Felix von Boehm

Nacimiento : 1986-01-01, Heidelberg, Germany


Melting Ink
In 2020, the author Anatol Regnier published Jeder schreibt für sich allein, a book that examines the life and work of writers in Nazi Germany. In collaboration with Regnier, Dominik Graf, Constantin Lieband, and Felix von Boehm have adapted this book into a polyphonic essay film of the same name – almost three hours in duration – that takes a meticulous look at the contradictory biographies of Hans Fallada, Gottfried Benn, Erich Kästner, Ina Seidel and Will Vesper.
Jakob Fabian es un joven escritor enamorado de una aspirante a actriz que, en el turbulento Berlín de 1931, intenta mantener a flote su idealismo mientras el mundo se desmorona a su alrededor.
Helmut Newton: Perversión y belleza
Las mujeres fueron sin duda la esencia del trabajo del legendario fotógrafo Helmut Newton. Las estrellas de sus icónicos retratos y editoriales de moda – desde Catherine Deneuve hasta Grace Jones, Charlotte Rampling o Isabella Rossellini – dan finalmente su interpretación sobre la vida y obra de este controvertido genio. Un retrato hecho ahora por las retratadas entonces. Provocativo, revolucionario y subversivo, su representación de las mujeres sigue provocando una pregunta: ¿ellas eran protagonistas u objetos?
Mission Persephone
Drone Operator
The Earth post-pandemic.
La audición
Anna Bronsky (Nina Hoss) es una profesora que enseña violín en en el conservatorio. Aunque el resto del consejo escolar no está de acuerdo, Anna lucha para que un alumno entre en el centro, ya que cree que tiene un gran talento. A partir de entonces volcará todos sus esfuerzos y su tiempo en él, llegando a desatender a su propia familia.
Associate Producer
1774, unos años antes de la Revolución Francesa, entre Potsdam y Berlín. Madame de Dumeval, el Conde de Tesis y el Duque de Wand, libertinos expulsados de la corte puritana de Luis XVI, van en busca del legendario Duque de Walchen, un seductor y libre pensador alemán, solos en un país donde reina la hipocresía y las falsas virtudes. Su misión: exportar el libertinaje en Alemania. Pero antes deben encontrar un lugar seguro donde continuar sus prácticas licenciosas. ¿Las novicias de un convento cercano se dejarán también arrastrar ellas por esta noche oscura donde sólo reina la ley del deseo insaciable?
Central Airport THF
A documentary about Berlin's former airport Tempelhof. A film about Departures and Arrivals. And about those Berliners who come here to escape from their daily lives and those refugees who came here to finally arrive somewhere.
Central Airport THF
A documentary about Berlin's former airport Tempelhof. A film about Departures and Arrivals. And about those Berliners who come here to escape from their daily lives and those refugees who came here to finally arrive somewhere.
Mr. Vong's garden
When Chuon Sam Vong came to Germany in 1980, he did not yet know how much he would miss his homeland. He flees from what was then South Vietnam from the communists and is rescued by the German rescue ship "Cap Anamur". More than 30 years later, he has built a new life for himself in Germany. A fragment and a short journey into the collective trauma of the “boat people” generation in Germany.
Mr. Vong's garden
When Chuon Sam Vong came to Germany in 1980, he did not yet know how much he would miss his homeland. He flees from what was then South Vietnam from the communists and is rescued by the German rescue ship "Cap Anamur". More than 30 years later, he has built a new life for himself in Germany. A fragment and a short journey into the collective trauma of the “boat people” generation in Germany.
Queen of Niendorf
The summer holidays have just begun in Brandenburg, but ten-year-old Lea isn’t going to camp this year with her friends as she normally would. One afternoon she spots five boys lifting a large blue oil barrel over the fence of a paint factory and driving away with their loot on a bicycle trailer. Lea's curiosity is piqued. The next chance she gets, she follows the boys and discovers they built a raft on a small lake. The raft is the boys' property and under no circumstances girls are allowed in their gang. But Lea wants to be part of it very badly and takes them up on a dare. Soon summer is full of adventure.
Was heißt hier Ende? Der Filmkritiker Michael Althen
Documentary about German film critic Michael Althen.
Dom'z sütü
Marin Karmitz, bande à part
El cine europeo contemporáneo no puede entenderse sin Marin Karmitz, distribuidor, exhibidor y productor de autores como Kiarostami, Haneke, Kiéslowski, Godard, Resnais... Este documental nos acerca a la vida y obra del genio francés, con un palmarés personal que supera los 150 premios.
The Making of 'Phoenix'
Camera Operator
2014 documentary featuring interviews with Petzold, Hoss, actors Nina Kunzendorf and Ronald Zehrfeld, and production designer K. D. Gruber
The Making of 'Phoenix'
2014 documentary featuring interviews with Petzold, Hoss, actors Nina Kunzendorf and Ronald Zehrfeld, and production designer K. D. Gruber
My Life - Michael Haneke
His new film "The White Ribbon" received the Palme d'or at Cannes this year. Felix and Gero von Boehm have accompanied the German and French film director for several months and were able for the first time watch him exclusively in work and in private. An interesting insight into one of the worlds most notable modern directors.