Roger Chapman


Nolan: The Man and the Myth
Director of Photography
Sidney Nolan is one of Australia's greatest artists. His iconic images are treasures of the Australian visual language. This film explores the artist and the man from his early years to his extraordinary international career.
How to Make a Ken Loach Film
Director of Photography
This unique interactive film puts you on set with Ken Loach in production on his latest film, I, Daniel Blake. Throwing us into life on location and during pre-production, it enables you to change the course of your viewing experience by selecting inserts in which Loach and some of his key collaborators – past and present – give fascinating insights into his creative practices. (The version released on the Criterion Collection edition is only 38 minutes and doesn't include the interactive parts with interviews and illustrative scenes from previous Loach films.)
Versus: Ken Loach
Director of Photography
Ken Loach, el maestro del cine social, ganador de la Palma de oro 2016 en Cannes por 'Yo, Daniel Blake', queda reflejado en este documental a través de su cine, con comentarios de colegas, amigos y familia.
The Confessions of Thomas Quick
Director of Photography
A loner from an early age, Thomas Quick went on to become Sweden's most notorious serial killer, openly confessing to the gruesome murders of more than 30 people. Held for decades in a psychiatric institute, Quick's confessions emerged after years working with a group of touchy feely therapists, convinced that the recovery of memories would cure patients of their criminality. In a country with a low crime rate, the nation watched with horror as Quick's confessions mounted, accounting for many of the country's unsolved murders. With testimonials from a range of people whose lives have been dominated by this story - including Quick himself - and dramatic reenactment, Brian Hill weaves a stylish noir thriller that works a treat on the big screen. What appears at first to be a tale of unimaginable evil evolves into something much more layered as Hill digs deep into the motivations behind those working closely with Quick.
Sonny Rollins: Beyond the Notes
Director of Photography
Sonny Rollins: Beyond the Notes uses his 80th birthday concert to look into the man and his music.
How the Beatles Rocked the Kremlin
Camera Operator
Documental que muestra la influencia de los Beatles en la Unión Soviética