Stephen C Walsh


Be Good or Be Gone
Director of Photography
Set over the course of four days in modernday Dublin, this Irish dramedy revolves around two petty-criminal cousins released from Mountjoy Prison. Weed is keen to pursue fashion, if only he can break his substance addiction. Ste wants to build a better life for himself, his girlfriend and their daughter. But that’s before they get drawn into a robbery that goes spectacularly wrong in Cathal Nally’s energetic feature debut.
Follow the Dead
Director of Photography
The remote town of Ferbane struggles to react when no one seems able to communicate with Dublin City anymore, and videos that have surfaced online suggest that the capital has succumb to an undead threat, and danger may be on its way!
An unhappily married woman finds escape in the form of an affair with an equally desperate younger man.
En el corazón del mar
En el invierno de 1820, el ballenero de Nueva Inglaterra Essex fue agredido por algo a lo que nadie podía dar crédito: una ballena de tamaño y voluntad descomunal, con un sentido de la venganza casi humano. Este hecho real que supuso un desastre marítimo fue la inspiración para Moby-Dick de Melville. Pero la novela solo contó la mitad de la historia. “En el corazón del mar” revela las horribles consecuencias del encuentro, cuando los supervivientes de la tripulación fueron forzados hasta el límite y se vieron obligados a hacer lo impensable para mantenerse vivos. Enfrentándose a las tormentas, el hambre, el pánico, y la desesperación, los hombres llegan a dudar hasta de sus creencias más profundas, desde el valor de sus vidas a la moralidad de su oficio, mientras el capitán intenta orientarse en el mar abierto y su primer oficial sigue empeñado en conquistar a la gran ballena.
North Circular Road
A married couple move into a new house in Dublin. Wife Janice is a weather forecaster and is tricked into working from home by her boss Joe, with whom she has had an affair. Feeling guilty about this affair, she goes to visit spiritual healer Mary and tries to follow her advice. She soon becomes distracted by a bigger issue - she begins to see ghosts in the house. They soon reveal a shocking tale of an unhappy marriage and a possible murder. Janice researches the house's past and finds the visions may have an historical basis. As she uncovers the truth, she is forced to come to terms with the secrets of her own past.