Recording the everyday was always a way of relating to the world. One night the rape occurred and everything changed, although the recording continued. By revisiting these images a dialogue between light and darkness emerges, while strangeness remains before the world.
Recording the everyday was always a way of relating to the world. One night the rape occurred and everything changed, although the recording continued. By revisiting these images a dialogue between light and darkness emerges, while strangeness remains before the world.
Marco, un joven cínico y ambicioso abogado, vive en Bari con su compañera Martina y su hijo de 8 años Mateo. Martina, latinoamericana, se mudó a Italia después de reunirse con Marco. Cuando el vínculo entre ambos se rompe, Martina querrá volver a su país con Mateo, pero Marco se opondrá ya que no quiere perder el profundo lazo que le une a su hijo. Martina decidirá de este modo emprender una huida con Mateo sin dejar pista alguna. Entonces, el tiempo empezará a fluir de modo más y más lento para Marco, quien no sabe nada de su hijo, y conducido por la angustia y la confusión decidirá ir a buscarle.
Iselsa and Cathy decided to be part of a project designed by leaders of social architecture, who will give them their own home and integrate them into a middle class neighborhood. The camera observes for 7 years: the lack of resources, a neighborhood that rejects them, problems in construction and the disaster caused by the rains. The most difficult thing will be to overcome the division of the community.