Basil Wrangell

Nacimiento : 1906-06-19, Ponte a Moriano, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

Muerte : 1977-04-26


Year of the Tiger
A U.S. Marine Corps pilot is shot down over the Vietnamese jungle. In his endeavor to get to safety, he meets a female guerrilla fighter and a nationalist named Hong.
The Best of Cinerama
A selection of excerpts from the first Cinerama films.
El último superviviente
La historia de George Tweed, el único marinero norteamericano en la isla de Guam que evitó ser capturado por los japoneses durante la II Guerra Mundial.
The Home Owner
A 25 minute sales film featuring Buster Keaton as a prospective home owner in Maryvale, a suburb of Phoenix. A Realtor takes Buster on a tour of some model tract homes and extols their virtues while Buster is constantly pursuing a sexy-looking blonde. After buying a home, Buster proceeds to wreak havoc in the community. He falls into another resident's pool with a shopping cart full of purchases from S. S. Kresge's, knocks over an unassuming waiter with a bowling ball at the local lanes and tries his hand at being a waiter a ritzy restaurant. The construction of the new hospital and golf course are then discussed, and the films ends with a panoramic view of the model tract homes.
South Seas Adventure
Cinerama takes you on a South Seas Adventure to tropical islands set like sparkling jewels in dreamy cerulean waters. Thrill to the lure of sunbrowned, luscious maidens and a paradise of coconut palms, coral strand and blue lagoons. Enchanted South Pacific archipelagos beckon with all the beauty and color of a painter’s palette. Stepping stones in the vast expanse of far-away seas, they promise romance, adventure, excitement—an irresistible blend of fascinating people and exotic places.
Tobor el grande
El doctor Harrison, un científico que trabaja para la agencia espacial del gobierno de los EEUU en el desarrollo de cohetes espaciales, colabora con el profesor Nordstrom en la creación de un robot destinado a reemplazar a los astronautas humanos. El androide Tobor además de desarrollar sentimientos humanos hacia el nieto del profesor, parece ser la solución al problema. Pero los soviéticos verán en el robot un gran potencial bélico.
Amor en conserva
Los Hermanos Marx ayudan a unos jóvenes aspirantes a Broadway a la vez que se ven mezclados con gánsters debido a una lata de sardinas que contiene diamantes Romanoff.
Up-and-coming Hollywood actor/crooner, Vic Morton, has a secret. He starts receiving death threats in the mail and an attempt on his life is made. Soon after, two of his associates are murdered. Who is behind it all?
Philo Vance's Gamble
One of two Philo Vance mystery movies released by PRC.
A Really Important Person
A policeman's son searches for a suitable subject for an essay about an important person.
Keep 'Em Sailing
An FBI agent goes undercover to investigate the sabotage of American cargo ships.
Mr. Blabbermouth!
Following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, America was rife with rumors about the size of Japan's armed forces and how well-equipped they were to wage war against the U.S. Using animation, the first part of this film dispels these rumors by showing that the U.S. had more raw materials and more fighting ships. The narrator also cautions moviegoers against spreading rumors (which are often initiated by enemy infiltrators to create fear and dissention) and believing everything they read in the newspapers. Just because "they say" something, that doesn't make it true.
We Do It Because
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short explores the origins of various customs such as shaking hands, kissing, and why ships are christened.
Fancy Answers
In this Pete Smith Speciality, the audience is asked a series of multiple-choice questions on various subjects.
In this John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short we see how gossip can be used to spread propaganda or to ruin a person's reputation.
American Spoken Here
This MGM John Nesbitt's Passing Parade series short takes a look at the origins of North American slang.
Trifles of Importance
Part of John Nesbitt's Passing Parade series, this short shows how three seemingly unimportant things can affect people. The first is how the number 7 affects a student accused of theft charges. The second segment shows that a person's doodles can reveal personality traits. The final segment shows why certain items are on men's suits, such as lapels.
Home Movies
A comedy short staring Robert Benchley. He tries to show us how to make our own movies.
That Inferior Feeling
Joe Doakes, like most men, is unable to cope with personal emergencies or those in a position of authority (real or imagined).
That Inferior Feeling
Joe Doakes, like most men, is unable to cope with personal emergencies or those in a position of authority (real or imagined).
See Your Doctor
A lecturer tells the audience that it is National Take Care Week. He tells the story of a man who gets stung in his garden and the problems the man has when he seeks treatment at the doctor's office.
The Day of Rest
Joe Doakes tries to take a day off.
Unseen Guardians
The "unseen guardians" of the title are the Postal Inspection Service, which investigates mail order racketeering; the Underwriters' Laboratories, which are shown testing electrical equipment, fire extinguishers, and large floor safes; and those who run orphanages, who assure that the children in their care are placed in proper adoptive homes.
New Roadways
The "new roadways" of the title refer to various projects, carried out in the USA's research laboratories, that benefit mankind. These include solar energy projects, making glass that can be rolled up like a carpet, and diet experiments with mice that might lead to a cure for color blindness.
La buena tierra
China, durante los últimos años del dominio de la dinastía Qing. El matrimonio concertado entre Wang Lung, un humilde granjero, y O-Lan, una esclava doméstica, soportará a lo largo de los años las muchas dificultades de la vida; pero las incontables tentaciones de una frágil prosperidad pondrán en peligro su amor y la supervivencia de toda su familia.
Jaque al rey
Película con la que la Metro Goldwyn Mayer intentó competir con las obras maestras del género negro producidas por la Warner Bros. Para ello contó con sus dos estrellas más populares: Spencer Tracy y Myrna Loy. Él es un agente de policía infiltrado en una banda de malhechores. Ella, la chica del jefe de la banda, ve la oportunidad de abandonar la mala vida cuando se enamora del policía.
El refugio
Un mujeriego mafioso (Montgomery) es herido por la policía y se esconde en una casa de campo, donde se enamora de una chica de campo (O'Sullivan).
Hips, Hips, Hooray!
Hips, Hips, Hooray! is a 1934 slapstick comedy film starring Bert Wheeler, Robert Woolsey, Ruth Etting, Thelma Todd, and Dorothy Lee.
Aggie Appleby, creadora de hombres
Aggie Appleby, Maker of Men es una película inteligente y perceptiva sobre las relaciones de clase que deja suficientes preguntas para que el final sea absolutamente perfecto o absolutamente devastador, dependiendo de tu punto de vista.
Bed of Roses
A girl from the wrong side of the tracks is torn between true love and a life of sin.
Gabriel Over the White House
A political hack becomes President during the height of the Depression and undergoes a metamorphosis into an incorruptible statesman after a near-fatal accident.
En boca de todos
La atractiva Nan Taylor integrante de una banda que roba un banco, va a la cárcel gracias al evangelista David Slade... que la ama.
La parada de los monstruos
En un circo lleno de seres deformes, tullidos y personas con diversas amputaciones, Hans, uno de los enanos, hereda una fortuna. A partir de ese momento, Cleopatra, una bella contorsionista, intentará seducirlo para hacerse con su dinero. Para lograr su objetivo, traza un plan contando con la complicidad de Hércules, el forzudo del circo...
Fruta amarga
Mins es la propietaria de un hotel costero donde vive Bill, el capitán de un barco costero. También vive y trabaja en el hotel Nancy, una joven que Min recogió años atrás cuando era una niña abandonada. (FILMAFFINITY)
Let Us Be Gay
Dowdy housewife Kitty dotes on her self-centered husband but divorces him when his mistress shows up at their home one day to break up their marriage. Bob had become bored with her lackluster appearance, their children and himself. Kitty re-invents herself and becomes a Continental favorite, dressing like a fashion model and behaving gaily. Three years after their divorce, Bob is at the home of a wealthy matron romancing her soon-to-be-married granddaughter, when the matron invites Kitty to a weekend party to steal Bob away from the granddaughter. When Kitty and Bob see each other, neither lets on they have a past, and the party continues as Bob pursues his ex-wife and new conquest equally.
The Woman Racket
During a raid, a cop lets a pretty speakeasy employee escape and later begins dating her. Although she loves him, his salary and dull life leave her wanting.
At the conclusion of World War I, a French girl is romanced by an American doughboy even though she is promised to a French soldier who was sent to the front.
The Voice of the City
An escaped convict and the detective tasked with hunting him down end up working in parallel to clear the convict's name and nab the gangsters that framed him.
The Cardboard Lover
A ditzy American girl visiting Monte Carlo is hired by a tennis champ to be his "cardboard lover"--to pretend to be in love with him so he can teach his two-timing fiancé a lesson and win her back. What he doesn't realize is that the girl isn't pretending --she actually is in love with him, and she sets out to win him for herself.