Naemi Briese

Naemi Briese

Nacimiento : 1908-03-04, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden

Muerte : 1980-08-20


Naemi Briese


Summer Place Wanted
Married couple have romantic interludes in the summer, she at their summer cottage, him in the apartment in town.
Ljuset från Lund
A horse wanders from town to the countryside. Here lives Sten Stensson Steen, a bachelor at law and philosophy. He is writing a social psychological report on the youth problem.
Karin Månsdotter
Karin's sister
Karin no pertenece a la nobleza, pero a pesar de ello se casa con el mentalmente desequilibrado rey Erik XIV, convirtiéndose en reina de Suecia. El habilidoso consejero del rey Göran Persson quiere una política real que apoye al pueblo y apoyada por él. Pero en relación a la nobleza el rey oscila entre provocativas exhibición de fuerza y una impredecible debilidad.
Noche de circo
Albert, el propietario de un circo, abandona a su familia para entregarse a Anne, una orgullosa y apasionada amazona que mantiene relaciones esporádicas con un joven y neurótico actor. Pero el circo es un desastre y Albert y su compañera se ven obligados a mendigar para sobrevivir.
Un verano con Mónica
Monika's Mother
Monika trabaja en un mercado de verduras. Harry, un joven de 19 años, vive al lado. Un día van al cine y pasan la noche juntos en la barca del padre de Harry. Al día siguiente Harry es despedido. Los dos deciden dejar Estocolmo. Al principio las cosas son idílicas: toman el sol desnudos, beben, van a bailar pero Monika se queda embarazada. Se quedan sin comida y empiezan a robar en cabañas cercanas. Monika es arrestada pero logra escapar. Y ambos deciden volver a la ciudad.
Åsa-Nisse på nya äventyr
Åsa-Nisse advertise for Summer guests and from Stockholm arrives Mrs. Niklasson and her atlethic daughter Elsa who is currently training for the olympic games.
Stora Hoparegränd och himmelriket
Erik, a poor inventor meets the clerk Lillemor and fall in love. Erik's becomes invention is ready for the market. He contacts a director who might be interested. Erik is attracted almost immediately by the director's wife.
Vera Karlsson
Britt Malm gets hit by a car on a Stockholm street and is taken to hospital. She is badly injured and must undergo surgery. While the anesthetic takes effect she sees hallucinatory images. This turns into a flashback of what happened Britt before the accident.
Barco a la India
Un sugestivo triángulo amoroso entre una corista, un marinero y el padre de éste, un alcohólico capitán de barco. Después de haber amargado la vida a su mujer y a su hijo, el capitán, que se está quedando ciego, se da cuenta de que su juventud pertenece ya al pasado. Pero, al iniciar una relación con una corista, ve que la última oportunidad de sentirse joven puede desvanecerse porque también su hijo se ha enamorado de ella
100 accordions and a girl
Partners Ville and Rulle have developed an improved accordion but competitors try to get their hands on it.
Lilla helgonet
Celestin is the singing teacher in a monastery and Denis is one of her students. They both dream about the life outside. (It's a Swedish version of the famous vaudeville-opérette "Mam'zelle Nitouche").
Young woman Marta dreams of a better future and leaves her parent's cabbage patch and move to Stockholm. Waiting tables doesn't pay nearly enough and she soon finds herself working the streets. Her teenage sweetheart Adrian also moves to Stockholm to search for her. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Hon trodde det var han
The famous author Mark Storm's publisher is unhappy with his books and asks him to write books in a more popular genre, crime for example. When Mark Storm comes to his apartment, he finds a burglar, Kurre. He notices that they have a physical similarity and they change identity, which makes it possible for Storm to make empirical studies in the world of crime.
I gult och blått
servitris på Sportkaféet
Erik Brenner is crazy about football and his girlfriend Britta. She tries to make him concentrate on his studies, but that's easier said than done.
Tre skojiga skojare
The author Tom Berger has written a book that is very prejudiced against women. The local chapter of Women's League starts a campaign against him.
I dag börjar livet
Choreographer is found murdered and the police investigate. There are several suspects among his lovers, dancers and family members.
A Cruise in the Albertina
Night Club Guest
John is the skipper of the Albertina which is moored in Mariehamn. Nearby is luxury yacht Sea Star, where Ann-Mari boards. She begins to take an interest in John and makes sure to come aboard the Albertina to meet him.
Vi som går scenvägen
Vanja, flicka i baletten
Tage breaks up with his girlfriend Dora when he falls in love with the ballet dancer Maud.
O, What a Night!
Wholesaler Berggren's daughter Elin travels to Örebro to spend her honeymoon with her husband Efraim. They get separate rooms on the hotel and later that night she finds another woman in her husband's bed. She goes back home immediately. Elin's sister Irma is courted by the handsome Klas, but he seems to be unable to forget his last fiancée. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Odygdens belöning
Bicycle factory director Wallensjö regularly fires his bookkeeper Gunnar, who has taken a liking to Wallensjös daughter Maj, and uses a baby left on hos brother's doorstep to trick Wallensjö into believing they've become parents.
Simon i Backabo
Lisa, Mademoiselle Claires biträde
Simon lives a quiet life on his farm until one day he discovers he is the heir of a great fortune.