí Babá, hijo del Califa de Bagdad, es criado y protegido por 40 ladrones tras la muerte de su padre a manos de los soldados de Hugalu Khan, un malvado que obtuvo la ayuda del traidor Cassim. Con el tiempo Alí se convierte en el líder de la banda de ladrones, decidido a luchar por la liberación de su país.
Andy Devine
Ole Olsen and Chic Johnson are Broadway stars who return to Universal Studios to make another movie. The mere mention of Olsen and Johnson's names evacuates the studio and terrorizes the management and personnel. Undaunted, the comedians hire an assistant director and unknown talent, and set out to make their own movie.
En 1943, 'Mac' Macclain, de la marina de guerra canadiense, ha perdido su barco y muchos hombres debido a un torpedo alemán. A la espera de un nuevo barco, se hace amigo de Joyce Cartwright, hermana de uno de sus oficiales muertos. Seguimos la construcción y puesta en marcha de la nueva corbeta K-255, el 'HMCS Donnacona'. ¿Y quién debería ser nuevo subalterno de Mac, sino Paul el otro hermano de Joyce, recién salido de la academia? Mac hará todo lo posible para hacer un buen oficial de Paul... si ambos sobreviven a su deber en el peligroso mar.
Slim - Cowhand
A group of cowboys ending their cattle drive in Abilene find that cattle prices are being kept artificially low, driving down the price they'll get for their beef. They set out to change the situation.
Eddie Dolan
Rhythm of the Islands is set in the South Seas, presumably far away from the shooting war. The nonsensical plotline finds hero Tommy (Allan Jones) posing as a native chief. Joan Holton (Jane Frazee), daughter of a millionaire (Ernest Truex), falls in love with Tommy, unaware that he's a charlatan.
Andy - Factory Worker
Topical wartime short depicting the plight of civilians who must stay in shape in order to fight the good fight.
'Judge' Eustace Vale
Two con artists arrive in a western boom town that they think is ripe for the pickings, only to get swindled themselves.
Mike Kilinsky
A 20-year-old stage actress takes on her most challenging role when she pretends to be her own mother's 12-year-old daughter. Comedy.
Two FBI agents are sent to investigate sabotage at a lumber camp.
Andy Jarrett
An army sergeant recognises a young recruit as the man responsible for his brother's death, while attempting a robbery.
Andy Parker
Scientist-explorer David Lynd leaves wealthy bride-to-be June Claymore at the altar to join photographer Andy Parker and British secret service agent Leo Marzeli in search of rare minerals. They soon run afoul of crooked trader Tagani, who's been busily stockpiling weapons in the hills on behalf of his Nazi partners.
Three American vaudeville entertainers become involved with spies in Hong Kong, just before Pearl Harbor.
Detective Sam Dillon
The Unseen Enemy in this wartime meller is Nick (Leo Carrillo), the outwardly effusive manager of a San Francisco waterfront café. To make enough money to ensure his daughter Gen's (Irene Hervey) entree into society, Nick sells his services to a gang of foreign spies, who then use Nick's establishment as a rendezvous point. The plan is to covertly send out a Japanese vessel for the purpose of raiding and destroying American merchant ships. The spies' secret code is hidden in the lyrics of a song called "Lydia", which the unwitting Gen performs on request day after day.
Based upon the novel by Jack London, two friends in the Klondike aid settlers being terrorized by outlaws.
Summarily accused of murder, drifters Duke (Foran), Pancho (Carrillo) and Andy (Devine) are tossed into the hoosegow, only to be released when their alibi checks out. Far from offended by his ill treatment, Duke agrees to take the job of sheriff, retaining Pancho and Andy as his deputies. The gruesome threesome then sets about to solve a series of mysterious Wells Fargo robberies
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Blooper out-takes from Torrid Zone, Four Mothers, The Wagons Roll at Night, The Sea Wolf, No Time for Comedy, The Bride Came C.O.D., and Affectionately Yours, among other Warner Brother productions of 1940 and 1941.
Three men survive a plane crashes on an uncharted Pacific island, south of Tahiti. One falls in love with the the daughter of the tribe's leader, heiress to the throne after the death of her brother, who is as savage as her pet leopard. The others try to devise a plan to rob the tribe's gold.
Competition among fruit growers takes a nasty turn when the main buyer offers unrealistically low prices for their crops.
Bob Holliday, propietario de un saloon, envía a su hermano Jim al este para que le traiga a su prometida. Pero durante el camino, Jim se enamora de ella y ambos se casan antes de regresar a su hogar.
Andy McAllister
Detectives Dick Williams and Andy McAllister find themselves trying to solve several crimes at an isolated mentally-ill hospital, where the patients range from slightly daffy to criminally insane, and they don't know which is which. A gang is out to steal a fortune inherited by one of the patients and, before Dick and Andy solve the case, several patients are transferred to the cemetery. And 'tiddlie-winks" are indeed involved.
Andy 'Hammer' McCoy
Two American leave a ship where they had stowed away, in a Middle Eastern port and wind up in the fighting in a brutal civil war
1st Sailor
Claire Ledoux es una seductora mujer que, después de huir de su propia boda, reaparece en Nueva Orleans como un ser misterioso y fascinante que provoca la admiración de todos los hombres que le son presentados. Pronto ella debe escoger entre un rico solterón, Charles Giraud, y el rudo marinero Robert Latour.
Andy Jensen
Tim MacGregor, unscrupulous lumber operator, obtains by bribery a contract to cut a vast quantity of timber from land owned by Kay Handley, rich débutante. When Dick O'Hara, forestry inspector, demands a postponement, MacGrgeor refuses and sends his henchman, Jean Collet, to obtain the services of the famous "bull-of-the-woods" Andy Jensen and his partner "Lucky." Kay arrives and gives her permission to cut the timber, defying Dick. Dick, with his two assistants, Withers and "Tex," begins a survey of the timber stand. When Dick and Tex finally reveal MacGrgeor as a crook, Collet is sent to kill "Tex" and obtain the reports. A fight ensues and "Lucky" is killed by one of Collet's flying knives. Kay then admits that Dick is right and helps him trap Collet. Dick and Andy force a confession from Collet and MacGregor is exposed.
Andy Adams
A pair head to the frozen wastes with an expedition in search of radium deposits. Certain members of the group succumb to greed, plotting to bump off the others and claim the radium for themselves.
Andy Tompkins
Lucky Devils casts the mismatched duo as a pair of intrepid newsreel cameramen. When they're not risking their lives coverning the Hot Spots of the world, Dick (Arlen) and Andy (Devine) busy themselves romancing Norma (Dorothy Lovett) and Gwendy (Janet Shaw), respectively.
A reporter goes undercover to break up an outlaw gang.
Andy Jennings
A secretary sends a coded plea for help in her monthly report; two detectives investigate and find out that men are jailed on phony charges, forced to work in oil fields and then murdered if they try to escape.
Andy Adams
A shifty boxing promoter places an amateur in fixed fights, then hands his contract over to an suspicious female investigative reporter as a raffle prize. He later regrets his actions, however, when the boxer becomes an honest champion.
Tod Jackson es un joven abogado que llega a Kansas para visitar a sus amigos los Dalton. Una vez allí, averigua que la familia tiene graves problemas, pues una poderosa compañía está utilizando todo tipo de tretas para arrebatarles sus tierras. La situación llega a tal punto que consiguen convertir en proscritos a todos los miembros de la familia.
Tolliver Higgenbotham
A reporter on a visit to his hometown hears of dangerous conditions at the local coal mine, and proceeds to investigate.
A short-subject golf film at the fourth annual Bing Crosby Pro-Am at Rancho Santa Fe.
Andy Devine
Radio star Jack Benny, intending to stay in New York for the summer, is forced by the needling of rival Fred Allen to prove his boasts about roughing it on his (fictitious) Nevada ranch. Meanwhile, singer Joan Cameron, whom Jack's fallen for and offended, is maneuvered by her sisters to the same Nevada town. Jack's losing battle to prove his manhood to Joan means broad slapstick burlesque of Western cliches.
Matt Morrison
Matt Morrison gets his old college chum Frank Stewart a job at the steel foundry where he works. Trouble quickly ensues.
Wally Davis
El ejecutivo de una empresa frutera asentada en una República Bananera, Steve Case, harto de que los revolucionarios hostiguen sus plantaciones, decide contratar a Nick Butler para que restablezca el orden y las ganancias.
Inventor Robert Fulton receives support from a tavern owner and a shipyard worker to help realize his dream of a high-powered steamboat.
'Guppy' Wexel
During a test, a race car using an experimental oil fueled engine blows up, killing the driver. Lucky Taylor, a stunt driver, is initially blamed for the accident, but is later cleared. He thinks the engine design has a real chance to win races, but the racing association has banned it since the accident. He devises a scheme to have a car equipped with the engine entered into a race, without race officials-- or the engine designer's sassy daughter -- finding out about it.
Constable 'Bones' Blair
The Man From Montreal is a lively entry in Universal's Richard Arlen-Andy Devine action series. The stars are cast respectively as fur trapper Clark Manning and constable Bones Blair, who carry on a friendly rivalry in the Canadian Northwest. Our heroes team up in the final reels to put the kibosh on a fur-smuggling racket, permitting Universal to plunge deeply into its stock-footage files. The leading ladies this time out are Anne Gwynne and Kay Sutton, their billing status indicating which one of the two ladies will land Clark Manning in the last scene. Incredibly, the Arlen-Devine series lasted for 14 films, none of them classics but all of them worthwhile Saturday-matinee fare.
El esfuerzo del ejército para capturar al jefe de Apache, Gerónimo, que lidera una banda de guerreros en un alboroto de asaltos y asesinatos, se ve obstaculizado por una disputa entre dos oficiales, que son padre e hijo.
'Beef' Brumley
A group of pilots, because of unsavory or unearned reputations, establish an outpost squadron of their own, led by "Loop" Gillian, running charter-flights and hauling supplies in the frozen wastelands of Alaska. The operation does not go without misadventures, foul-ups, and a bit of treachery tossed in.
Tynan ('Tiny') Andrews
An investigator checks into the rumors of harsh working conditions on an Amazon rubber plantation.
Slim Collins
Story deals with slave-running between Hawaii and California in 1840, featuring a wild mutiny aboard a slave ship on the high seas, the bartering of natives for slavery in a tropical paradise, and battle scenes between enraged California settlers and the Mexican Army.
Tom Allen, an orphan accustomed to waiting in bread lines is awarded a scholarship to the Culver Military Academy. Talked into attending so that he can have free room and board, Allen initially resists the rigid discipline but later softens as he makes friends and sees the value to the hard work and discipline.
Henry Munch
John, un joven e hipocondríaco multimillonario, se halla en un balneario de los Alpes cuando su médico le dice que sólo le quedan 30 días de vida. Deseando librarse del acoso de una viuda sin escrúpulos, John acuerda una boda express y de conveniencia con Mickey, una muchacha tejana que tiene novio pero cuyo padre quiere enlazar con un príncipe local corrupto y arruinado.
Personajes muy variopintos emprenden un largo, duro y peligroso viaje en diligencia. Entre ellos, un fuera de la ley en busca de venganza, una prostituta a la que han echado del pueblo, un jugador, un médico, la mujer embarazada de un militar y un sheriff. Las relaciones entre ellos serán difíciles y tensas. Además, durante el viaje, tendrán que afrontar el ataque de una partida de indios apaches.
Swede Hanzen
A passenger ship unexpectedly runs into a typhoon.
Doc Saunders
Undeniably talented on the gridiron, Bob Potter is equally undeniably an arrogant pain in the posterior. So swell-headed does Potter become that he can never admit to himself that his blocking-back teammate Larry Royal is equally responsible for Bob's success. To teach his pal a lesson, Larry feigns an injury and pulls out of the Big Game, forcing Bob to have a go at it alone.
'Snoop' Lewis
Two rival newspaper columnists battle over whether or not a woman murdered her playboy husband.
Joe Gibbs
Esta película se desarrolla en los primeros tiempos de la aviación civil, cuando los pilotos se jugaban la vida como auténticos héroes debido a la precariedad de los primeros aviones.
Charlie Spill
A fairly accurate historical account of Walter Reed's search for the cause of "Yellow Jack" or Yellow Fever and those who risked their lives in the pursuit.
Officer Lawrence O'Roon
El doctor Remsen finge ser policía, y acaba recibiendo la misión de proteger a Judy Marlowe, de la cual se enamora.
Pickle Bixby
Los O'Leary son una familia de pioneros cuyos hijos mayores alcanzan poder y notoriedad en la bulliciosa ciudad de Chicago. Jack (Don Ameche) es elegido alcalde con la ayuda de su popular hermano Dion (Tyrone Power), pero ambos hermanos se enfrentan después a causa de sus diferencias de opinión sobre el destino que deben dar a los barrios bajos de Chicago. Usando a su esposa (Alice Faye), una cantante de cabaret, como peón en la disputa, Dion echa leña al fuego de la rivalidad con su hermano hasta que la ciudad entera comienza a tomar partido por el uno o por el otro
Daisy Day
A Broadway producer is in a quandary when he discovers that the opening of his newest big production coincides with that of a major charity event. He despairs that the show will close after opening night until an ingenious writer suggests that he simply give the production snob-appeal by making the tickets nearly impossible to get by fabricating a story that they were all purchased by a flamboyant Texas oil baron who is totally besotted by the show's star.
Half Pint
Un millonario moribundo da instrucciones a su abogado de soltar cuatro carteras en las calles de Nueva York. Cuatro personas honestas las encuentran y se las devuelven al abogado. Bajo los términos del testamento, a cada uno de ellos se les da 1 millón de dólares, los cuales deberán duplicar en los 30 siguientes días para reclamar todo su patrimonio.
After the First World War a group of German soldiers try to readjust to civilian life. A sequel to 'All Quiet on the Western Front'.
Danny McGuire
Esther Blodgett, una ambiciosa chica de pueblo con mucho talento, llega a Hollywood. En una fiesta en la que trabaja como camarera conoce a Norman Maine, un famoso actor en decadencia. Para sorpresa de Esther, Norman le ofrece un papel en una película y, tras realizar una prueba, el productor queda impresionado y decide convertirla en una estrella. Norman y Esther se casan, pero la felicidad se ve empañada por el declive de Norman y el rápido ascenso al estrellato de Esther.
While crossing on the train ferry to New Orleans, roving reporter Addison Francis Murphy borrows money from singing hillbilly "Carolina," then loses it all in a crap game. Outside on deck, Murphy sees two men shaking hands, and after he looks away, hears a splash of water and discovers both men have disappeared...
Joe Williams
The story of the training and adventures of several airline stewardesses.
Pop Andrews
A quarterback stands against gangsters out to control the college sports scene.
Adaptación de la inmortal obra de William Shakespeare sobre el romance de dos jóvenes que se enamoran a pesar de las desavenencias de sus respectivas familias. Llama la atención la elección de Cukor de dos actores maduros (Leslie Howard contaba con 43 años de edad y Norma Shearer con 34) para los papeles principales.
Murder mystery set in Yellowstone National Park.
George Brannan
Kay, una humilde muchacha provinciana, conoce una noche a Bob Dakin, un joven millonario que ha bebido más de la cuenta y que, en ese estado, le propone matrimonio. A la mañana siguiente, una vez sobrio, se da cuenta del error que ha cometido e intenta salir del atolladero, pero no será tan fácil.
Himself - Toreador
La Fiesta de Santa Barbara is a 1935 American comedy short film directed by Louis Lewyn. It was nominated for an Academy Award at the 9th Academy Awards in 1936 for Best Short Subject (Color). It features a young, pre-stardom 13-year-old Judy Garland singing "La Cucaracha" with her two sisters (billed as "The Garland Sisters"). In the film, Hollywood stars participate in a Mexican-themed revue and festival in Santa Barbara. Andy Devine, the "World's Greatest Matador," engages in a bullfight with a dubious bovine supplied by Buster Keaton, and musical numbers are provided by Joe Morrison and The Garland Sisters. Comedy bits and dance numbers are also featured.
Pinky Falls
Southern California's Hotel Coronado caters to and is frequented by members of the social upper-crust. Although she lives on the wrong side of the San Diego track, in a tent-city with her father. Otto, and ditzy sister, Violet, June Wray is a singer with the Eddy Duchin Orchestra appearing to the hotel. Johnny Marvin, an aspiring songwriter and the son of a wealthy automobile manufacturer, is staying at the hotel and, from they moment June and Johnny meet, they fall instantly in love. Trouble arises when Johnny's father objects to the romance, and complications and help arrive in the form of two Marine-hating sailors,Chuck Hornbostel and "Pinky" Falls, when Chuck marries June's ditzy sister.
Cy Kipp
A radical campus group persuades student Carol Arlington to lead a protest of a college's football team. She manages to recruit Larry Davis, even though he is a star player for State's team.
Hi Holler
Una familia residente en una granja de Maine acoge a una mujer joven, sin saber que tiene un secreto oculto que a nadie ha querido contar.
Elmer Otway
Historia ambientada en el siglo XIX que supuso el debut cinematográfico de Henry Fonda, que previamente había interpretado el mismo papel en la obra de teatro en la que se basa el film. Narra la historia de un granjero que trabaja en el canal para poder así ganar dinero con el que comprar una granja. Allí conoce a la cocinera del barco del canal, y se enamora de ella, pero la mujer no quiere dejar la viajera vida del barco por la rutina de una granja.
George Mason
Police search for the killer of a man who misused $700,000 intended for the Chinese Communists.
A pretty young socialite falls for a charming but shady hustler, who abandons her when he finds that she has been disowned by her wealthy father. Three of the hustler's partners, who have also been left high and dry by heir former associate, come up with a plan to get her to the annual Yale-Harvard football game to reunite with her former sweetheart, an honest but nerdy bookworm.
In this romance, a slightly crooked and highly ambitious mayoral candidate convinces a woman to help him blackmail the incumbent by using a little baby as evidence in a paternity suit. The girl goes along with it until she learns that the mayor is innocent.
Sgt. "Ham" Davis
During World War I, an American pilot vows to bring down the German ace responsible for his friend's death.
Val Orcott
The President Vanishes, released in the United Kingdom as Strange Conspiracy, is a 1934 American political drama film directed by William A. Wellman and produced by Walter Wanger. Starring Edward Arnold and Arthur Byron, the film is an adaptation of Rex Stout's political novel of the same name.
Joe Egbert aka Egghead
The story of a small-time vaudeville trio and their rise to the big time.
John P. McDougal - the Waiter
Conceited radio announcer irritates everyone else at the station.
To stop his mother from marrying a man he doesn't like, a young millionaire hires an ex-con in helping him fake his own kidnaping.
A young sailor saves a woman from drowning. The woman turns out to be a rich heiress; unfortunately for the sailor, she was only pretending to be drowning so that another young man she had her eye on would save her.
A young lady named Hilda who works as a servant for the wealthy Clarksons, sheep farmers, and dreams of being a great singer. An upcoming visit by Sir Julian, a famous composer arriving from London, drives jealous Mrs. Clarkson (an interfering biddy who fancies she can sing - but can't) to send away Hilda, so he doesn't hear Hilda has a good voice. Meanwhile, an infamous outlaw named Stingaree has just arrived in town and kidnaps Sir Julian, then poses as him at the Clarksons, where he meets Hilda a few hours before she is to leave.
Un magnate del ferrocarril es chantajeado por el novio y manager de la chica con la que comete adulterio.
Albert Stuyvesant Spottiswood and his cousin Harriet Winthrop Spottiswood arrive separately at their long abandoned and very much run down family manor, each unaware that the other is going to be there, and since both have become penniless, they are forced to move into the dilapidated house. When Albert receives a letter from old acquaintances Lord and Lady Fetherstone advising the Spottiswoods of their impending visit to the manor, the cousins are at wit's end as to how to exercise non-existent skills required to make the old house acceptable for guest reception.
Una joven piensa que, en su novio, ha encontrado al marido perfecto, hasta que éste cae rendido ante una joven adinerada, la típica niña mimada, y deshace el compromiso para casarse con la niña rica.
Andy Jones
Los altibajos de un equipo de fútbol americano universitario.
Larry Ward
Pese a su prestigio profesional, el doctor George Bull comienza a ser puesto en entredicho por alguno de sus vecinos del pueblo en el que ejerce la medicina por sus frecuentes visitas a una viuda. Las cosas se complicarán todavía más cuando se desate en la localidad una epidemia de tifus...
Samuel 'Sam' / 'Sammy' Travers
Una joven está siendo juzgada por asesinato. Durante la adolescencia, su lucha por salir de la miseria le costó una pena de prisión por robo. La falta de medios y las dificultades para encontrar empleo la llevan a involucrarse en los asuntos de la mafia. En un prostíbulo, conoce a un joven abogado, hijo de una prestigiosa y rica familia, que se enamora de ella.
Ranchowner Slim Perkins is in love with his neighbor's niece, Angelica Wayne, but her aunt and uncle throw him off their property because he is a poor bumbler. One day a stranger buys Slim's ranch for one million dollars because the land contains valuable minerals. Slim and his partner, Andy Jones, are overwhelmed by their new found wealth, but it does not help to soothe Slim's hurt feelings when he finds out that Angelica has gone to England to stay with her other aunt. He decides to bring her his horse, "Cynthia Ann," as a gift, and with Andy and the horse, he sets sail.
Un circo al borde de la quiebra decide salvarse montando un número con leones y tigres por primera vez.
This drama centers on the fight for certain post-Prohibitionist groups to gain total control over the liquor industry. Much of the tale is focused upon a family endeavoring to keep their little brewery.
Andy Anderson
Kelly se enamora de un inspector de hacienda, cuya esposa divorciada le exige la pensión alimenticia.
Short subject to promote the government’s NRA (National Recovery Act) program.
Andy Moran
The story of the rise and fall of an All-American football player.
Tom es un joven que tiene una imagen idealizada de su padre, al que considera un héroe de guerra; pero debido a las burlas de sus compañeros de colegio, acaba descubriendo que en realidad su padre fue un desertor.
Steve Hand
A woman whose husband never came home from World War I finds herself in love with her doctor. She travels with him to Switzerland, and as they check into the hotel there, she is astounded to see her supposedly dead husband.
Information Kid
Un delincuente ha decidido regenerarse por completo.
Pete Wiley
A policeman in need of money is persuaded to take a $1000 bribe to stay away the night a packing house is to be robbed.
Andy Doyle
A female editor of a magazine falls in love with her male secretary.
Clarence Howe
A maid's dream comes true but are not quite what she expected.
Johnny Kinsman
A legendary lawman and his cohorts set out to restore order to the dangerous streets of Tombstone, Ariz.
Jimmy Callahan - Chauffeur
Romantic comedy drama about three friends in New York. Cassie has come to New York and goes to work as a model where her friend Gladys works. She falls in love with wealthy young Jerry who is already married. Gladys has the same probelm with her man Phelps.
Oilman (uncredited)
A wealthy bachelor hires a pretty young nanny to look after his adopted daughter. Sparks quickly fly between the two, much to the dismay of the man's calculating, money-hungry fiancée.
Ernest "Truck" McCall
Story of two friends who play football, one of whom is a self-centered quarterback who thinks he's the only man on the team.
Cluck (uncredited)
Bob Graham (Holmes), un joven de apenas veinte años, es encarcelado por matar a un hombre en defensa propia el día de su cumpleaños. Años después, Brady, el fiscal del caso (Walter Huston), llegará a ser el alcaide de la cárcel en la Bob cumple condena y lo hará su chófer.
Marine at Dance Contest
Three sailors go searching for a girl who swindled one of them out of half his pay.
Road House Thug (uncredited)
When a young man acts foolish, he's either insane, in debt or in love, and there's not much difference! Real estate agent Charles Blaydon is in love and in order to get the father of his sweetheart Kay Weaver to purchase a nearby property he is must fill the vacant house next door. So he does something foolish when he offers a few months rent free to the first group of prospective buyer he finds. However in his eagerness he doesn't suspect that this peculiar group isn't a family looking for a home but actually a gang of robbers on the lam!
An uptight society aunt sends her too sexy niece to college so she can land a man.
Extra (uncredited)
Emma entra a trabajar con su madre en la casa de un rico aristócrata, el honorable Charles Greville, quién no tarda en seducirla, aunque no mucho después decide enviarla a Nápoles con su tío Sir William Hamilton para que se convierta en su amante y así evitar que este se case y perder la herencia. Con lo que no contaba Greville es que finalmente Hamilton pediría la mano de Emma y acabaría casándose con ella, a pesar de que Emma le ha confesado que no le ama. Poco después estalla la guerra entre Inglaterra y Francia... (FILMAFFINITY)
Young Man at The Boiler (uncredited)
Un flapper con una dudosa reputación disfruta de una noche vivaz de baile y sin saber muy bien cómo se encuentra vinculada románticamente a su jefe.
Joe Cassidy
A cloak room girl (Alice White) falls for a rich boy who may not actually be rich.
Flood Extra (uncredited)
Narra la bíblica historia de Noé y el diluvio universal, con una historia paralela de unos soldados durante la Primera Guerra Mundial.
Jim's friend
Mary y Jim, dos solitarios personajes de la gran ciudad, se encuentran de casualidad en un parque de diversiones. Pasan el día juntos, recorriendo la playa y vistando los juegos mecánicos. De improviso, la multitud y una tormenta conspiran para separarlos. ¿Se volverán a ver? (FILMAFFINITY)
Pat O'Dougal
We Americans was based on the Broadway play of the same name. Returning to the "melting pot" themes that he handled so well, director Edward H. Sloman concentrates on the trials and tribulations of three first-generation American families: The Jewish Levines, the German Schmidts and the Italian Albertinis.