Gunnar Dedio

Nacimiento : 1969-11-16, Rostock, Germany


Das Duell - Selenskyj gegen Putin
Executive Producer
A través de un extenso material de archivo y entrevistas con aquellos que la conocen, esta es la impresionante historia de cómo una inadaptada por partida tripe -mujer, científica y alemana del Este- se convirtió en la líder del mundo libre.
The Natural History of Destruction
Is it morally acceptable to use the civilian population as yet another tool for waging war? Is it possible to justify death and destruction for the sake of supposedly lofty ideals? The question remains as pertinent today as it was at the beginning of World War II, and it is becoming increasingly urgent to answer, as countless tragedies have been caused by unethical political decisions.
Selenskyj - Ein Präsident im Krieg
Strawalde - Ein Leben in Bildern
What did the Pope know about the Holocaust?
Executive Producer
The Vatican opened once-secret records on Pope Pius XII on March 2020. This gave researchers a brand new insight into the Catholic Church during the Nazi era. What did the Pope know about the Holocaust?
Frenemies: Putin and Trump
Executive Producer
Russian President Vladimir Putin was one of the first politicians to congratulate Donald Trump on his election as president of the United States in 2016, but over time the relationship between the two heads of state has had its ups and downs. Are they friends or enemies? Has their mutual admiration turned into mutual distrust?
Solidarność: How Solidarity Changed Europe
Executive Producer
Gdańsk, Poland, September 1980. Lech Wałęsa and other Lenin shipyard workers found Solidarność (Solidarity), the first independent trade union behind the Iron Curtain. The long and hard battle to bring down communist dictatorship has begun.
El Hollywood de Hitler
El periodista y crítico de cine Rüdiger Suchsland examina el cine alemán desde 1933, año de la llegada de los nazis al poder, hasta 1945, año de la caída del Tercer Reich. (Secuela de «De Caligari a Hitler», 2015.)
Erich Mielke - Master of Fear
Docudrama sobre la vida, la carrera y el colapso de Erich Mielke, el ex jefe de seguridad de Alemania del Este.
My Friend Rockefeller
Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter lived a life of deception and crime before settling on his ultimate scam - impersonating a Rockefeller. How was Gerhartsreiter able to dupe so many people from so many walks of life? A story that begins in a Bavarian village, continues in the most exclusive clubs on the American East Coast, - and ends in a Los Angeles court.
Lyndon B. Johnson - Succeeding Kennedy
Wallis Simpson, Loved and Lost
Hans Zimmer - Der Sound für Hollywood
Documentary about Hans Zimmer.
Hitler y Stalin: Retrato de una enemistad
Aunque Hitler y Stalin nunca se encontraron cara a cara estuvieron obsesionados el uno con el otro durante toda su carrera. Su enemistad rompió radicalmente con toda relación precedente entre ambas naciones. Por primera vez este documental hace un doble retrato de ambos dirigentes y de la intensa lucha que mantuvieron separados por miles de kilómetros de distancia. Al profundizar en el material de archivo de batallas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial procedentes de Moscú, Leningrado, Stalingrado y Berlín, se puede sacar la conclusión de que el conflicto entre Alemania y la U.R.S.S. tomó un cariz personal entre ambos dirigentes que recrudeció la lucha hasta límites insospechados. Ambos eran radicalmente opuestos en cuanto a ideología, pero estaban hermanados en cuanto a crueldad y sed de sangre. -información de la distribuidora
Comrade Couture
Executive Producer
This film undertakes a journey into the amazing parallel universe of East Berlin’s fashion designers and experts in the art of survival. For, in the midst of the constraints of life in the GDR, there existed a fantasy world where it was possible to dance to another tune, be individual and even provocative. The most important characteristic of this bohemian scene was one’s per- sonal style. But this certainly wasn’t something that could be bought off the peg in the GDR. In this parallel universe it was up to you to create your own individual image – with your own hands. This film tells the story of the desires, the passion and the dreams that were tried and tested, lived and performed in the shadow of the Berlin Wall.
Hitler & Mussolini - Eine brutale Freundschaft