Dave Lawson

Dave Lawson


Dave Lawson


Dave / Cal / Ryan's Dad
Ryan attempts to direct a scene already in progress.
For Your Sins
A young man, Jay, has a newfound realisation that everyone is sinning and so seeks the help of a boutique communications agency to help raise awareness for his cause.
Sergeant Gosch
Basada en la historia real de Allan y su perro, quien convenció a las autoridades locales para permitir que su mascota protegiera una colonia de pequeños pingüinos en Middle Island del ataque de ciertos animales salvajes. Al tener éxito en su campaña, el can fue utilizado para proteger a otros animales en peligro de extinción en Australia.
A Writer and Three Script Editors Walk Into a Bar
A writer tells a joke. Complications ensue.
When the Wind Changes
The once full, fresh waters of Lake Denial are rapidly receding leaving bogan residents Jack, Kevin and Blandy with an uphill battle in keeping their charter boat business afloat - literally. But when a supernatural event alters Jack and Kevin's ability to function, just getting by becomes a whole new problem. A comedy that sorts out the sinkers from the swimmers.