Nancy Howe


Noche de graduación 3: El último beso
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Mary Lou Maloney es un diablo con cara de ángel. Un ser que regresa del infierno para causar estragos en la Escuela Superior de Hamilton, en donde murió a consecuencia de un espantoso fuego, en la noche de la graducación de 1957. Mary Lou está buscando amor..y para el estudiante Alex Grey, es la "fantasma" de sus sueños. Pero su sueño celestial pronto se convierte en una pesadilla cuando la reina de la fiesta de graduación del más allá comienza su reinado de terror.
Oklahoma Smugglers
1st Mummy
Two ex-Navy guys set out to put the brakes on a dope smuggling ring.
Makeup Artist
When the peaceful Morris family move to a small town and buy the town grocery store, they run afoul of the Cullen family. The Cullen's have been bullying the town's folk for years, and now they are harassing the Morris family every chance they get. Matt meanwhile meets and starts seeing a lot of Becky who also likes him. Unfortunately her last name is Cullen, and when the rest of the family finds out about their relationship, they decide to get even, and their harassment is elevated to vicious assault.