Steve Lorrigan

Steve Lorrigan


Steve Lorrigan


Tiger está vivo
Adam Kerry
Tiger es un espía del RAW, el departamento de investigación y análisis del gobierno de la India, que durante una complicada misión en Dublín se enamora de Zoya, una estudiante de danza que resulta ser una espía del ISI paquistaní. Ambos deciden luchar por su amor, engañando a sus respectivas agencias de inteligencia para fugarse juntos, corriendo el peligro de que sus perseguidores puedan atraparlos.
David Hunt
It has been a year since William's brother David went missing. The worst year of his life, one that has left him a broken man. The day Chloe moves into his bleak apartment block, it seems there is a chance for some happiness in his life, she makes him feel different, alive. When William suddenly starts receiving mysterious messages relating to his missing brother, his fragile world is turned upside down. William must try and follow these strange clues regarding his brother to find out who is responsible for his disappearance. With Chloe at his side he embarks on a dangerous journey to discover the truth.